Chapter 26

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I walked through the front door after 4 hours of looking for Olivia, I couldn't find her anywhere. I'm starting to panic.

"Niall!" Reece shouted from the front room which made me run to him
"What?" I asked him. It was clear that he is also starting to panic.
"I couldn't find here anywhere Niall, I looked at the park, town, everywhere! I couldn't find her"
"You think if I would of found her she would be here with us right now? But no she's not! She's missing Reece!" I screamed. I knew it. She's missing and it's all our fault. If we didn't push her into getting her family here then she wouldn't of walked out, which then she wouldn't of gone missing.


I don't remember what happened. The last thing I remembered was this.

I was going to start walking back home because It was starting to drop cool and all I wanted to do was cuddle up with Niall and joke with all my friends. As I was about to walk out of the park I noticed a black van, a very familiar one too. It was Connor's van. As soon as I saw that and the people In it, including Connor, I decided to run. As I started running I heard the van pull away. I looked behind me and saw that the van was coming towards me and there was no way that I was going to out run it but I tried my best.

I tripped over a rock and landed on the floor, the van door opened and Connor got out. I tried to stand up and run again but I couldn't. Connor had me in his arms, he placed his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream, but I still tried but it only came out as a muffled noise, that's when everything went black.

I'm currently sitting in a dark room with not a little beam of light. I don't know where I am, and I really don't want to if it involves Connor. I really don't know why they want me, I have no intention to know either. All I want to do is get out of here. I tried to move but I couldn't, of course he had to tie me to a chair. As I moved on the chair the lights came on, they must be sensors. I managed to untie my hands seems that the knot was not tight at all, I then untied my ankles from the legs of the chair. I looked around me and all it was, was walls among walls.

I stood up and slowly spun around to take in my surroundings. I have to say that the walls could do with some painted pictures seems that it is just plain white. In the corner of my eye I saw some cans of paint and paint brushes. I made my way over to them and looked at the different colours. black, green, blue, brown, yellow, pink, purple, orange, red, grey and many others. As I went to grab a brush I saw a spider, the biggest spider that I've ever seen

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I jumped back. I really hate spiders. I screamed a couple more times as the spider crawled towards me

"Will you stop!" A strong British accent bellowed the room.

"S-spider" I said as I pointed to it as I screamed again now that It's at my feet. I ran backwards and collided with someone.

"Watch where your going" The British voice bellowed again from the other side of the room, which I new was Connor.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him as he just laughed and held his fist up which made me cower away.

"Let me go!" I screamed again, even though I knew that there was no point.

"Shut the hell up Olivia" He said as he stopped right in front of me. I knew that he was going to hit me but I couldn't give up.

"I said let me go" I said back to him. His fist collided with my face as the rest of the people around him laughed apart from one. His fist came with my check again knocking me a little off balance, he punched me in the stomach which made me loose my balance completely. Before I could hit the floor a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. He pulled me into his chest as he run his fingers through my hair. I looked up to see the person who gasped when Connor first hit me.

"Louis" he whispered into my ear and I just nodded.

"Put her down Louis" Connor growled but he only pulled me into him more.
"No!" Louis shouted back.

"Come with me" Louis said as he snaked his arm around my waist as we started to walk and trying to protect me from Connor and the others.

"Thank you" I said to him as we started to walk up the stairs.
"I couldn't stand It any more, I'm not like them. I don't do violence at all. I don't even know why i'm here. Believe me or not but I was once In your position, minus the violence though" he said as sadness over came his tone.
" I believe you. I don't know why i'm here. Believe me or not but Connor, he's my ex" I said as he led me into a room.
"This is your room" He said as we stepped in
"Waite... what did you say?"
"Believe me or not but Connor Is my ex boyfriend, he would do this to me all the time. The last time he did this was about 3 weeks ago and I was in a coma for 7 days straight on life support. If I didn't wake up on the 7th day they would of turned of the life support and I would of died" I said as the tears started to brim in my eyes but I couldn't cry, I need to stay strong.
"Oh my god! Olivia that is horrible! He was close to murder! he needs to go to prison for that! Oh my god! are you okay?" he asked as sorrow came over him.
"I mean mentally yeah. But i'm still recovering from my injuries he gave me. I have two broken ribs, sprained ankle but I can walk, fractured shoulder and damage to my skull which should be healed in a 3 months. But he's only made it worse from what he did 5 minutes ago" I said as a tear fell from my eyes.

We sat and talked about things and how I'm engaged to Niall and he said that he's really happy for the both of us which I thanked him for. He told me about his love life just before he got kidnaped and forced to work here. He also told me that his parents and sister think that he's dead, and that started me off crying.

I'm now lying on 'my' bed staring at he celling alone. I started to talk to my dad, even though I can't see him or hear him, I just need someone to talk to.

"So dad, I moved to New York as you can see. I'm engaged to Niall! after so many years of you telling me that we would get married in the future" I giggled to myself " and now i'm here. god knows where, but i'm staying strong just like you've always taught me.

I hate leaving mom but I moved to New York when she removed me out of the family. I was living with Niall's parents when Niall went to Carolina, which you probably know why. Niall's dad bought me this house and he's also paying for it, bless him.

I came out of hospital 3 weeks ago, still recovering. Think about this dad, if I didn't wake up when I did, I would be with you right now. But looks like I got given another chance. Even though I want to be with you" I said as I felt the tears fall.

"I can't believe that it's almost 5 years without you dad. I miss you so much.

Well mom brought me back into the family which is amazing! I'm getting married to Niall which is awesome! I'm living in a wonderful house, with my soon to be husband and my closest friends, Reece, Evie and Emma. And I couldn't ask for anything more.

I want to go and get a makeup degree of at least a modal degree. I still remember that conversation we both had that one Thursday night, when I said that I wanted to be a model and you said I would be amazing so we had our own little photo shoot, do you still remember?

So that's what i'm going to do. I'm going to become a model!

anyway I hope that you're having fun up there, and I will talk to you soon I promise you dad.

I love you so much daddy, I miss you so much, I want you here with me."

I really do miss my dad, so so so much.

The door opened to revile Louis, he was crying. He closed the door and sat in the bed.

"Lou what's wrong?" I asked as I crawled over to him on the bed.
"You was talking to your dad, and it made me cry. I'm sorry I listened to it. I was coming to you but I heard you and I didn't want to interrupt" he said as he wrapped me in a hug.
"Aww Lou i'm sorry. He died almost 5 years ago due to a terrorist attack, he died in hospital in an operation that they rushed him into. I miss him so much Lou" I said as I started to cry into his shoulder.

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