Chapter 6: Rome

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After being setup and finishing tying JJ's shoes, Shawnee had finally brought her ass up out the bathroom. Her eyes were a little red but she still looked good as fuck.

"Why don't we take your car?" I suggested to Shawnee once she'd finally came out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with you taking yours and me taking mine?" Her head was turned away from me as she spoke and she pushed the sunglasses that she had placed on her face up on her nose.

I needed my car to stay right where it was. I had every intention of being back here after my meeting. I planned on catching a ride with Ky because I already knew mom's early three o'clock dinner would run well into my meeting time and I still had every intention of addressing my team.

"My shit was sounding a little funny so I'm having one of my guys come look at it."

I already knew Shawnee was rolling her eyes up under those shades and that she knew I was lying like a mothafucka but I didn't give a fuck. Like I told her the night I'd popped her cherry. Her and that good ass pussy of her's belonged to me always and forever. No other nigga would ever have her or sample that.

"I'm sure." She got up from where she was sitting at the kitchen island and adjusted the big ass purse she had on her shoulder. "Let's go. You can drive."

She tossed the keys at me on the way to the garage. We all went out and JJ flipped the second the garage door went up.

"Dad! Is that your car?!"

"Yep. It's the"-

"Lamborghini Aventador."

JJ finished the sentence for me. He loved cars and knew the names of more models than me. Moms said he liked going down to the dealership and seeing the new models that came in.

"Smart lil nigga."

JJ ran up to the car so I hit the button for the suicide doors to roll up and he let out a shriek.

"Dang daddy! This is cold!" I laughed at his lil ass voice trying out some slang.

"You like it?" I walked up to the car and he hopped behind the wheel. Even though the car was low to the ground his short ass legs still couldn't reach the floor.

"Hell yeah!"He turned the wheel from side to side as his eyes looked all around at the custom interior.

"Jerome Malik Johnson JR! I know I didn't just hear you cuss!"

Sha looked like she was ready to smack fire from his lil ass.

JJ's eyes bugged out of their sockets and he looked at Sha like he just realized she was there. He had that whole Macaulay Culkin 'Home Alone' face going on and I had to laugh.

"It ain't funny, Rome! You've been back home for all of twenty minutes and he's cussing now?!" Her face was all fouled up and I knew her eyes were narrow as hell. She turned her attention to JJ. "And you! Have you lost your little mind? Don't let me ever hear you use language like that again! Do you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." JJ got all teary eyed and I didn't like that shit.

"Man up, lil nigga. You gotta watcho mouth. Especially in front of the ladies, like ya mama here." JJ nodded his head and a few tears slid down his cheeks. "Wipe ya face."

JJ swiped at his cheeks and I heard Shawnee suck her teeth behind me.

"Rome. I'm gonna ask you nicely only once. Stop saying nigga in front of our son. The last thing I want is for him going around saying that next. Especially around here." She gestured toward the high class neighborhood I had her in.

I wanted to say some slick ass shit like usual and tell her my lil nigga was a nigga, but I knew that would start some shit with her intellectual ass. Sha was smart as shit. Both in the street sense and book wise and we both have always had opposing views on the use of that word. The last thing I wanted to do is start some shit with her.

"Aight, Sha. You got it. Ima work on it."

"Is that for me, dad?" JJ noticed the presents wrapped and chilling on the passenger's seat.

"You already know."

He tore the wrapping paper to shreds then got hype all over again when he saw the same model and color Lamborghini giant sized, toy car along with an electric version and remote control.

"This is so cool! Aw man! Thanks, dad!"

"That's for doing good in school. I heard your already tryin to read and shi- and all that." I looked over at Sha and I smirked as her head cocked to the side and her lips pressed together.

"Can I take this with me to Nana's house? Please?!"

"Yeah. Grab it and lets hop in mommy's car."

JJ jumped out of my car and pulled on the backseat door handle of Shawnee's white Escalade.

"JJ, go ahead and sit up front with your dad." Shawnee went and took his spot in the back.

JJ got all giddy. I'm guessing he usually doesn't get to ride in the front seat. I hopped in behind the wheel and JJ climbed in the front with me while Shawnee slid in the back. She was running from me big time. It was wasted effort because now that I was home, there was absolutely no place for her to hide.

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