Chapter 13 Kyron

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"Here you go!" Niecy said as she placed my breakfast tray in front of me.

Grimacing slightly, I sat up and looked down at the heaping plate of pancakes, scrambled eggs, potatoes and bacon. It had been three days since the bull shit went down at the warehouse and I was still holed up at Tone's.

"Hell yeah." I smiled and looked down at my plate. Niecy had been hooking it up with the food. Lil mama really knew what the fuck she was doing in the kitchen. "I'm gonna have to hire your ass as my personal chef."

"Well just so you know, I ain't cheap." Niecy let off that gorgeous ass smile of hers, showing the one deep dimple she had in her cheek. A nigga ain't even gonna lie, it felt like butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. This woman had me on some other shit.

The two of us been vibing heavy over these last few days. Niecy was cool as shit. She had brains underneath all that beauty and I knew she was playing nurse and all that but I could tell she was a naturally caring person. A nigga could talk to her for hours without getting bored or annoyed and I had done it on more than a few occasions since being here.

"Oh I know it. Every time I see you, you got on Gucci this and Dolce that."

"Hush. Most of my clothes are gifts from my mom. I absolutely hate shopping, and when I do, it's over the internet."

"Ugh huh. So you saying. You probably high maintenance as shit." I joked. Never had I ever met a woman who says they hate to shop and actually meant that shit.

"Ugh!" Her mouth popped open and she pretended like she was offended. It took me a minute to break her out of that shy shit she be on, but I'd cracked her. She was sensitive as hell too. It took her a second to get used to my raw ass humor.

"Don't make me take your plate back, negro." She stuck her hand out for the tray and I lightly swatted it away.

"Fuck outta here. We fighting over this plate!" Picking up my fork, I cut off some of the pancakes and put it in my mouth. They were just as delicious as they fucking looked. "Damn this shits hitting."

"You always eating like don't nobody ever feed you! Didn't ya mama teach you how to cook? What about your woman? She don't cook for you?"

Niecy fucked up my whole mood bringing up Nautica. I knew she was trying to throw it out there because we was feeling each other heavy after spending these last few days getting to know each other. She was holding back some and Nautica was probably the fuckin reason. My phone been dead ever since I woke up after all that shit and there was no point in cutting that shit on. Talking to Nautica's ass was a fuckin headache waiting to happen. I'd get up with her after I got out of here and handle this Milano shit with Rome.Besides, Rome wasn't lying when he said everything was dead until he met up with Milano. Everything was on pause.

I probably should have went a different way about all this shit in hind sight. This shit went down way different in my head. Rome sucker punching me like a bitch wasn't no where near in my mind. Fuck was that shit? That nigga had gotten territorial over some shit that, yeah, him and hi s pops had started, but fuck, I'd helped build this shit. I'd been right there with that nigga from damn near day one. We both had been the ones to turn that shit into what it was today. Really, this should be our shit, but Rome feels like because his pops started it, it made this shit all his.

That family shit clouded that nigga's brain. Family be the first ones to fuck you over. My mind didn't run on no family over everything bull shit and I damn sure wouldn't let anybody, family or not, hold me back from getting this money. Fuck Draco. Milano was what the fuck we needed, so I'd made that money making move. Rome was about to find out.

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