••• 47. Tired •••

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A day before New Year.

We still haven't found him, and it's a day before new year... I remembered when I thought to myself that I'd have him back by new year, but I was wrong.. unless there's a miracle. I need a fucking miracle... I just need Chester to come back right now. I sat at the kitchen table and leaned my head on my hand. I started crying again. I had been looking through his notebooks again and found a line that could maybe lead to something.... but something I did not like at all.

"Blood on the floor, sirens repeat."

He's not dead, right? The love of my life cannot be dead! I need him.. what if Chester just had too much and..... no, that can't be true.. he couldn't do that right?

I got a call from phoenix and I picked up

"Hey Mike, so are we coming over to your place this year?"



"Yeah Bye."

"Bye Mike, stay well."

I could remember last new year, it was perfect... without him it would be incomplete, hell, my life is incomplete without him.

We need to find him again, and just as I thought that, my phone buzzed, I picked up.

"Mr Shinoda." A police Officer spoke.

"Hi.." I said, nervously tapping my fingers on the table.

The officer asked "did you find anything that could lead to Chester?"

I nodded, but realized that he couldn't actually see what I was doing "y-yeah, I'll bring it by after new year.." I said.

The officer spoke again "okay, good. I will see you after New Year mr. Shinoda."

"Hey uhm... do you got any news on Chester?" I asked.

The officer sighed "no, we only know that he has in fact been kidnapped.. but we have no clue on who would do it."

"Wait, maybe I do." I said.

"You do? We can talk about it when you stop by after New Year." The officer said.

We said our goodbyes and Hung up.

I buried my face in my hands as tears began to fall again. I was mentally exhausted. What if we never find him? Then what? If I lose Chester, I lose myself, I lose everything..

I had to have hope, that I'd see Chester again, or that I'd at least... know the truth.

Chester's PoV

I cried out in pain "Kill me! Just please... kill me.." I begged. Cora just chuckled again "soon, Chester. But not now, I still want you to suffer."

Everything hurt terribly, she has been burning, cutting, beating, mentally hurting and stabbing me for, what? A few weeks?

I was done, I didn't want to go on like this any longer..

She grabbed a blade from her table again "so, I've been wanting to take you somewhere.."

I looked up, curious and confused.

"But this will probably also be the last place you'll see, but that's in a few months, possibly somewhere around February. We should count down the days!" She smiled, psychotically. She grabbed my arm and dragged a smaller cut over it "tali marks!" She grinned. Oh no...

"Now you're probably wondering, Where or what is this place? Well, it's a lake!" She smirked, again with the psychotic expression, which became A thing I saw everyday now.

Wait... is she... "no..." I whispered, I could barely even speak from all the times I screamed. "Yes." She nodded.

I wanted to start crying again, but I couldn't. Out of nowhere, she knocked me out again by hitting the back of my head with something.

I woke up, in a different room... this one had a faded light in it, I looked around and noticed all these pictures attached to the wall, wait, are these?

These were the pictures of the photo albums that were stolen.. the most of them were intact but I was burned or cut out of some pictures..

"Why?" I whispered again. "Because, Chester. Do you see how cute my Mikey looks on these?" Cora said, running a finger over Mike in one of those pictures. Did she say 'my Mikey'? Uhm, excuse me bitch, he's my everything, not yours. "Oh! I remember Amsterdam, that was soo good.. or the night after the bar, it felt sooo good to have him inside of me." I gagged at the thought.

(A/N I gotta throw up )

"You know Chester, when I'm done here, and you're finally six feet under... Mike will look for someone to comfort him, that'll be me. Such a shame that you wouldn't even be able to attend our wedding. Oh, just Imagine, Jaime, Draven, Otis and Lila calling me their 'mom', and 'daddy' or 'Chazzy-Chaz' just becomes a distant memory." My blood started boiling, an angry frown creased my forehead, I gritted my teeth as I screamed out, pulling the chains of the chair she tied me to aggressively "I swear to god! I will fucking kill you when I get out! Fuck you Cora! You deserve to fucking die and rot in hell!" The sound of the chains hitting against each other and my whirlwind of swearwords and hateful things filled the room. I was panting after I finally stopped. I was surprised by my own aggression. I didn't even know I could get this mad.

She just grinned at me... all of that and all she did was fucking grin! She chuckled and shook her head "so stupid!" She spat, "so did you think that was going to let you go? Or that it'd make it any better? Think again, you just made things even worse."

She started grabbing tools from her table again.

After an 2 hours of pain, pain and more pain, she put all the tools down. It was probably midnight and she was going to get some sleep.

I looked at her, full of pain, anger, sadness.

"You know, the way you look at me, full of anger, fear and pain. I love it. Don't you?"

I didn't reply so she punched my face, there was blood in my mouth... I wanted to spit it right in her face, but I've pissed her off enough already. Hell, I pissed her off by breathing.

She left me alone in the room, she turned the lights off "don't let the bed bugs bite, Chazzy." She said as she left the room. Leaving me physically and mentally exhausted.

I had been really sad before Cora kidnapped me, but it got worse. I wanted to give up.. I just didn't want to go on any longer.

But I kept hope, I had hope, that one day I'd see Mike again.

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