Chapter 11 Shawnee

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I'm just gone go ahead and say it, I am one weak ass bitch. I can't believe I fucked Rome less than twenty four damn hours since he's been out. So much for being strong. Finishing off my glass of Moët, I set my empty flute down on my night stand and tossed my Kindle onto the other side of my king sized bed. I'd been stuck on the same page for the past 30 minutes. Rome was haunting my thoughts and I knew once I shut my eyes he would probably be in my dreams too. This shit was ridiculous and it wasn't fair. How the hell did he have this type of control over me?

Getting up, I went over to the mini fridge I had in the corner. Rome had to have one in every place we ever had. He said he hated to have to get up and go all the way to the kitchen for a bottle of water if he got thirsty in the middle of the night. When I moved into this big ass house, I felt him and was already used to it, so I'd gone ahead and purchased one. Taking out the bottle of Champagne I had chilling, I brought it over to the bed and refilled my glass before climbing back on. Champagne wasn't my first choice as far as alcohol goes. I would love a glass of Moscato or a Bloody Mary, but bubbly fit more into my diet plan, so I usually stuck with that.

My thoughts circled back to Rome and I chewed my bottom lip as I thought about earlier today in his mama's bathroom. Shit, it had felt so damn good. There was no denying that, but it could and would never happen again. I'd been embarrassed as hell when I'd ran up out that bathroom and saw Mama Lynnette standing there smirking at me. It was no secret that she would love for me and Rome to get back together but she was about to be disappointed if she thought that was happening. I'd gone down this road with Rome what feels like thousands of times already and I refused to put myself back in that same makeup to break up situation.

After taking for down half my glass, I leaned over and turned out the lights then dug in the bottom drawer of my nightstand retrieving, Midnight, my all black, 6 inch vibrator. Placing it on my clit, I closed my eyes and traced my fingers up the burnt orange see through teddy I was wearing. I may be single as fuck, but I still liked to feel sexy.

"Mmm, Rome..." The mental pictures I had stored from our bathroom fuck started playing like a movie in my head.

What? I said I wasn't going to fuck him again, not that I wouldn't fantasize about it.

I was so deep in my fantasy and just about to cum, when I heard my front door open and close. My eyes popped open and my pussy pounding froze. JJ had talked his way into staying the night at Rome's mother's house and he knew better than to even touch the front door, let alone at night. It was just me here. Fear crept in my heart and I shot up out the bed.

The only people who had a key to my house were my mother and my best friend Kim, both of which I'd spoken to earlier, so I knew it wasn't either of them.

With my vibrator still humming on the bed, I yanked on my robe and bolted for the safe in my walk in closet. Shakily, I punched in the combination and retrieved the chrome Desert Eagle I kept ready. Rome made sure that I knew how to operate and shoot. In his line of work, anything could happen and he wanted me to be prepared just in case. This gun had been in this safe almost as long me and we've known each other. I've never had to use it, but I guess there was a first time for everything.

Putting one the chamber, I crept back into my room and nearly pissed on myself when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Taking a few calming breathes, I held the gun out in front of me and opened my bedroom door ready to unload.   

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