Prologue: Rome

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A perfect set of titties dangled in front of my face, before lowering down before me. Juanita's warm mouth took in my mans and I let my head fall back in the office chair that I was sitting in.

She let her tongue dance around and play with the tip for a few seconds before she started taking care of business.

"Ffffffuucckk, ma."

Grabbing a fistful of her long black wavy hair, I guided her up and down on my shaft. I loved the fact that Juanita loved to make eye contact. She looked me dead in my eyes the entire time she slurped, sucked and gagged.

"Stand up," I order gruffly.

The head was bomb but her pussy was even better. Usually, I made it a point not to fuck with any of these bitches who I employed at my place of business. Juanita's sexy ass had made me throw out my own damn rule along with all of my common sense. Here we were in my office at my car dealership, fucking after hours for the-shit, at this point I'd lost count on how many times I'd hit. Each time I'd tell myself it was my last but Juanita would prance her sexy ass around and somehow get me caught up. What can I say? She had something extra inside of that pink monster of hers.

Once she got up, Juanita turned her bangin  body around, giving me the perfect view of her succulent ass. I knew it was fake, along with her titties but for what her purpose was, that shit didn't bother me none.

Arching her back, Juanita bent over my desk, making her ass poke out a little more. She swung her long mane to the other side of her face and looked over her shoulder at me as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Gripping her cheeks, I spread them open, revealing her slick slit.

"You ready for me?"

Testing her with my middle finger, I noted that she was beyond so.

"I've been thinking about this dick for the past two weeks," she damn near moaned.

Letting my finger trace up to her clit, I gently massaged it in a circular motion.

"Sssss," Juanita hissed, arching her back and adjusting her legs so that I could get better access.

Chuckling lowly, I stood up, pausing only to get a condom from my desk drawer. After securing it around my member, I forcibly pushed myself  inside of Juanita. She let out a yelp that if I was fucking any other bitch, I would have instantly pulled out and would have thought I'd hurt her, but Juanita liked shit rough and she was loud as fuck.

"Ay, shit! Fuck this pussy up, daddy!"

She liked to talk that nasty shit too, and I loved it. Plus, her pussy was just as talkative as she was. Giving her what she asked for, I showed no mercy on her shit.

"Rome! Fuck! I'm cumming, baby! Yesss!"

Juanita gushed all over me as she matched my rough strokes. With how wobbly her legs were, I knew her ass would have been on the floor if it weren't for my desk. Unlike what most bitches did after they busted one, Juanita didn't slow down or go limp. She kept the same energy as she reached her hands around to spread her cheeks for me. Turning her head, she looked into my eyes as she let off a sexy ass moan. At the same time she tightened her walls on me, sucking me further inside of her which I didn't think was possible.

"Fuucck, baby!" Juanita's face twisted in pleasure. "I'm about to cum again!"

"Yeah! Yeaahh!" She hollered as her pussy started getting extra loud just like her.

"Fuck," I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

The contractions from Juanita's orgasm took me over the edge. Pulling out of her, I snatched off the condom and let my seed fall on her ass.

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