Chapter 32 Nautica

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"Congratulations, Ms. Raymond! You're pregnant!" the doctor said when she poked her head back into the examining room I was in.

Aight, so I had been talking out my ass with that pregnancy announcement I'd made to Ky, but what the fuck else was a bitch supposed to do and it wasn't like I hadn't had my suspicions! Plus, I'd worked too damn hard to secure my place in Ky's life for it to all go to shit over Ty's ass. Hell na!

Me getting with Ky wasn't by no chance meeting like how he thought. Back in Ky's younger years, him and Rome used to frequent, Sky, a club I used to bartend at. Really, I'd been plotting on Rome. He was the nigga at the head of the table and everybody knew it. Bitches stayed in his face but that Shawnee bitch did too. Most times, she'd tag along with him and Ky to the club, and when she didn't, there were so many thirsties vying for his attention, it would have been a dumb move on my part to do the same and be written off like most of those hoes. I knew he had been giving a couple of them the infamous dick they were looking for but I had wanted way more than that.

When Ky came up to the bar and started flirting with me, I'd went ahead and switched up my game plan. Number two wasn't as good as number one and while I preferred my men chocolate like Rome, I'd gone after Ky. His money may not be as long as Rome's but it was still way better than what foot soldiers like Ty were seeing.

Besides, getting Shawnee's ass out of the picture would have been a lot of work. I hadn't had the time or energy for all that. Ky had been single and it hadn't taken much effort for me to work my way in. I sucked his dick so good in the bathroom that night, I knew he'd be back for more and I'd been right.

At the time, I'd been three weeks away from being put out of my place. Ty's money couldn't do shit and there was no way I was going to stay with him in his one bedroom. His short dick and even shorter money wasn't where it was at for me. So, I'd made sure to suck and fuck all the common sense right out of Ky. By the end of the three weeks, I'd moved in without Ky even realizing it. A year later, Ky sold the condo we'd been living in and upgraded us to a house. Now, I had to secure my position yet again, but this baby was about to make shit easy if everything went my way.

Smiling at the doctor, I halfway listened as she went over the do's and don'ts during pregnancy. She even gave me a little bag with different formulas, coupons, and samples of baby products. It was cute but I was tossing this shit before I even made it to the bus stop.

After making another appointment for four weeks out with reception, I headed for the bus stop, making sure to toss all evidence in the dumpster in the next parking lot over. Now normally, I wouldn't be caught dead on anybody's bus, but I didn't want my new roommate knowing anything about what I had going on.

It took almost an hour to get home and when I did, I shook my head at what I saw. Ty was standing over the stove busy at work. The nigga had the nerve to have an apron tied around his waist too.

"Hey, babe," he said when he saw me.

Cringing at the new pet name I wished he wouldn't use, I stepped out of my Balinciaga peep toe heels. My dogs were barking thanks to Ty's cheap ass. Seeing that I had no insurance, I'd had to pay for my appointment completely out of pocket. Who knew it would be so expensive for just one doctors office visit? I hadn't had enough to take a damn cab back home.

"Hey, Ty," I replied dryly as I went to go sit on the couch and began rubbing my feet. Fuck! I was gonna have to soak these bitches or something.

"How was your day? You find anything?"

I'd been out almost as long as the sun had been up. Ty stayed in my business and all up under me, so when he asked where I was going this morning, I'd lied and told him I'd gone out looking for a job. Of course, he'd offered to drive me around but I'd insisted on doing shit on my own. Really, I just needed some space away from his smothering ass.

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