Chapter 41

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We've been upstairs for 3 hours watching film, playing bard games and having a laugh. I've never really done this with Bella and Ethan before but i'm really enjoying it and I think they are too.

"How about we play... twister?" I ask as the film comes to an end.
"That would be amazing Olivia! how about we let Louis play?" Ethan said excitedly.
"Okay, i'll go get him" I say back.

With that I walk out the bedroom and go down stairs. I walk into the living room and no ones there, I then walk into the kitchen but no one's there. I see that the back door is open, I walk to the door and step outside.
Louis is sitting on the dec with Clare and Craig. I walk over and tap Louis on the shoulder and he jumps.

"Olivia! don't do that again" he says as he looks at me with his light brown eyes.
"Sorry. Bella and Ethan was wondering if you'd like to come play twister with us?" I ask
"Of course I will! I love twister!" he says straight way and jumps up.

We both run into the house. We ran through the house laughing as we push each other over.
"LOU!" I scream as I fall over and hurt my ankle. Louis looks back and sees that I'm holding my ankle.
"Liv, what's wrong?" he says as he crouches down next to me.
"I twisted my ankle" I say as I laugh a little.

Louis picks me up bridal style and caries me up the stairs. He carried me down the hallway and into one of the spare rooms.

"Get a room you two" Ethan jokes which make Louis put me down and rugby tackle Ethan and starts to tickle him. I can't help the feeling that i'm getting right know. It's like i'm starting to fall for Louis. Oh no. Can I fall for Louis whilst we're living under Niall's parents roof? Oh gosh.

"Liv, What's wrong?" Bella asks as she pulls me out the room.
"Erm, nothing" I say
"I know something's wrong. I could tell from the way you was looking at Louis. I could see that you didn't want Louis to put you down" she says, and it's all true. I grab her hand and pull her into the bathroom and lock the door.
"Bella I don't know what to do" I say as I put my head into my hands
"What do you mean Liv?" she asks
"I think i'm falling for Louis! I have fallen for Louis Bella. But it can't happen, not whilst we're living under Niall's parents house" I say as I put my hands on the counter, other side of the sink and look down.
"Oh Olivia. You can't help your feelings for someone. You nee to do what's best for you. Who cares if your living under Niall's parents house, it isn't going to stop you from being together with Louis" She says, I want to say that she's right but something else comes out of my mouth.
"He doesn't love me" I say
"You don't know that! come on let's go play Twister" she says as she unlocks the door and walks out, I trail behind her with my head down.


We come to the end of the tenth game and I'm tired.
"I'm going to go for a lie down. You lot are horrible "I say as I walk out of the room and go into the other spare room. I change into some pj's and slide under the covers. My head hits the pillow and I let out a sigh.

How could this happen now of all times? Niall's going to court tomorrow and I'm not really up for it, but I have to go. Louis is playing on my mind all the time. I just can't get away from him. Reece has gone to visit his parents but is coming back to come to court. Emma and Evie are flying over tonight and staying in the hotel down the road. This is too much to handle.

The door slowly opens which allows the landing light to beam into the room. I put my face in the pillow because the light is too bright for my liking. I hear the door close and someone walking towards the other side of the bed. They lift the bed cover up and get into the empty space beside me. A pair of arms wrap around my waist and bring me closer to them, and I know that it's Louis.

"You okay beautiful" Louis said as he plants a kiss on my head.
"Yeah, you?" I say back as I snuggle up to him.
"Yeah. It's only 7pm why you going to bed now?" he asks. Oh god.
"ermm, I'm just tired" I say as I place my head on his chest
"A little birdy tells me different" he says as he rubs his hand up and down my arm
"Oh really" I say back
"Really. Funny enough that bird is in the room opposite us!" he says. Bella! What the hell did she say to him?
"What did that bird say" I ask as I pull away from Louis
"Well, let me say. I've fallen for you too" he says as he tries to pull me into a hug but I jump out of bed.
"Lou. We can't" I say as I pace the floor. This can not happen.
"Why not" he says as he sits up
"Because we're living under Niall's parents house Louis" I say as I start to pace the floor quicker and run my hand through my hair.
"Liv, that doesn't change anything" he says
"it changes everything" I yell as I stand still
"How the hell does it change everything Olivia" he shouts back
"Because it just does!" I scream.

I open the bedroom door and walk out. I walk down the stairs, through the living room, then the kitchen and out the back door. I close the door behind me and walk to the burnt out fire pit. I grab the match box and light one. I put it onto a piece of paper and chuck it into the fire pit. In no matter of time, the fire bit comes to life. I sit on one of the chairs and watch the flames.

A tear falls from my eye and drops onto my top. I need my mom here right know, she'll tell me exactly what to do. Why is all bad things happening to me. Niall might be going to prison because of me and I can't stand it. I need to do something so he doesn't go to prison. I don't even know what i'm going to day to the judges. Connor is going to be in there as well.

My eyes start to go heavy the next is that I fall asleep.

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