••• 5. Unwanted visitor •••

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"Brad! Drive to our house! Now! Quick!" Chester yelled with a terrified tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked "what's happening?!" Chester could barely speak "s-so-someone's after the kids... i-in our h-house.....". My eyes widened "Brad! Quick!"

We got to our house and Chester ran to the front door.

Chester's PoV

My heart was beating like crazy. I walked into the front door and quietly closed it.

I heard Draven scream loudly. I ran upstairs "Draven!" I ran to where the sound came from. The attic. There was a person with full black clothes, fully covered, I couldn't recognise him or her only thing I did know, they had a sharp object.

"Get away from them!" I yelled as I tackled the person, making them drop the object. "Guys! Run! Outside!" I commanded. The kids ran downstairs but when I was focused on them, something cold and Sharp cut against my cheek, I let out a scream of pain. The person kicked me off them and then kicked my back hard, I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. Once I could breathe again, I turned around, the intruder was gone. The attic window was open, I looked out of it, No one.

I went back downstairs, my cheek was bleeding, it felt like some razor blade.. again... what the fuck.

Jaime was sitting on the porch, Lila and Otis were hugging Mike very tightly, Draven was sitting on Dave's lap. Jaime looked at me with big eyes and got up, he hugged me, I hugged him back "t-thank you dad... thank you so so much... I love you." He said. "Hey, no problem, I love you too." Jaime cried on my shoulder, he was so scared.  "Ssh, I'm here now Jaime, no one will hurt you." I said. He looked at me and his eyes widened again "d-dad, your face.." he looked at the cut on my Cheek. I had take care of that asap.

The police was here now, we talked about what happened and they told us that they were actually looking for an intruder that breaks into celebrity's houses. They were already on it.

I took care of the wound and walked to the living room. Draven, Otis and Lila had fallen asleep. I got lost in my thoughts. Who could the person possible be? And what did they want? Why us?

I sat down next to Mike, he traced his hand over my cheek "baby, what happened?" He looked so worried and scared. I started from the beginning "when Jaime called me. He said there was someone in the house, Someone who had a weapon and was unidentifiable, he said he didn't know what to do, so I told him to hide. Then when we got here, When I entered the house, I heard Draven scream. It came from the attic, so I went there and Jaime was right, someone fully covered in black clothes with a sharp razor blade like object. I pushed them away and told the kids to run downstairs, then the person cut my cheek and they kicked me, causing me to fall down, when I turned back around, they were gone." I sighed "I should've done more.". Mike hugged me "you already did everything you could. I love you." "I love you too Mike." I sighed again.

They got away. It was my fault! I should've done a better job.

Mike and I brought the kids in their beds and now went to sleep ourselves. It must've been a one time thing. I'm sure it was.

3:00 am

I heard something very weird coming from downstairs. It sounded like someone was there. I went downstairs with a baseball bat.

There was one light in the living room on. But again, No one was there again. I decided to check it out, Some photo albums were missing? Out of all things someone could steal, Why photo albums? We seriously have a tv right next to it.

Mike also came downstairs, he yawned "Chester? It's 3 am. What are you doing here?". "I heard something so I went downstairs. There are Photo albums missing.." I sighed. "Which ones?" Mike asked. I checked "wedding is gone. So is honeymoon... and our high school pictures." I let out a sigh. What is going on? Who would even take a random couples Honeymoon and Wedding pictures? Mike sighed, I knew that the wedding and honeymoon ones were his favourite. "Mike?" Mike had tears in his eyes. Some of the high school pictures had his grandfather in it, his grandpa passed away a few years ago. "Mikey, we'll get the pictures back." I hugged him. Mike sighed "it's not only the pictures. Also the last note he wrote for me.." Mike loved his grandpa, he was always there for Mike and he was just an amazing man. Some tears fell down Mike's cheeks.

The police had arrived, once again. We explained what happened.

One police officer said that they have caught someone that had been stealing trough the neighbourhood. But why out of all things photo albums? I want them back.

We went back to bed, but we both couldn't sleep. The first thing I will do tomorrow is get new and stronger locks. And probably better security cameras. Or maybe even Move.

"Mikey, have you ever thought about moving?" I asked. "I don't know, I mean, This is the house where Jaime grew up.." Mike sighed. "Yeah but, something's wrong with this house." "Never was, Chester. Quit being paranoid." "I'm not being paranoid Mike. First the mirror, then the first intruder, then the same night a thief." I said. Mike sighed in annoyance "Chester, just stop. Nothings wrong with the house. Just coincidence. You are being Paranoid..". I raised my voice a little "Mike I'm not being paranoid! God. Somethings wrong! I know so!". Mike was getting annoyed too, this never happened. We never got mad at each other for something like this. Mike spoke up "no Chester. Face it. You're being paranoid. You'll see that nothing will happen.". "You're scared too. Aren't you?" I looked Mike dead in the eye. "So what. So are you." Mike snarled. "Yeah but I'm not too scared to show it." I said. Mike groaned in annoyance "You never was. I always had to deal with your shit! I never wanted to. But you just couldn't stand up for yourself!" . That hurt. He had no reason to bring up those things. He always said he didn't mind as long as I felt okay. I felt fucking stabbed. "Fuck you." Was all I could say before I got up.

"Chester..." Mike said with pure regret in his voice. I heard different things about anger , either people say things they don't mean when they're mad... or the truth comes out.

I wouldn't blame Mike for getting annoyed by me in high school. I was a fucking coward. Still am tho.... Of course he didn't want to deal with my shit all the time, he had better things to do. Why am I like this? I saw myself in a mirror in the hallway.

I started talking to myself  "just look at yourself! Are you happy now? Huh? This is what you do, Chester. Piss everyone off. You fucking fuck up! Mike never wanted to deal with you feeling bad for yourself! All the things that happened was because you deserved it. And the drugs and alcohol? You did that yourself. Stop blaming others. You fucked up bitch."  I looked at my disgusting self until I headed for the living room.

I laid down on the couch and tried to fall back to sleep. I hope Mike can forgive me.

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