Chapter 19 Rome

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It had been a few days since all that shit with Sha and a nigga ain't even gonna front, I was fucked up. I never thought the day would come that Sha, fa real, wouldn't fuck with me. A part of me didn't want to accept that shit, but seeing how bad she was still hurting from all that I've put her through, I had to do it. Shawnee deserved nothing but happiness in her life and if it meant taking myself out of the equation, then so be it. It took everything in me but I hadn't called her, dropped by or nothing.

"Aye! Shiittt, papi!" Shoving, Camila's head down into my comforter, I pounded into her mercilessly.

The only thing for a broken hearted nigga to do is drown himself in alcohol and pussy and I'd been doing a good amount of both.

"You like that shit?" I growled in her ear. Her pussy was wet as fuck and had a mean ass grip on my shit.

"Yeessss! Fuck me harder, Rome!" When I gave her what she wanted she let out more obscenities and said some shit in Spanish that I couldn't understand.

Camila tensed up a little and I knew she was about to let another one off. Spreading her cheeks, I gave her every inch I had. Camila's juices ran down her thighs when her nut hit. She tightened around me even more in the process and that was all she wrote. Pulling out, I ripped off the condom and let my seed fall on her ass.

"Fuck!" Before I could even fall back on the bed, Camila had my dick in her mouth, making sure it didn't go down.

"Damn, girl!" She was trying to drain a nigga but I wasn't about to complain.

We ended up fucking a couple more times before I hit the shower. She was knocked on the bed when I walked in the bathroom but I hoped her ass wasn't too comfortable because time was just about up for her. The two of us had been locked away at my condo fuckin and sleeping for the past 24 hours. The pussy was good, my balls weren't heavy no more, and now it was time to handle the business I'd been neglecting. So, it was about that time for her to raise up.

After stepping out the shower, I put on in a pair of jeans with a fresh white tee and some white Airforces. Camila was still in a deep sleep, so I gently shook her awake.

"It's about that time, ma. I got some moves I need to make, so you gonna have to shake."

Camila stretched then eased out of my bed.

"You don't want me to stay and wait for you?" She stepped to me and linked her arms around my neck. "I could go for a whole other night of this."

Her lower half pressed against mine as her lips nipped at the side of my neck. My dick had no other option but to get hard again.

"Shit, you and me both, ma." I wouldn't mind digging her out for another night but I never allowed random bitches to stay in my house unattended.

"I got a lotta shit I been neglecting fucking around with your sexy ass and I probably won't be back this way until tomorrow, ma."

Camila was disappointed but perked right back up when I peeled off a few bills from my knot and called the car service I used to give her a ride. After letting her suck one more out of me, she ducked inside the black sedan that was waiting for her out front, and I headed for Ky's. We hadn't been fucking with each other and I figured we needed to come together and try to get back on the same page if we was going to continue to do business.

"What up," Ky said when he opened the door. He looked surprised to see me. I hadn't told him I was coming through, but that was on purpose. This nigga had been on some other shit lately so I figured popping up would be in my best interest.

"Ain't shit."

Stepping inside, I took a seat on the couch. Right off, I started rolling a blunt because shit had never felt more awkward with this nigga. Ky must have been feeling it too, because he went and popped the cork on the Remy bottle he had on the mini bar in the corner. He was moving around a little slow but other than that he looked like he was straight and his face had healed up mostly.

"I met up with Draco." As soon as I sparked the blunt and we'd broken the bottle in, I let him know about the trip I'd made the other day to smooth things out with Draco.

"Damn. Where was I at for this shit?" Shrugging my shoulders, I passed Ky the blunt.

"I thought it would be better if I did that solo." By the look on Ky's face, I knew he felt a certain type of way. It was kind of like I went behind him to give Draco the final say so, and that was exactly what it was.

This shit was something like a family business that was dumped off onto my lap. My pops started it and I was the one to put it on the map. This shit was all me and Ky had just been riding in the passenger. I'd been a good nigga and tried to do the whole partnership shit with him but he'd decided to shit on me instead and go the bitch ass route. So, I was through with that.

"Everything still everything with Milano?" Ky took a few swigs from the neck then passed me the bottle and the blunt.

"Yeah. I'm not even gonna front. His shit moves and I'm liking how it's going already so he's good.

What I'm trying to figure out though my nigga, is what's up with the fuck shit? I mean, I left everything to you because I saw nothing but loyalty in you or maybe it was because we been boys for a long time but shit going left like this didn't even go through my head. But that shit happened.

I'm saying though, my G, you got me looking at you sideways as fuck."

Real was the only way I knew how to be and I wanted Ky to know what that this shit was still fucking with me. Grabbing the bottle, Ky took a swig before he spoke.

"Yeah I know it." He blew his breath and ran a hand over the top of his head. "I should have went about that shit different, but I saw all that money dangling in front of me. So, I did me. That shit was foul on my part, my nigga. I don't got no problems admitting that. But shit nigga, we eating."

He was right. We were seeing good money from this. That was the only reason I was going with this shit, but had Ky been any other nigga, it would have gotten a whole lot more serious than throwing hands. He knew that shit too.

After we got that out the way, the awkwardness somewhat left the room and we rolled a few more and caught up. You know I had to bring up Ky stuffing his face all in that coke at Milano's. He said he only fucked with that shit whenever the two of them got up, but something told me that wasn't the case. I let him know right off not to let that shit ever become a problem. We had to be on our shit. There wasn't much info on the niggas who shot up the warehouse. Shit had been quiet but something was telling me that shit wouldn't last long. 

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