Chapter 29 cont Shawnee

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As soon as I cracked my eyes open, I instantly wished I hadn't. The lights were bright as hell and my head was pounding. I mean it was feeling like somebody had taken a brick to it.

"Mmm." The second I tried to sit up in the bed I was lying in, I instantly went back down.

"Shawnee! Thank God you're awake." Kim's voice came from beside me but I couldn't see her because my eyes were still trying to adjust.

"What happened? Did I pass out?" Grimacing, my hands softly rubbed the side of my forehead that was killing. It felt like there was a bandage taped to it and as my eyes focused, I realized I was in a hospital room.

"Yeah girl and you scared the shit out of me!" Kim looked shaken up and like she'd even been crying. Damn. How bad had I fallen? My hands instinctively went to my stomach. Was my baby okay?

"How long have I been out?"

"A little over an hour and stop all that moving and sit your tail still. I'm about to go get a doctor. You hit your head pretty hard." Before Kim could get a good two steps in, Rome, Kyron, and Niecy all came bursting through the door.

"Sha." Rome raced to the side of my bed and I winced as his hand lightly touched my bandaged head. "Shit, ma. What the hell happened?"

Before I could answer him, a man decked out in scrubs and a white doctor's coat interrupted us. "Ms. Johnson, glad to see that you're awake." He was followed by and they both came to stand at the foot of my bed. "I'm Dr. Rowlands and this is your nurse Tabitha. Are you comfortable with everyone staying in the room while we talk?"

After I shook my head and let him know it was ok and that everyone in the room was family he said, "Your friend here was telling us that you had quite the fall. Do you have any memory of what happened?"

After reciting all that I remembered before waking up here, he conducted a short exam to check my reflexes and hand-eye coordination. They'd had to give me a few stitches since I'd wound up hitting my head on the edge of the machine.

"Any idea on why she fainted?" Rome asked.

"I think I have a pretty good idea. Did you know you're pregnant, Ms. Johnson?"

"Pregnant?!" Everyone in the room said at the same time.

Silently I shook my head. So much for the cute way I'd been planning on telling Rome.

"Damn! Y'all niggas ain't waste no time!" Ky's ghetto ass said and I cut my eyes at him just as Niecy elbowed him in the gut.

"Ky!" she hissed.

"What? That nigga ain't been out but a minute and he already got"- Niecy elbowed him again.

"But why would that be a reason for her to faint? We got a son and ain't no shit like this happen with him. Is there something wrong?" Rome looked concerned like how I was feeling. I knew they were going to order an ultrasound and I was ready to get to that part so I could see my baby and hear the heartbeat.

"Fainting can sometimes occur in early pregnancy. Especially if you overwork the body and don't keep properly hydrated." Dr. Rowlands went on to stressed the importance of staying hydrated and snacking throughout the day in order to keep my blood sugar levels at a safe rate.

Rome didn't take his eyes off of me the entire time and it was really hard to read his expression, but it wasn't challenging to see Kim's and of course she looked disgusted.

"Now, I am going to order an ultra sound so that we can take a peak at the baby and make sure all is well. Do you already have an OB-GYN?"

I nodded again and before he left, Dr. Rowlands let me know that he would give me a packet documenting everything that transpired during my visit so I could take it with me to my next appointment.

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