••• 2. The interview •••

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Mike's PoV

Jaime parted away from the girl and noticed Mike standing there, his eyed widened and he looked embarrassed.

He walked towards Mike and the girl walked along. "Oh... uh.. hey d-dad." Jaime said. The girl slightly pushed Jaime aside and shook Mike's hand "Hi mr Bennington , you must be Jaime's dad. My name is Malia." Mike smiled at the polite girl "my name is Mike Shinoda, actually. nice to meet you."

Mike decided to keep his own last name and so did Chester.

"Oh, sorry, well, it's lovely meeting you too Mr Shinoda." Malia said. Mike said "please, call me Mike." I talked with Malia for a while, she was a kind and funny girl! Jaime cut into the conversation "uh.. well, we better get going..." we said our goodbyes and we got into the car.

"Was that your girlfriend?" Mike asked. Jaime nodded "y-yeah..something like that," he seemed embarrassed. "That's great! You should invite her over some time." Mike said. "R-really? Okay. You're not mad?" Mike literally laughed "mad? Why would I be mad?" Jaime looked down "I don't know... just that I met her at some weird party..". Mike laughed a little "You think that's weird? I met Chester in the schools bathroom." Jaime laughed "really?" "Yeah! At the sink!" We laughed about it for a while. I brought up some high school stories of Chester and I. Only the fun ones tho. The kids didn't know about Chester's past. "So then the principal came in and we were, well, covered in paint! And I'll never forget the look on his face! Then Chester and I ran as fast as we could..." we Laughed.

Eventually we got into the driveway of the house and enter quietly. "Goodnight, Jaime, I'm going to bed now." "Night dad, thanks." "No problem"

I got into bed next to Chester, he was doing something on his phone, "Dave says we have an interview tomorrow." He said. "Oh, okay." I said. I've always enjoyed interviews, especially when the interviewer was nice or really funny.

People weren't sure about Chester and I yet, we didn't want them to know... yet. Now there were just rumours and Fanfics, nothing confirmed.

"Goodnight, Chaz"

"Night Mikey."

I laid down close to Chester and put my arm around his waist.


7 am.

The alarm Chester put on his phone went off. Time to wake up I guess.

Chester stretched and let out a tired groan.

"Morning Mike.." he mumbled.
"Morning Chester." I said.

"Why did we have to get up so early... ugh" Chester complained. "Because we have first take care of the kids then we have to drop off the kids at my parents house, then we have a long drive to the place of the interview, there we probably have to wait for the rest and then we have the interview." I said, and I got dressed in the meantime.


Chester's PoV

We dropped off all the kids at Donna and Muto's house.

"Chester!" Donna ran towards me exited as she hugged me tightly "hi, Donna, how are you today?" Donna smiled at Chester "I'm great! How are you?" "I'm okay." I laughed a little.

Mike said "hi mom..." and Donna looked at mike "Oh! Hi Micheal!" She walked to Mike to hug him too.

Muto walked over to me and patted my shoulder "hey son, How have you been?" "I'm good, how are you." I said. "I am fine. Thank you."

We all did our greeting and goodbyes and eventually Mike and I were back in the car.

"Mikey! Turn up the radio! That's us!" I yelled as i heard 'Numb' come up. Mike smiled and turned the radio louder.

Mike and I sang along.

I love Mike's voice so much, it's beautiful. Well, so is Mike, and I also love him so much.


11:30 am

We arrived at the place of the interview.

Dave was already there.

"Hey Phoenix." Mike said as they did some handshake like thing. "Hey Mike. Hey Chaz." Dave said. I waved "hi Dave."

"So ready for the interview?" Dave asked. I always was a little nervous for interviews, not a little nervous, really nervous. I just smiled and nodded "yeah."


Eventually everyone way here and we entered the Interviewing room.

"Hello guys, My name is Cora. How are you guys today?" The girl smiled politely.

We all greeted her.

"So, Let's start with a few questions." Cora said "so everyone's got a significant other, yes?"

We all nodded. "Who was the first to get a serious relationship?"

Mike and I, together. Age 17 and 18.

"Mike." Chester said, but Mike said "Chester." At the same time.

"Oh, how funny, you two were at the same time." She gave us a smile but she clenched her teeth. Weird. This was making me nervous.

"So... Mike, you are still in a relationship?" Cora asked "yes, I am." Mike said, cautious.

"With who?" She asked. "We like to keep that private." Mike said. Cora raised an eyebrow "why? You have been seen outside with what I assume are your kids, and Chester was around nearly every time."

Chester cleared his throat "I- Mike and I just hang out a lot. I mean, we're in a band, we're best friends.". Cora nodded "yeah... friends" she was definitely on to us.. how? I don't think Mike and I have ever even kissed each other's Cheek in public.

"Not just friends..." Mike started and my heart skipped a few beats "best friends." I sighed in relief, He didn't tell her.

"Do your kids Like Chester, Mike?" Cora asked. "He's like a second father to them." Mike said, he instantly seemed to regret saying that. "Is the mother home often?" Cora asked. Why did she have to ask that?! God!

Mike's PoV

It was easy to shake off most questions but this one. "Is the mother home often." Great, now I'm stuck. "Uh- Sh-she uh...." I tried to come up with something. "Isn't there?" Cora asked.

She was onto us.

This chapter kinda sucked... oof. But things will get better. Well, the Chapters..

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