Chapter 9 Rome

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"Yeah I'll be that bitch ass nigga who did what the fuck you couldn't. The numbers don't lie my nigga. We're doing better than we ever have and Malano is the reason why. My fuckin decision is the reason why!"

What the fuck was I fucking hearing? Who was this nigga? Maybe the hate has always been there or maybe Tone's words and Ky finally showing me his hand had unclouded my vision, but it was all on Ky's face. Without warning I cocked back and knocked that nigga on his ass.

Yeah, I sucker punched that nigga just like how he did me with this shit. Ky scurried up off the floor then squared up and I was ready for him. This wasn't the first time we'd caught the fade but it was the first time it was over some fuck shit like this. I made moves you just don't take when you fighting with family. My punches were lethal and mostly face shots. There's a way you do niggas in the street and a way you do your family when y'all disagree. I forgot that I even fucking knew this nigga as I whopped his ass up.

Ky was good with his hands but so I was I, and right now, I had a hell of a lot more weight on him and whole lot of shit I needed to get off my chest. What fucking better way? He was back on the ground again in no time. His light skin ass was already turning red and blue and I swear I'd zone the fuck out. I didn't stop reigning blows until I felt hands pulling me away.

"What the fuck! Chill out!" Duke hollered as he and T struggled to get me off of Ky.

Once Ky got up he was ready to go again and lunged, so I tried to break away but I was restrained again and so was Ky. There was a small cut above his eye and his lip was bleeding.

"I'm good! Get up off me!" They let me go as I snatched away from them.

"Whatever the fuck has been going on up in here is fucking finished until I meet Malano and speak to Draco! Everything is done! You hear me?

"Anybody else up in this motha fucka forgot who runs this shit?" My loud voice boomed throughout the warehouse and I looked at every nigga in the room before my eyes rested back on Ky's disloyal ass.

Nobody said anything and I turned to walk toward the exit. I needed to get the fuck up out of here before I really lost my shit and went a way that there was no coming back from. Ky was my nigga....or so I thought. He needed to be watched just like Tone had said. Any other nigga in here, I would have expected this shit, or something like it, but not from Ky.

Boom. Boom.

The second I pushed the door open, a bullet ripped through my arm.

"Fuck!" Ducking down, I managed to make it to the side of Ky's Denali, but bullets were flying from every direction.

Coming here straight from moms I hadn't strapped up and I was feeling dumb as fuck for being out here weaponless.

"Rome!" Ky's voice was the first I heard as everybody ran up out of the warehouse, firing back.

Bullets flew from both ends but the niggas I surrounded myself with were good at what they did. Ky shot his way down to me and slid me .22. It was on now. Still using the car as a shield, I rose up and let off a few shots. The gunfire went back and forth until I let off a dome shot to the last nigga standing.

"What the fuck is going on? Is everybody good?" Duke called out as he came over to us.

"Yeah its all good." I looked down at my bloody jacket and shrugged it off then removed my dress shirt and inspected my arm. "It's just a flesh wound."

"Who are these niggas?" Tyrese asked as we walked up on one of the bodies.

Kicking it over with my feet, I couldn't say I recognized the face and nobody else seemed to be able to either.

"Go through their shit and see what you can find. I need to know who the fuck these niggas are!" I instructed.

I'd been out for less than 24 hours and already I'd found out my nigga was on some fuck shit and an attempt had been made on my life. What the fuck?

"Oh shit Ky! You're bleeding!" Duke pointed at Ky's side that had a huge blood stain soaking up his shirt.

"Oh damn." Ky's wide eyes looked down at his bloody shirt.

"Shit," I cursed. His shirt was filling up quick and I knew he needed to get some medical attention.

"Give me the keys nigga. Let's go." I held my hand out for Ky to toss me the keys. It took him a minute to register what I was saying but he snapped into action and threw them to me.

I got behind the wheel of Ky's car praying bullets hadn't fucked it up beyond starting. It started up and I put it in reverse then zoomed out of there.

"Hang on Ky." I may be pissed at this nigga but I wasn't going to let him die.

Lifting up, I dug my phone out of my back pocket and made a call to somebody I knew could help. We didn't need the police involved in our shit, so there was no way I was taking Ky to the hospital.

"Yo Tone it's me!" I said the second he answered. "The warehouse got shot up and Ky got hit! Is Niecy home!"

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