Chapter 39

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The three of us followed the police out of the house and stood outside. I decided that i'm going to leave it for today, too much has gone on. I watch them put Niall in a police car, as they are about to close Niall's door he says "Olivia, I can't do this. I'm braking up with you. I'm sorry" and they closed the door. They pulled away and he didn't even look back, wow that shows how much he really cares about me. I watched as the other police car pulled away with Connor In it.

"Olivia, come here" Reece opened his arms and I ran into them and let the tears fall. This is the last thing that I need.
"Oh Olivia, don't cry please" Reece begged. I pushed the tears down and pulled away.
"I'm done with him. He can't just do that to me!" I say as I start to walk down the road towards Niall's parents home.

"Olivia!" I heard Reece and Louis shout and I could hear their foot steps behind me. I crossed the road and walked up the pathway to Niall's parents home. I opened the door and waited for Reece and Louis to get in and closed the door behind me.#

"Clare!" I shouted as I walked around the house
"In the kitchen dear" she called back. I walked into the kitchen and saw Clare sitting at the counter.
"Clare, Niall has been arrested because he was punching Connor for at least 10 minutes. He's now in jail, Connor is also in Jail for what he has done to me for many years. I'm very sorry Clare, your son is in prison because of me" I say as I keep my distance.
"Oh Olivia honey. What are we going to do with Niall. He only did it because he loves you" she says back and she has a huge smile on her face. I just look down at the floor and try to hold bak the tears but one manages to fall.
"Olivia, what's wrong? all I said is that he loves you" She said
"Then why did he brake up with me Clare! If he loved me he wouldn't of done that!" I shout and I fell bad for doing it.
"He did what. I'm so sorry Olivia" she says back

I walk away and run up the stairs and into Niall's bedroom, I grab y suitcase and duffel bag and put all my belongings that I bought over back in them. I ran back down the stairs with my suit case and duffel bag. I go back into the kitchen and see Bella, Ethan and Clare all around the counter.

"Liv where are you going?" Bella asks and I can see the fear I her eyes, she thinks that i'm going to leave them.
"I just need some space. Bella me and Niall have broken up and I just don't feel like staying here right now. I am not leaving you I promise, i'm going to be right over the road okay" I say as I hug her
"I'm sorry Livvy, I really am" she says as she stands on her toes and kisses my check. I say goodbye to Clare, Bella and Ethan. I get Reece and Louis and we head over the road.


We're sitting on the sofa in my child hood home watching tv, to be honest non of us like it. I'm sitting on the love seat snuggled up in my mother big blanket where Reece and Louis is on the sofa. I miss my mom so much.

"What you thinking about?" Louis says as he looks over at me
"Just that I miss my mom" I say truthfully
"Aww, it'll be okay love. You have me and Recce by your side always"
"Thank you guys. I think I might go too bed"
"Okay, we will stay in the spare rooms okay"
"Yeah, stay up as long as you like. I love you both!" I say as I jump up. I fold my mothers blanket and place it on the love seat and make my way upstairs. I enter my room and close the door behind me, I change into my pj shorts and New York pj tank top. I brush through my hair and walk out of my bedroom into the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash. I walk out of the bathroom and can't help but look down the hall at my mothers room. I start to walk towards her room, I reach her room and open the door, I step in and don't bother losing the door behind me. I get into her bed and pull the covers over me. My head hits the pillow and I can smell her sent. The tears start to fall and I call myself into a ball and cry myself to sleep.


Olivia went to bed 3 hours ago, it is now 11pm. Louis and I are sitting In the living room watching Tv. I haven't spoke to Emma in ages. Let's say that we broke up because I've grown feelings for someone else and I know that that sounds bad but you can't help feelings.

"hey mate, I'm gonna head up to bed" Louis says and I give him a nod and he walks out the room.

Being around Olivia for months has made me realise that I'm in love with her and I'm kinda glad that Niall broke up with her but I feel really bad for her, she's been through so much poor girl. I start to make my way upstairs and to one of the spare rooms. My room Is next to Olivia's mother's room. I was about to enter my room when I see Olivia's mom's room door open. I step in and I see Olivia curled up in a ball with tears falling down her face but she was asleep, how s that possible?

"Mom noooo.... don't leave me..... MOM PLEASE DON'T GO I LOVE YOU! I NEED YOU" she started screaming ad crying harder. I close the door and walk over to the bed. My poor girl is having a nightmare.

"Olivia honey, it's me Reece" I shake her arm and she doesn't wake up
"Olivia wake up" I say a bit loader and shake her a little more and she wakes up
"Reece" she cries out and pulls me onto the bed. I wrap my arms around her and she places her head on my shoulder and cries even more. My poor girl.

"It's okay Olivia, it was a bad dream, I know how much you miss her. I really do" i say as i rock us both back and forth.
"I'll let you get some sleep okay" I let go of her and make my way towards the door. As i'm about to open the door I hear Olivia say
"Reece please don't go. Stay with me" she cries out
"of course I will" I say as i walk back over to the bed. I slip under the covers and lie there. Olivia scoots closer to me so i place my arm around her waist and she places her head on my chest. This is how it's meant to be.

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