Chapter 18 Nautica

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Ky had me all the way fucked up. It had been three days since I got so much as a text from him and I didn't believe for not one second that Rome didn't know anything about his whereabouts. If I find out he's been laid up with some bitch these last few days while I've been at home worrying about his ass, I was fucking that hoe up first and his light bright ass second.

"Mhmmm fuuckkkk! Lick my shit just like that nigga!" Tyrell knew what the fuck he was doing when it came to eating pussy.

It had been a few weeks since I let him get a taste and he was going at it like my coochie was a whole meal and he hadn't eaten a damn thing since the last time I'd seen him.

Ty wasn't the finest nigga, but I had met him before I'd locked down Ky. On the shorter side, he couldn't be an inch over 5'7 and had a little bit of a beer belly. His rich chocolate skin was littered with tattoos and he had a nice smile though. The brotha definitely wasn't the cuffing type seeing how he worked for Ky and his money wasn't as long as I needed it to be, but it had been enough to get me by before I'd locked Ky down.

"Shiiittt Ty! You about to make cum again, nigga!" Lacing my fingers through his loose, wavy hair that was normally braided, I pushed his head all up in my shit as I exploded in his mouth for the third time.

Ty came up for air, wiping at his face. He stroked his shmedium sized dick as his lust filled, hooded eyes looked into mine. His dick may not be much but he knew a thing or two and moved that half a ruler of his around in my shit just right. Slowly he eased himself inside of me.

"Ooohhh fuucckk!" he groaned. "You wet as shit!"

"And it's all for you, daddy. Now fuck it up!" I spread my legs as wide as they'd go so Ty's dick could go in as deep as it possibly could. He started hitting me with that good ass stroke he got and all you could hear up in his bedroom was the sounds of my wet pussy and our sporadic moans.

"Mhmmm...put the condom on now, Ty." Yeah, I might let Ty get a feel for a few minutes but I damn sure wasn't trying to get pregnant by him.

That was what I was trying to do with Ky. He thinks I'm on the pill but I'd thrown those bitches out almost three months ago. I thought I'd be pregnant by now but this shit was taking longer than I thought.

"Fuck that shit felt good as shit." Ty lowered his head and kissed me sloppily before he raised up and retrieved a condom from the pack on the dresser and slid it on.

It was on from there. The two of us used up half the 12 pack he'd bought and by the time I left out of Ty's place it was almost two in the morning and I couldn't walk straight. This shit was well needed after all that time with no dick.

When I made it to the house, I was pissed that there still was no sign of Ky having been home. Deciding to place another call to his cell, I fished my Galaxy out of my Michael Korrs purse and clicked on 'My Baby' under my contacts. The phone actually rang this time versus going straight to voicemail like every other call I'd placed before this. Of course, he never picked up and the generic voicemail cut on. Irritated as fuck, I got ready to hop in the shower, but not before I sent Ky a text.

Me: Ky! I know you got this message cuz your phone is turned back on. You need to get your ass back to this fuckin house before I fuck off everything up in here! Tell that bitch you laid up with I'm coming for her ass too! Right after I fuck you up!

After washing Ty off me, I applied cocoa butter to my skin, brushed my teeth, and rolled me up a fat blunt to calm me down some. Just as I'd clipped the roach, I heard the front door open then shut. My ass couldn't get off the bed fast enough.

"What the fuck Ky?! Where the fuck you been?" Ky was stumbling around trying to get to the kitchen and I could smell the liquor on him from all the way across the room.

Following him to the refrigerator, I watched as he plucked a water bottle from the shelf and chugged the whole thing down in less than ten seconds.

"Shit," he panted as he removed another one and sipped it. No doubt that nigga was going to be up the rest of the night throwing up that and whatever else he had in his stomach.

"So you wanna run the story of where the fuck you been at by me?" I walked up on him and my level of outrage went up a few notches.

This nigga had the nerve to stroll up in here with hickeys on his neck? On everything, he had me fucked all the way up.

"Man, Nautica. I'm not tryin to hear your mouth right now," he slurred. "I've been through so much shit. You don't even know."

"You damn right I don't! Because you couldn't find the time to pick up the damn phone and call me but you seem to have all the time in the world to fuck with these hoes! Must have been some good pussy you was laid up in with all that shit she left behind on damn your fuckin neck!"

My index finger pointed to his neck and Ky wrinkled his eyebrows as he touched the side of it like he was in front of the mirror and could see what the fuck I was talking about.

"Fuck man, you always trippin." Ky waved me off after realizing he couldn't see with his hands, then attempted to walk out of the kitchen but ended up crashing into the dining set instead.

"Aww shit!" Ky groaned then fell to the floor in pain.

"Nigga, get the fuck up! Don't start faking some shit to move away from what the fuck we talkin about!"

"Ain't nobody pretending to be fucked up, I got shot, babe." Ky lifted up his shirt, showing me his bloody bandaged stomach. I wasn't no doctor but his shit was looking all fucked up and like the bandage should have been changed hours ago.

"Oh shit, Ky!" With a quickness, I was at his side and helped him get up and to the bedroom.

Ky may do his shit on the side and damn right I did mine, but he was still my man. I couldn't believe somebody was wild enough to come for him. After cleaning up Ky the best I could with what we had, he got in the bed.

"So who shot you, Ky? You handle that shit yet?"

A war was something Ky nor Rome had ever encountered before. They were them niggas out here and people knew not to fuck with them. The only response I got was snoring which pissed me off.

"Ky! Ky, wake up!" I shook the hell out of him but all he did was turn over and mumble.

"I'm sleep," he grumbled. "We'll talk in the morning, Niecy."

Oh hell the fuck no! I know this nigga didn't just call me by that square bitches name from Rome's welcome home party! Was that where he's been at these last few days? Laid up with her? The way he so easily disrespected me at Rome's mama's house with that bitch had me hot as hell and ready to fuck that her ass up. I'd watch him like a hawk the entire time we were there as he'd basically gawked at that simple bitch. Once we'd pulled off, I'd thought that would be the end of her, but apparently I was wrong. It looked like I might have to take care of that bitch before she became a real problem. 

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