Chapter 38 Nautica

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"Ay! Open up, Ty!" I shouted from the other side of the door.

I was so damn sick of being locked away in that small ass apartment. I didn't have any extra money so there was nothing to do except endure these annoying ass pregnancy symptoms. The nausea had hit me hard these last few weeks and had me throwing up everything I put in my mouth, even water. The doctor prescribed me some anti-nausea meds that's supposed to be safe to take but they did absolutely nothing for me. Weed worked so much better and actually made it to where I could keep shit down.

Ky hadn't even so much as checked up on me since the day he gave me the apartment. He had my number blocked again too, reason being why I was at Ty's door now. I wanted my pussy ate and he was the only nigga that knew how to take me there, but he had me beyond irritated as I banged on his door. He was trying to play me and I'd already peeped his car in the parking lot, and I heard noises coming from inside his apartment.

"Ty, I know your ass is in there!"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I kept knocking obnoxiously until the door swung open just enough for Ty to poke his head out. He looked all around before he even looked at me then stepped outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Nautica. What are you doing here?" Ty asked as he shoved his stubby hands in his black sweats.

"Damn, its like that Ty?"

I knew he hadn't been happy about me disappearing on him like I had but that shit wasn't new. I always came and went how I pleased with Ty and he always welcomed me back without question. That's how shit worked with us. Now, he was guarding his apartment door like he was top flight security or some shit.

"I don't know what it's like, Nautica. You gotta tell me, ma."

"I can show you better than I can tell you."

Walking up on him I wrapped my arms around his neck. Though his eyes got soft when they locked with mine, his face was still a mask of hardness.

"Now isn't a good time, Naut. You should have called."

Grabbing hold of my wrists, Ty removed them from around his neck and dropped them back down to my sides.

"Call? Since when do I ever"-

This nigga had another bitch in here. The way he was acting, he fuckin had to. For some dumb reason, that shit had me hot. Chuckling under my breath, I shook my head.

"You got a bitch up in there."

"No one said anything about me having female company. Now just ain't a good time, Nautica. Give me a few and we can meet down the street at Sal's and talk."

Talking was the furthest thing from my mind right now. All I wanted was the built up cum sucked out my pussy and I wanted Ty's talented tongue to be the one to do it. Swear this nigga was more female than me with this 'let's talk shit.'

"Hell na, I ain't meeting you at no damn Sal's," I snapped. "Why can't I come in?"

"Because I got some shit I'm in the middle of and you should have given me a heads up. Come on Naut, just pull up down the street and I'll be right there. I want to talk to you. I been trying to talk to you."

Any other time I would have given in and placated this nigga just for the head but why he didn't want me in his apartment had my focus shifted. I could tell Ty wasn't going to let me in willfully, so I was meeting this bitch forcefully.

"Call? Since when do I ever have to call? You know what, Ty? It's cool! Fuck with that scary ass bitch you hiding in there. Not like I give a fuck anyways. I'm out though."

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