Chapter 4: Rome

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After stopping off at my dealership to pick up the new custom whip I'd had ordered, and chopping it up with my employees that I haven't seen in a good minute, I finally made my way to Shawnee's. Can you believe a nigga was nervous? I pulled into the driveway and killed the engine to the newest model of the Lamborghini Aventador. It was canary yellow and clean as fuck. JJ was into cars so I knew he would be hype. I planned on letting him sit on my lap and take it for a spin around the block even though I knew Shawnee would probably trip. Shit, she was lucky I'd decided against the motorcycle I initially wanted.

Getting out of the car, I smoothed out my deep blue Tom Ford suit then walked up to the 4.5 million dollar house I'd brought for my family. I rang the doorbell despite me already having a key. The fuck you think this was? It's my duty whether I was incarcerated or not to look after my family. Not only did I have Ky and Tone, I also had other means of making sure my family stayed protected. The type of game that I'm playing is a grimy one and loved ones were the quickest way to get at the enemy.

My heart was breaking records in my chest with how fast it was beating. When Shawnee opened the door I swear my shit stopped and my dick instantly bricked up. Got damn she looked sexy as fuck. Her curves were out-fuckin-rageous and she damn near had her titties hanging out of the fuck me dress she was wearing. I could see that she cut off all the long hair that I loved so much but the short style looked good on her. Shawnee has always been beautiful without makeup and I preferred when she had none on, but the little she was wearing was tastefully applied and wasn't too much.


JJ jumped into my arms and I had to snatch my eyes away from Shawnee so I could get catch him.

"What's good, lil nigga?"

Shawnee sighed loudly and I knew she wanted me to watch my mouth. She'd been on me about that shit back before we'd split.

"I missed you, man. How you been?" I asked him as I squeezed him tight.

I usually see JJ twice a month for an hour but that wasn't shit and regardless of who visits you in jail, touching was limited to the first few minutes at the beginning and end of each visit. I could only hold my son for twenty minutes a month and that shit had been whack as fuck.

"I've been good!"

"You been taking care of mommy like how I told you?"

I looked up at Shawnee and she was wiping tears from her cheeks.

"Yes, sir."

Smiling, I kissed him on the forehead then put him down.

"That's what I'm talking about."

I walked up on Shawnee and she was still trying to dry her tears but it was useless. They continued to flow down her face.

"Can a nigga get a hug?"

I stepped closer into her personal space and inhaled the Chanel fragrance she's always worn.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Rome."

She backed away some but I moved forward with her then wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and reeled her into me.


The tone in her voice may have held protest but her body gave in and melted into mine. Damn. Seeing Sha and having her in my arms felt so damn good and only solidified what I already knew. I need this woman. I've never claimed to be a prefect nigga but I loved the shit out of Sha. She was my fucking heart and these last three years have been hell without her.

"I missed the fuck out of you," I told her as my lips brushed against her ear and she shuddered.


Her hands pushed against my chest but not with a lot strength. I could feel her body shake slightly so I knew she was crying for real now. Tightening my grip on her, I put my nose in her neck and inhaled more of the scent I'd been deprived of.

If my dick was any harder, that shit would explode. I couldn't help myself and planted a few wet kisses on the side of her neck. It had been three long ass years since I'd been this close to some pussy and it seemed like even longer since I'd been up in Shawnee's. I couldn't help but remember how good that shit felt. Shawnee let out the softest, most sexiest moan I'd ever heard as she broke down and slid her arms around my neck.

"Rome...we shouldn't be doing this."

Yes the hell we should. Shawnee was in her feelings and I got it but this shit right here was meant to be. She was meant for me.

"Mommy! Dad! Gross!"

Damn! I'd forgotten my lil cock blocker was still standing right here for a second. Shawnee must have forgotten too because she jumped back and out of my arms.

"Ain't nothing wrong with daddy showing mommy a little love. I missed her just like I missed you, lil bruh."

JJ still had his face turned up in disgust and Shawnee had gone back to attempting to dry her eyes. She'd wet the hell out of my suit jacket but I didn't care.

"JJ why don't you show daddy the surprise you made for him in your room. I'll be back in a minute."

Sniffling, she turned and briskly walked into the house and down the hall, and my eyes followed her swaying hips and jiggling ass cheeks.

"Come on daddy. I want to show you my room and I got a surprise for you too."

"Oh yeah?"

Shaking my head, I shook off the nasty thoughts I had swimming in my mind so I could focus on my son. Three years was a lot of time and Sha had proven her point. Trust me, I got it. Now, I was ready to work on getting my family back. I could see now that Sha was going to be on some running shit, but I was coming for her regardless of how difficult I already knew she was about to make this shit be. 

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