Chapter 12 Rome

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Sliding Ky's busted whip into Sha's driveway behind mine, I got out and headed for the front door, digging out my keys. After letting myself in, I did a quick run through of the downstairs area, making sure everything was locked up and secure. I made a mental note to have someone come over to get the security system, Sha should have had in place, back up and running in the morning. Once I was sure everything was how it should be, I went upstairs to check on Sha. JJ was with my mom and Jaren. I'd already checked on them and set them up with some security just in case these niggas got any other ideas.

As late as it was, Shawnee was probably sleep. It had taken hours for Dr. Muhammad to get Ky squared away. That nigga had lost a lot of blood but he was going to pull through just fine. With everything he had been through, I was going to give him sometime to get back on his feet. I was a fair nigga, but I would be addressing the foul ass shit he did and meetings with this Milano nigga.

When I made it to the top of the stairs, I came face to face with the barrel of a Desert Eagle. Sha had the shit so close, my ass was temporarily crossed eyed.

"Rome?! How the fuck did you get in here?"

"You gone put the gun down Sha?" Sha still had the gun pointed square in the middle of my dome and I must say, I was proud as fuck. This was exactly what I'd taught her to do if a motha fucka ever had the balls to run up in here.

"Sorry." She let out a breath and slowly lowered the gun. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"My fault. Thought you would have been sleep." My eyes traveled from her pretty face down to her open robe and my shit instantly rocked up. The orange lingerie set she was wearing had her chocolate skin looking edible. The shit was see through too, giving me a clear view of the luscious titties I'd missed out on sucking earlier. Following my gaze, Sha quickly tied her robe.

"That doesn't answer my question, Jerome. Why the hell are you here?" She folded her arms across her chest allowing the gun to dangle from her finger tips.

"Me and Ky got shot and I needed to check on you."

"What?!? Oh my God!" Her hand flew over her mouth as she gasped and the irritated expression slid from her face.

Tone had let me borrow one of his wife beaters and basket ball shorts since my clothes had me and Ky's blood all over them. As if just noticing my bandaged arm, Sha's hand shot out to inspect my injury.

"Are you okay?" A nigga can't even lie, hearing the concern in her voice made my heart swell.

"I'm good, ma. And be gentle." She was being heavy handed as hell on my arm.

"I'm sorry." Her hand dropped back down to her side. "What about Kyron? Oh my God! JJ is at your mom's! Should we go check on them?" The words was flying out her mouth a mile a minute and her eyes were big with worry.

"Slow down, Sha. I already did all that. Everybody's cool." Taking the gun from her hands, I clicked the safety on.

"And Ky?" I let more than a few seconds pass before I answered that.

"He's good." My whole mood had switched up with her bringing that nigga up. Sha knew me better than anyone. So I knew she could tell something was up with me and Ky, but she didn't press me. She knew I'd talk to her about it when I was ready.

"So why you ain't sleep? And what's up with you having all my goods hanging out? The nigga you thought was creeping up in here was gonna have one helluva view before you blew his brains out."

"These are not your goods anymore, Rome." Sha rolled eyes and crossed her arms over her titties again.

"Yeah whatever. I'm tired as shit, ma. I need to crash." I started heading for the room I knew was her's. Being that I was the one who had the house built, I knew where everything was at in the bitch. Shit, I'd designed it. There were even a few hidden safes up in here that Sha didn't know about. Not that I didn't trust her; I did whole heartedly. Those were just set away for emergencies; God forbid.

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