••• 4. Exciting news •••

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Chester's PoV

Same last name as me? That... that can't be... my brother was in prison and my dad... also prison. My mom lives far away and Lila said it was a man, My little sister, wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Did he say his first name?" I asked. Lila nodded "Steve." My heart dropped. My brother. He did something to scare my little girl. How could he! How did he even get out of prison in the first place?! He can hurt me all he wants but he has to stay the fuck away from my kids!

"I'm here Lila. Always will be." I said. She calmed down and asked "C-Can I sleep next to you and Dad tonight?" I nodded and picked her up.

Mike and I went back to bed and I placed Lila between us, we both faced her and after less then 5 minutes, she drifted back to sleep.

Mike looked at me  "are you okay?" He whispered, trying not to wake up Lila. I nodded. "You sure?" He asked. Then I remembered, I was talking to Mike, Mike knew everything about me, How I felt, what I was thinking. My eyes started watering, I was scared, My abusive brother, The person that called me a fag and a liar when I told him I was being sexually abused, The person that hurt me and Mike. The person that Was a reason to end my own life.

"Chester.." Mike whispered as he noticed me cry. I couldn't deal with this tonight. Not tonight. "Mike, can we just, go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow?" Mike nodded "goodnight, Baby, Love you." "Love you too, Mikey."

7:30 am

Mike's PoV

"Dad..dad.. wake up..." Lila started trying to shake me around. "Good morning Lila.." I said.

We all went downstairs for breakfast. Draven and Otis were downstairs too.

The doorbell rang "I'll get it." Chester said. It was about 8:30 now, who would be here so early?

Chester's PoV

I opened the door and it was Dave with a huge smile on his face , oh and There's a tree we call rob.. and there's Joe, being Joe, Brad? Ahh there's Brad, sticking his head out of His car window like a dog.. yup.. this is my band.

"What's up guys?" I said casually. Dave yelled "We're going on tour again!". I jumped of excitement "really?! Yes! That's great!" I was going to miss the kids a lot but I love touring, meeting fans, preforming on stage, seeing all sorts of different places. We planned this tour for a long time, but we weren't sure if it'd work out.

Mike walked in "What's going on?" I ran over to Mike and Jumped in his arms "Mikey! Mikey! Mikey! We might go on tour again!". Mike smiled and spun me around, Lila was laughing "Daddy you look crazy!" She laughed more. Mike went over to Lila and picked her up, hugging her.

Jaime walked downstairs, stretching and yawning "Dad! It's too early for this!". I grinned at Jaime. He knew what was coming. "Dad, no. It was fun as a kid but..." I walked towards him. "Dad! Dad no!" He ran upstairs still kinda laughing. I ran after him and captured him into a tight hug, I even picked him off the ground. "You're too old for this. So am I." Jaime said. "Light up Jaime." I laughed as I put him back to the ground and rubbed my hand over his hair, making it messier then it was. He groaned in annoyance and Walked to the bathroom to fix his hair.

I went back downstairs and Mike let everyone in. Dave started "The tour will be next month and we'll be going to Europe mostly, we'll also go to some country's in Asia.". Jaime came into the room "What's this about?" He sat down at the table. "Band business.. we're going on tour." I said, Smiling. "Cool, can I come with?" He casually said."you're 16, you have school and you're too young." I said. Dave placed his hand on Jaime's shoulder "When you're older, you'll have your own band." Dave smiled. Jaime smiled back, Jaime also wanted to have a music career. As singer or Guitarist, or both.

"Let's go celebrate!" Joe suggested. We all agreed to go to a bar and have some drinks. We headed to the nearest bar.

At the bar

We had a few drinks, eventually I went to the bathroom.

I was washing my hands and suddenly my head was pushed against the mirror, It hurt like hell, my glasses fell too, I could rarely see shit, I picked them back up, once I looked around, no one was there. I did feel something warm and wet go down my aching head. I looked in the -now cracked- mirror, My head was bleeding a little. I grabbed some paper towels and tried to clean it.

Mike's PoV

Chester was taking long. I decided to go to the restroom, to see if he was okay.

I walked into the restroom and saw Chester wincing in pain and Bloody paper towels. "Chaz, what happened?" I asked, worried. "I-I don't know, Someone pushed me against the mirror I think..". I carefully replaced Chester's hand with mine, I removed the towel from his head, "Chester, this might have to be stitched up. These cuts are deep." I looked at the cuts from the mirror glass. Chester nodded and we went to Brad's car, all 6 of us. Brad didn't drink because he was gonna drive us all back home.

At the hospital.

I was right, some cuts needed stitches. I held Chester's hand, Who did this? Something seriously off lately.

We got back in Brad's car.

I got lost in my thoughts.

Wow, the world really is fucked up. Chester looked really anxious. He can't handle news like this. Neither can I right now. With all the weird things that have been going on. I don't know what to think.

Chester's phone started ringing, he instantly picked up. "Jaime? What's wrong? Calm down.Who? Fuck. Jaime hide! Hide right now! Get the others and hide!"

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