Chapter 24 Shawnee

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"My woman is sitting right here trying to run from me like always." Rome's deep voice was going straight to my clit. It was a sad story but my shorts were soaking wet. The more I fought the harder his dick pressed against me so I gave up again. God, I was so mad at my pussy right now because all it wanted to do was sit on that shit.

"I'm not your woman." The way it came out sounded like a straight up moan due to Rome lightly biting on the side of my neck.

"Always have been, always will be," he murmured against my flesh. I hated it but his words made my heart flutter and his warm breath in my neck caused a shudder to go through my body. His hand slid between my legs which I tried to close but it was too late. His finger found my love button and began rubbing it just right through my wet shorts.

"Fuck. You this wet, ma?"

I hadn't bothered putting on panties after my shower, so there was no other barrier for Rome to work through when he pulled the crotch to my small, shorts to the side and let one of his fingers dip inside me. His middle finger found my spot in no time and there was nothing I could do to stop the moaning I started doing.

All the wet noises my pussy was making, should have had me embarrassed with all the shit talking I'd done to this man about being good off him, but it felt way too damn good for me to care.

"God damn," Rome muttered. The more his finger tickled my spot the wetter I was getting. I was close to cumming when Rome snatched his finger away.

"I need to taste this pussy." Before I could even think about coming to my senses and protesting, Rome had my back on the couch with my shorts off and legs spread. The second his tongue made contact with my pearl, I knew my ass was in trouble.

"Ohhh mmmyyyyy Gooodddd!" I had to sit up and look down at what he was doing because there was no way in hell anything should feel this good.

Rome was licking, sucking and slurping my shit like it was the last thing he'd ever get to eat. The only thing I could do was hold on for the ride. Within minutes, Rome had me cumming so hard, I was trying to run away from it, but he held me down until he was done and I was trembling.

When he stood up, I was too weak to stop him from stepping out of his pants and he didn't give me much time to argue anyway. Not that I could. My lower half had completely taken over.

"Shit, Sha," Rome growled as he eased his way into my wetness. Every time our bodies connect, it felt so right.

"Open your eyes and look at me, ma." My eyes slowly opened and stared into his. That shit was dangerous because the way Rome was looking at me, instantly had me in my feelings. There was so much emotion in his eyes. Love. Hurt. Regret. Pleasure. I saw and felt all of it with each second that ticked by and each stroke he gave me. His hand slipped around my neck and gently squeezed, and increased my pleasure. He knew I loved that shit. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Sha. I love the fuck out of you and I hate myself for making you hurt. You hear me? There's no way I can leave you alone. I tried but I need you, ma."

I couldn't respond with how his dick was hitting my spot and making me feel. Moaning was all I knew how to do right now.

"Rome!" I whined when he pulled himself out. It was feeling way too damn good for him to be playing games.

"Come ride this dick."

Without waiting for me, he sat on the couch and pulled me on his lap. I enjoyed every single face he made as I rolled my hips and tighten my walls around him.

"Fuck, Sha. What you doing to me?" Rome groaned. I could feel him growing bigger and bigger inside of me and I knew he was close just like I was. Grabbing the back of my head, he smashed his lips into mine. Never had we ever shared a more passionate kiss. Every thought he was thinking, every emotion he was feeling, it was all present.

"Oh shit! I'm going to cum!" I could feel the familiar tingle in my toes that began to spread throughout my entire body and knew I was about to cum hard as hell.

"I feel it, babe. Cum for daddy." When my shit hit, I swear I'd never came so hard before in my life and Rome was right there with me.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh my God!" I rambled among other things. I didn't stop bouncing until I felt Rome's dick spurt the last of his seed.

"God damn, woman." We we're both out of breath and sweaty as hell when I collapsed onto his chest.

"Oh my God! JJ!" Sitting up, I tried to hop up but Rome held me in place.

"He ain't down here. Chill, ma. Don't even think about running off no where." Easing me off his dick, he lowered me back down on his lap before pecking my lips. "I need you to know all that shit I was saying wasn't just because we was fucking. I need you like I need air to breathe Shawnee. I'm not doing this shit with you anymore. You're mine, ma. Stop fighting me on this shit. You're stuck with a nigga whether you feeling it or not."

My heart warmed with every sentence he said but I couldn't help but be skeptical.

"Are you sure your woman is cool with all this?" Rome kissed his teeth and gave me a look.

"I already told you that bitch is nobody. You are all I'm concerned about."

"Nobody but a fuck right?" Jealousy had taken over me once again. Rome cupped my face in his hands and brought me closer to his.

"You want me to tell you I fucked her, Sha? I did. I'm not going to lie to you about shit. I've learned my lesson with that. That was just pussy though, nothing more. I want you, Shawnee. All of you, and nobody else. Like I told you before, a nigga came a long way and did a lot of growing. Me, my heart, my dick; it all belongs to you from this moment forward. It always has. I was just too young and stupid to get with that shit."

This was everything that I wanted but I didn't know if I could believe him.

"I'm scared Rome. We've done this before, so many times, and it ends the same way every time. I already told you my heart could never take another blow."

"And it won't. I promise you babe. I can't function without you, ma. Three years was too long. Trust me when I tell you I've learned from that shit. I've learned your value and I love you more than I love me, Shawnee Johnson. I will never disrespect you, hurt you, or no shit like that ever again. You have my word, ma."

Rome sealed his promise with another passion filled kiss that woke both of our southern regions back up. After checking in on JJ and seeing that he was knocked out on his bed, we went to my room and stay locked inside, getting fully reacquainted with each other's bodies until JJ woke up and banged on the door. 

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