Chapter 29 Shawnee

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"Bitch! I can't believe you!" Kim said as she pumped away on the elliptical next to mine.

Usually we met up at the gym a few times a week, but with Rome's return and Kim busy with a new man in her life, we hadn't seen each other in a while. I'd just got done giving her the news that me and Rome were back together.

"Really Kim, I can't believe it either." It was true. I swore to myself I wasn't going down this road again, yet here I was. "Three years locked away and me not speaking to him really did something to Rome, though. I believe him when he says he's a different person because he really is, all the way around."

Jail had made quite a few changes in Rome and no I wasn't just talking about the insane body he had now. He was more humble, more attentive and considerate. Now, I know things are still fresh in our rekindled relationship, but something told me that those changes were here for the long haul. He'd grown up and was nothing like the 23 year old grown little boy he was when he'd left.

"Yeah until he has your ass back on my line crying your eyes out again! Damn Shawnee! I thought we'd rehearsed for this! I knew I shouldn't have gone on vacation with Maurice and left you unattended! Don't even call me when that nigga has you out here looking crazy again!"

"Girl go on somewhere, you'd better answer if I do!"

I don't know which was worse, telling Kim or my mother. Neither one of them was a fan of Rome, though I think my mom and Rome would be cool if she hadn't witnessed me go through so much heartache at his hands. As for him Kim, her and Rome never got along for some reason.

"The hell I will! Whatever happened to Derrick? Now, that's the type of man you should be allowing to take up your time."

What happened with me and Derick was something I still hadn't told Kim about and after I had, she was too through!

"That is some crazy shit! You should have let Derrick press charges on his ass!"

"And let my baby daddy go back to jail! Girl! You have me all the way fucked up! Even if me and Rome aren't together, I still need him around for JJ."

"True! I just can't believe you though! Derrick was a good man and it took less than three months for Rome to work his way back in. I thought you would have at least held off for longer."

"For real girl, me too, but these last few weeks have been the best of my life." They really had been. I felt more in love with Rome than ever before and JJ was beyond happy to have his father back in his life full time.

The only thing that was left to do was to tell Rome about the baby. No, I still hadn't told him because we were both wrapped up in a sort of honeymoon like phase, and call me selfish, but I didn't want the focus to shift over to anything else until absolutely necessary. There was no morning sickness or anything like how I'd had with JJ so it wasn't obvious yet. The only thing was, my ass was spreading like crazy and I was starting to develop a little pouch already. I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep it from him for much longer, so I wasI planing on revealing the pregnancy in a cute way to him once I brainstormed some ideas.

Me and Kim moved on to the circuit training system and I wasn't sure if it was because I hadn't worked out in a while or what, but I was super winded and as I started on the leg press, I began to feel light headed. Kim was still talking shit, but I couldn't hardly concentrate on anything she was saying.

"Shawnee. Shawnee! I'm done talking mess, so you can tune back in, heifer." At this point, I was sweating like crazy even through I hadn't even completed a full set.

"Girl, are you okay?" I must have looked as bad as I was suddenly feeling.

"I'm good," I managed to say. "I think I just need some fresh air." Getting up from the machine, I attempted to use my legs but they were shaking so bad, they were useless. Sweat continued to roll down my face as the room danced around me.

"Shawnee!" Kim's scream was the last thing I heard before I hit the floor and blacked out.

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