Chapter 33 Kyron

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Things with Nautica were all fucked up. I didn't give a damn about her ass being pregnant, I'd yoked that bitch up the second the wheels on my Maro stopped spinning in front of the motel she wanted to meet her at. Throwing out threats like that, the bitch should have known better.

I'd gone ahead and placated her and went to the doctors appointment but that shit had only pissed me off further. The test came back positive and the little ultrasound that they did only showed a little blob that didn't even have a heartbeat or nothing. I told the nurse there was no way that shit was a baby but she assured me it was, just in the very early stages which had me looking at Nautica funny as fuck. She'd told me almost a month ago that she was pregnant but was barley four weeks along. A nigga was even hotter when the doctor came in and said we wouldn't be able to find out if it was mine until Nautica was 18 weeks.

But you know what though? I went ahead and did what Ms. Lynnette said and leased Nautica a one bedroom apartment for the next six months. I figured that was all the time needed before I got word that the baby wasn't mine, because with how shit was going I was almost certain that was going to be the outcome.

"This is it? How the hell am I supposed to set up a nursery or anything in this shoebox?" Nautica said as she looked around with a disgusted look on her face.

"Not my fuckin problem. You're lucky you got this. The way I see it, you got a place to stay now, stocked with everything you could possibly need, so I don't want you calling my phone bitchin anymore. Rents been paid up for the next six months but after that it's on you. So, I'd start looking for a job if I was you."

Nautica's head whipped around and she looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

"A job?! Ky, I'm pregnant! I'm not about to go out looking for no damn job!"

"What happened to all that partnership shit you was spittin? If this kid is mine, don't think for a second that you're about to trick off all my money. We're doing this shit together like you fuckin said. Unless money is what all this shit is really all about?"

None of these bitches were slick. Half of them were after my money and I knew it. Nautica was never any different, I just let her get me caught up with that lethal ass mouth of hers. Besides, there was a major chance this wasn't my kid. Nautica was only five weeks and for the last two months me and Niecy had been kicking it heavy. Yeah, I'd slipped up and fucked Nautica a few times but for the most part, I'd just gotten head.

"After four years, almost five, you really think that's what this is all about? You know damn well I wanted us to get married. I've always dreamed of having our baby too, just not like this. Ky, I know I fucked up, but so did you. What I did was only in retaliation."

Walking around the leather loveseat, she came to stand in front of me. Yeah, I'd even went ahead and furnished this bitch. I was trying to handle shit right, but Nautica always makes things difficult.

"I love you Ky," she continued, "and I wish you would at least try to work things out for our family."

Nautica place a hand on her non existent belly and rubbed it like she was six months pregnant.

"Love me?" I chuckled as I shook my head. "Na, ma. You love yourself, my money, and my position. You don't love me. Lets be real for a minute, you don't even know me. Outside of fucking, we don't even really fuck with each other like that. When's the last time we had a conversation? Like on some deep shit? Or really spent some time together that didn't involve my dick entering some hole in your body?"

"Never." I answered my own question. "You already let it be known that you know I step out and apparently you was doing you. Why I fucked around and gave you a few wifey type privileges, I couldn't even tell you, but I'm through with all that shit now and I'm with Niecy."

Fucking with Niecy had opened my eyes. I had never thought I'd be in something this deep with no one and I hadn't even realized how empty me and Nautica's relationship really was.

"Why because you got your little duckling now?" Nautica sucked her teeth and waved me off. "That bitch might have you fucked up in the head but she can't fuck with me where it counts."

Nautica's hand went for the crotch of my grey sweats, and naturally, my dick got hard.

"What the fuck, Nautica?"

"Boy stop." I watched as she pulled on the drawstrings and whipped out my meat. "We both know you can't go without this shit. Don't no bitch know how to hook you up like me."

Nautica spit on the head and didn't give me time to say shit before she swallowed me whole.

"Shit." I felt my dick hit the back of her throat as she juggled my balls.

My mind was telling me to stop her but it felt too fuckin good to move.

"Fuuckk, ma." Why did this bitch have to be so good at this shit? She had my toes curling and knees buckling within three minutes.

"Got damn."

After I shot my load, Nautica sat back and wiped the small drop of cum that had landed on the side of her mouth with her finger then sucked it off then smirked up at me and I knew I'd really fucked up. 

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