Chapter 34 Shawnee

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My cell phone rang, startling me and I realized I was sitting at a green light. Cars were zipping past me and I jumped when several horns blared behind me. Shaking my head, I pressed on the gas while simultaneously hitting the button on the steering wheel to answer the call.


"Where you run off to?" Rome's deep baritone filled the car and made my already shot nerves even worse.

"I just went to go run a few errands." My voice squeaked slightly, as it did every time I lied. I sucked at it but this lie was truly necessary.

"Run some errands? Sha, you know that I can handle anything you need to get done. You're supposed to have your ass at the house and in bed."

My eyes rolled as I simultaneously chuckled under my breath. Every since I was discharged from the hospital, Rome had been on one. If he wasn't home with me then he'd have Mama Lynn stay over. It was amazing today that I had enough alone time to sneak out .

"I'm not on bed rest Rome. Both the doctor at the hospital and my OB said I'm fine. Besides, this is something you can't do for me. If I plan on even thinking about passing my Calculus final, I have to secure another tutor and I'm meeting Niecy at Olive Garden for lunch in a few."

Because of Rome's overprotectiveness, I've been having my professors email me my assignments for the time being and decided to put my internship on hold. They were sad to see me drop off but I was determined to get back into the program again or an even better one once I graduated and had the baby.

"Niecy huh?"

"Yep. She is a a biology major, you know."

"If you just wanted to be nosy, Sha, you could have just invited her to the house."

"I am not being nosy thank you very much. And I am so sick of being in the house. A little fresh air was greatly needed anyway." That part was true. I was so sick of being cooped up in that house, but Rome knew me too well.

Niecy had me curious a lot of bit. Never had Ky ever brought any woman around. I had zero relationship with Nautica, besides wanting to beat her irritating face in for mouthing off the way she had back when Ky got shot. He never brought her around in order for me to. Now, me and Niecy on the other hand were a little more familiar with each other, but we still hadn't done much but make polite small talk at the different functions I'd seen her and her family at. I was dying to get to know who had Ky's nose wide open like this.

"Yeah aight, nosy ass. Be careful though and call me if you need me for anything. Enjoy your lunch and tell Niecy I said what's up."

"I will. Talk to you later, babe."

"And, Sha?" My heart started thudding around wildly in my chest. I'd just parked the car a few feet away from my destination and I could feel eyes on me. Somebody was watching me and I could only pray it wasn't Rome.

"Yes?" I uttered as normally as I could.

"I love you." Blowing out a breath, I closed my eyes and tried to get my breathing and heart rate back under control.

"I love you too, Rome."

"I know you do. Now go have your lil lunch so you can bring that ass back home."

After hanging up with Rome, I took another deep breath before driving the remaining few feet so I could park closer to my destination. Lying to Rome, I've never done, no matter how many times he's lied to me, but this was something that couldn't be avoided. Still, the guilt was tremendous as my feet carried me down the street, up a wide driveway, and in front of a red painted door. Before I could prepare myself to knock, the door snatched open.

When a Gangsta Loves You (Currently Editing and Perfecting)Where stories live. Discover now