Chapter 21 Shawnee

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Pulling into Mama Lynette's driveway, I shut off my car and made my way inside with JJ bouncing ahead of me. This was the meeting point to drop off and pick up JJ, although me and Rome never ran into each other here. I hadn't seen him since the day he beat Derick's face in at the library. He'd made zero attempts at contacting me and I have to admit, I was hurt. I know I told him to let me go, but I guess I wasn't expecting him to really do it.

Not that I hadn't meant what I said, because I had. It was best for me and Rome to move forward in our lives apart. After everything we've been through, I don't think I could ever trust him again and if I couldn't do that, the relationship would never work. Women would always flock to Rome. In his position, they just would and there was so much more to life than worrying about where your man's dick was throughout the day.

"Hey nana!" JJ cheesed once we made it inside.

"Hey my big boy!" Mama Lynette put down whatever she was busy crocheting and gave JJ a hug.

"Hi, Mama Lyn." I gave her a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Hey, baby. How you doing?"

"I'm doing okay." Mama Lynette gave me one of those looks that said she didn't believe me, but I ignored it. "How have you been?"

"Blessed and highly favored." That was Mama Lynette's stock answer as long as life wasn't too rough. "JJ why don't you get some practice in on that video game system before your daddy gets here. See if you can beat him real good this time. I need to talk to your mama for a minute."

Oh lord! I was wondering when an infamous Ms. Lynette talk would come. She'd been letting me drop JJ and run up until now.

"Okay!" JJ started setting up the tv while I followed Mama Lynette into the kitchen.

"Now that young ears are no longer in the room, what's the real? How you really doing, Shawnee?"

"I'm getting by." I took a seat at the kitchen table while Ms. Lynette went to stir a pot on the stove that smelled amazing.

"You miss him?" It was said as more of a statement than a question.

"I do, but I've made up my mind. I love your son, Ms. Lynette but I can't be with him."

"I understand that, baby. And I would never try to talk you out of what you decide. I just know my son and he will never be able to give you up. And as far as moving on, you might as well forget about it for the time being since Rome seems to be just like his father." Mama Lynette shook her head and came to sit next to me. Apparently Rome had told her what happened with Derick.

"What do you mean just like his father?" Mama Lyn never told me any stories about her and Robby, Rome's father, going through anything more than a small disagreement.

"Those Johnson men don't love easy, baby, and when they do, they love hard and don't know how to let go. They also can't seem to stop chasing pussy either."

"Mama Lynette!" My hand flew to my mouth and I tried not to laugh. Mama Lyn could be reckless with her words at times but she had never spoken this bluntly before in front of me.

"Well shit! It's true! Just like Rome's dine to you, Robby gave me plenty of heartache and sleepless nights."

"I had no idea." When Robby was alive he and Mama Lynette were goals. I wanted me and Rome to end up happy and still very much in love like they had been. Who would have known everything hadn't always been so sweet. "You two always seemed so happy."

"Well we were happy. Robby took me through some things but there isn't a man on this earth that can compare to him. Still to this day. He was made for me, baby. I miss the hell out of that man." Pain was etched all over her face and it made my heart constrict. There wasn't a greater love than between Mama Lynette and Robby and I knew her heart still ached every day over her loss.

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