Chapter 7 Rome

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You would think mom's spot was the club with how many people there were standing outside when we pulled up. Cousins, aunties, and niggas I grew up with all made an appearance. So much for that small family dinner. Moms was the first one on me the second I got out the whip. Like Sha, she had a never ending stream of tears going down her face. Sha greeted moms and my sister Jarren, then slipped off into the house while I was swarmed with hugs and hand shakes.

"What's good with you, Niecy?" I gave Tone's oldest daughter a quick hug. Tone had brought the entire fam with him.

It had been longer than my three year incarceration since I'd seen Charlene and the girls, and man, the girls weren't no girls no more. Patrice may only be a freshman in high school but she was taller than Niecy and damn near as tall as me. Niecy had just graduated from college and had grown the hell up too.

"Nothing much. Just looking into some nursing programs out here now that I'm home. It's good to see you though. Glad you're back." Niecy had gone out of state for college and was going for her nursing license now.

"That's what's up. I heard you was doing big shit down at Duke." Niecy has always been smart as hell and Tone kept me updated on her and all of her accomplishments.

"Graduated cum laude. Hope I do as well in the nursing program."

"What up with it?" Kyron came out of nowhere with his attention focused on Niecy. He dapped me up without taking his eyes off her.

"Ain't shit," I looked between Ky and Niecy who were basically eye fucking each other. "Well shit, Ky, this is Tone's daughter Niecy. Niecy, this my boy Kyron."

"Nice to meet you, Kyron." Niecy stuck her hand out and Kyron shook it but didn't let go.

"Good as hell to meet you too, beautiful." Niecy had the biggest smile on her face and so did Ky. Both of them was over here looking retarded as fuck.

"Kyron!" A high pitched voice squeaked.

Nautica stormed up on us looking pissed as hell. She looked Niecy up and down before turning her fouled up face to Kyron. "Babe. I got to use the bathroom. Come inside with me."

"Ask Ms. Lynnette where it's at." Ms. Lynette is my moms. All my niggas called her that because she was old school and wasn't with that first name basis shit with people her kid's age.

"I ain't never been to these people's house and I don't know her like that. Come with me, Kyron." She talked through her teeth and with her eyes narrowed.

Ky looked annoyed as fuck but walked off with her anyway, mumbling some shit under his breath. Nautica loudly checked the shit out of him as they walked up to the house.

"That was crazy." Niecy raised a brow and watched them.

"You don't even know the half of it." Nautica was a trip and to be real, I've never liked her for Ky. She was a ghetto, money hungry bitch who didn't care about shit but herself.

Moms called everybody in to eat and after she lead a short prayer we killed the food. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, greens, yams; all of my favorites was on the menu and moms made sure I had a big ass plate full of it all.

Sha kept her distance the entire time. Usually she was right up in the thick of things with me but she hung back today. I made sure to keep an eye on her though and when she slipped down the hall and into the bathroom, I went after her. The doors in the house were the ones where you could use a coin to open it from the outside. Sha locked the door behind her but I fished a nickel out of my pocket and let myself in.

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