Chapter 26 Nautica

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Fuck! I couldn't even enjoy the bliss of having an afternoon full of more orgams that I could count without bull shit creeping back up on me. The whole purpose of going over to Ty's was to get my head right with all the stress and lack of dick Ky was giving me these days, but once again, Ky had me all the way fucked up.

"Girl! You see that shit!" I had my girl Lia on speaker phone and the shit she'd dropped in my lap had me hotter than hot.

Right there on The Book was my man, the 'I don't do social media' looking ass nigga, standing next to that dark bitch, Niecy, from Rome's welcome home dinner. They were both holding up their paintings and I swear if I wasn't on the phone with Lia's mouthy ass, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs right now.

What the fuck was the deal with this bitch? Ever since Ky had come home drunk covered in hickies and uttering that bitch's name, I'd been on high alert. I'd tried to go through Ky's phone to see what I was working with but he always kept it on him and you either needed his fingerprint or his passcode to get in it and I hadn't had either. So, I did what any smart bitch would do; I pulled the phone records on his ass.

Now, I couldn't see what the text messages said that were exchanged, but I knew he texted her over 300 times in the past month and the two of them stayed on the phone. All them nights Ky had sworn up and down the reason why he was hardly ever home these days was because he was out taking care of business with Rome, yet he'd made time to cupcake with this bitch!

"Yeah I see it. I think that's his cousin though, girl." Lia had the biggest mouth on anybody I'd ever met. Even bigger than mine if you can believe it. Plus, she was messy as hell. The only reason why I fucked with her was because she could fuck up some hair.

"Oh! Okay, girl! You know I just had to let you know! I'm always looking out because you know these niggas ain't shit these days! Did you hear how Tyreek did Lanasia?"

I let Lia run her mouth for another fifteen minutes, telling me everybody's business that we knew but I wasn't listening, I was too busy scrolling through Facebook trying to find this bitch. After confirming my hair appointment for next week, I was finally able to get Lia off the phone.

Best believe I would still be making an appearance at the salon like I did every week. There was no way I was about to let Lia or any of these other nosy and thirsty bitches know shit wasn't anything but business as usual.

On the real, I didn't know whether to be mad or cry. Ky fucking bitches was nothing new and in a way, I was good with it. For the most part, those hoes stayed in their lane, but this Niecy bitch was proving to be something else. She was doing shit I couldn't even pull off with Ky.

My nerves were fucked up, so I rolled me up a fat blunt, sprinkling a pinch of nose candy over the green then poured me up a glass of Cognac and settled back down on the couch. This bitch was really trying to come for my spot. Now, I've had to deal with brave bitches in the past trying to do the same, but none of them ever made it this far. Allowing pictures to be uploaded on social media told me two things. One, Ky just didn't give a fuck anymore, and two, this bitch had to mean something to him. That was a situation I hadn't ever encountered before. I could suck the thoughts of irrelevant bitches right out of Ky along with his nut, but this catching feelings business was brand new for me. It was all good though.

"Laneice Dixon," I read aloud when I finally found her profile. Lucky for me it wasn't set to private, so I was free to snoop.

What Ms. Dixon didn't know was that I'd do anything, and I mean anything, to keep my spot in Ky's life. I heard a set of keys jingling on the other side of the door. Ky stepped through and all the work my little blunt mixture and the Hennessy had put in went to shit the second my eyes focused on him.

"So you wanna explain something to me, Ky?" Before he could step all the way in the house, I was off the couch and in his face.

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