Chapter 23 Rome

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Blowing out a breath, I got out the car and walked up to Sha's front door. To say I felt like shit, didn't even cover it. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking bringing Camila's messy ass with me to get JJ. We'd been so deep in our weekend of fucking that I'd completely lost track of time. Before I knew it, it was past time to pick up JJ. The car service was taking forever so, I'd figured I'd drop Camila off after scooping JJ since I always seemed to be late picking him up, and I didn't feel like hearing Ma bitch, but that was exactly what had ended up happening anyway.

But Ma was right. What the fuck had I been thinking? Seeing Sha crying like that fucked me up. She may have said we was through but we both knew there was no shutting off how we felt about each other. I'd hurt her.

Not bothering to knock and have to fight for permission to come in, I used my key and let myself in. JJ was in the living room watching tv and jumped up when he saw me come through the door.


"What's good?" Stooping down I gave him hug then straightened back up and dapped him up. Before I could ask him where his mother was, Sha came ripping down the stairs looking like she was ready to kill. It didn't matter though. Pissed, happy, or somewhere in between, seeing Sha always made my heart smile and my dick hard.

"Jerome Malik! I know you didn't open my front door without permission!" JJ had a horrified look on his face as he vehemently shook his head no.

"He didn't open the door," I co-signed. "JJ, why don't you do daddy and mommy a favor and go to your room for a minute so daddy can talk to mommy, aight?"

Happy that I took the heat off of him, JJ took off for his room without question. Sha had that whole death stare thing going and aimed in my direction, but she didn't say anything until we heard JJ's bedroom door gently close.

"How the hell do you keep getting in here?" She held up a hand to silence anything I was thinking about saying. "You know what? Never mind. I don't even care, but I do know whatever key you have or lock you pick, it all stops right fuckin now! You can't just come up in here whenever you feel like it. I don't do pop up visits unannounced where ever you stay and I expect that you start doing the same shit for me!"

"Aye, I get that you're mad and all that, but you need take some of that base up out your fuckin voice. You know what type of nigga you laid with. I don't give a fuck how shit is between us. There will never be a time when I don't have access to you and my son." Sha looked like she wanted to say some slick shit but smartly decided against it.

"We're both grown, so let's sit down, talk, and act like it."

Folding her arms, Sha stomped over to the couch like a lil ass kid. My eyes couldn't help but zero in on her round swaying hips that seemed to have gotten wider since the last time I'd seen her.

"Talk!" she said with attitude after I took a seat next to her. Her puffy, red eyes looked straight ahead rather than at me but I went ahead with what I needed to say anyway.

"I want to apologize for you running into that shit like that. I was late picking up Jay and I made a bad call bringing Camila with me." Shawnee rolled her eyes. "Na, I sincerely apologize, ma. You were right; shit shouldn't have went like that. I was going to drop her off after I got Jay. I promise you she wasn't about to stick around with us or nothing like that."

"JJ shouldn't be interacting in any way with your random hoes or girlfriends without me meeting them first. Period. Out of respect for you and what was best for JJ, I never took him around Derick. I expect you to do the same with your new bitch."

"She's not my bitch but...understood."

"Great. I'm glad we got this all straightened out. As long as you don't have any other females popping up out the woodworks, then you can take JJ with you." She popped up from the couch, but I pulled her back down and onto my lap.

"I wasn't done."

"Rome!" Sha was wiggling around trying to get up but I had a firm grip. "Please don't start this."

"Start what?" Man, I tried but I couldn't control myself around Sha.

"This! Let me up, Rome. We agreed this wasn't what was best for us."

"Nah, we didn't. That's what you said was best for us and I let you have it because I know I fucked shit up with you," I corrected.

Sha had given up fighting, realizing she wasn't going anywhere and I couldn't help but stick my nose in the crook of her neck. She must have just gotten out of the shower because she smelled like vanilla, minus the usual faint fragrance of Chanel perfume. My hands could never stay to themselves when she was around and I found them going to her bare thighs that her lounge shorts had showing. Fuck, her skin was soft as shit too.

"Ugh ugh! Let me up!" Sha said when she felt my dick poke her ass, and resumed her wriggling. "I'm not playing these games with you. There is no more us and damn sure no more fucking either, so let me go. Besides, you have a woman for all that."

"My woman is sitting right here trying to run from me like always." All that shifting around she was doing was only making my dick harder with the way her ass rub on my shit. 

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