Chapter 3: Kyron

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I was happy as fuck that Rome was back but glad that he decided to take off to tackle Shawnee and see JJ before the meet up. There was a few things I needed to handle before then and to be real, I was going to miss the throne. I mean, I've always been that nigga out here too but my name didn't weigh in as heavy as Rome's, not until his incarceration. I liked sitting at the head of the table but it was time to fall back and let Rome have his rightful spot back.

"Kyron!" My girl Nautica screeched as I pushed open the front door."Did you talk to Rome?"

Her hands were on her wide hips and I let my eyes slowly travel down from her upturned face to her big titties that poked out of her cut off shirt then down to the booty shorts she had on that had her oiled, coco colored legs on display. Nautica was bad as fuck. She had a gorges face to match her banging body but once she opened her mouth, all that sexy shit flew out the window. Her voice was high pitched and loud as fuck, no matter the setting. She had some good pussy and knew what to do with that annoying ass mouth of hers; so I overlooked it. Lately though, she'd been pushing her luck.

"About what? And what the fuck do you think we did when I picked his ass up?"

Damn! A nigga couldn't even get proper treatment when I walked through the door? Nautica couldn't cook worth shit, so it wasn't like I was expecting a home cooked meal or something. We've been together just short of four years and if she isn't careful the shit was gonna get cut short. Lately she been finding a reason to bitch about any and everything and on top of that, she stayed talking about me putting a ring on her finger. That shit wasn't ever happening. I mean I had love for Nautica. How could I not? We've been together for so long it was impossible not to, but I just wasn't in love with her. There wasn't a woman out there that could make that shit happen. Trust.

"Like you don't know, Kyron!" She sucked her teeth then rolled her light brown eyes. "You acting like you don't want this."

"And you are making me regret pillow talking witcho ass! Stay out my fuckin business, Nautica."

I walked around her and went to the kitchen and popped open a Modelo. There were a few things I needed to talk to Rome about, but I decided I'd hold it until the meeting. Walking back into the living room, I saw Nautica was still standing there looking dumb. Ignoring her, I settled down in my red leather arm chair and turned on Sport's Center. Nautica never knew when to quit so I wasn't surprised when she came over to me and began massaging my shoulders and continued with what she was saying.

"I don't know why you always doing me like that when I do nothing but look out for your best interest, Ky. I've seen you put in so much work over these last few years and I don't want you to let Rome come home and push you out the way, babe."

"Ain't nobody pushing me out of shit!" I got up because I wasn't feeling her hands being on me anymore. "This has always been a partnership with me and Rome!"

Even as I said that, I knew that shit wasn't true. The dynasty has always been his.

"Okay, baby." Nautica's eyes got all big and looked hurt but she knew what the fuck she was doing."You're right. It's just that you made some good changes over the years and I want you to get all the credit you deserve. You're a good leader, babe."

She came over to where I was standing and dropped to her knees. I let her unbuckle my belt and pull my pants down. She released my mans and let her tongue circle the head.

"A mothafuckin boss," she added before spitting on my dick and wrapping her sexy ass lips around it.

Slowly, without breaking her suction, I duck walked back to my chair and eased down.

"Shiitt." Nautica's gag reflexes were damn near non existent and she could almost take all nine of my inches down her throat. "Daammnn, girl."

See, this was the problem right here. I would have gotten rid of Nautica's annoying ass years ago if this shit didn't feel so damn good.

I wished her hair was real so I could pull on it. Instead, I grabbed the sides of her face and guided her head up and down at the speed I wanted. Her tongue was swirling all around, intensifying my pleasure and when she spit my dick out and started attacking my balls, I let my head fall back.

"Fuck Nautica."

Her hand stroked me at rapid speed as she sucked on each one. I felt my nut rise as soon as she got back to it and started sucking me off again. Never met the bitch in my life but I was almost sure Nautica could put Superhead's ass to shame.

"Shit, I'm bout to let loose."

Pushing her head further down, I let my kids shoot down her throat.

"Fuuuckk, your fucking mouth, girl!"

Every time she gave me head, it felt better than the last. This shit was just what I needed to clear my head before dealing with Rome.


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