••• 37. Wake up •••

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After the call, I rushed to the hospital, I asked Jaime to look after his younger siblings.

I entered the hospital and nearly ran to the receptionist "I'm here to see...."

"Chester Bennington, yes, uh, you may see him, but Chester... Chester uhm, He hasn't woken up yet. The doctors don't know when he will." She said. I just nodded, I couldn't say anything. He was doing so good yesterday, and now this. Why can't he just get a fucking break? He's being hurt so much.

I entered the room that Chester was staying in, he looked worse then yesterday. He looked like he was actually dead, but he was still breathing, he was breathing because of an oxygen mask, he couldn't breath on his own. The only sounds I could hear were his heart monitor and the breathing. I sat by his bed and broke down. "Chester, please, wake up..." I choked out as I held his hand, running my finger of his wedding ring "please, baby..." I whispered.

Who did this to him? Just why? Who wants him dead this badly?

"Don't go Chester..." I whispered between sobs "I need you, We need you.. we all do. Don't go, please Chester, please.." I begged, barely audible, muted by my own crying.

A doctor walked in "Mr. Shinoda?"

I looked at him, he looked at me with a face full of worry and sympathy, he spoke up "I am sorry about your husband. He has severe injuries, near deadly. We're surprised that he's still alive."

"W-when will he wake up?" I asked, just in case they figured it out. The doctor sighed "We don't know."

I started crying again. I need him. He can't die, I don't even want to imagine my life without him. All the memories I had with him shot back.


"Micheal Shinoda, do you take Chester Bennington as your wedded husband? If so, answer I do."

"I do." I said, looking at Chester. He was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. He was shining brightly, smiling too.

"Chester Bennington, do you take Micheal Shinoda as your wedded husband? if so, answer I do."

Chester smiled and answered "I do."

Flashback end

I remember our wedding like yesterday. I also remember... the cake! Oh god the cake! I laughed trough tears.


Chester and I cut the first slice of cake together. Then Brad and Joe ran towards us "Cake!"

Dave ran after them "Joe! Brad! Stop! No!"

Chester forked a piece of cake on his fork and let me eat it, I did the same for him.

Rob yelled "awww! They're feeding each other!"

"We can do the same thing Robbie!" Brad said. Rob laughed "Never Braddles!"

"Did they drink?" I asked Chester. Chester laughed "I think they had like one glass of champagne..."

Joe said "I want cake!"

Mike's mother handed Joe a piece of cake, after that Brad got it, Dave too, and Rob.

Chester and I were just eating cake together until...

"Eat the cake bitch!" Brad yelled as he grabbed the cake of his plate with his hand and shoved it in Rob's Face. "Ay! What the fuck!" Rob yelled, laughing. He shoved his plate, right on Brad's afro, cake fell down Brad's face.

Joe laughed loudly, Dave looked over and started laughing hysterically too then they were suddenly quiet for a second, we looked over to see them, also covered in cake.

Chester shrugged, I knew exactly what he was planning to do... "Chester I swear to god! I will throw four pieces of cake at you." Chester shrugged again and pushed the piece of cake in my face.

"You know this cake is actually really good... here taste it." I said as I kissed him. I parted away from him, Chester smiled "it is really good.." he licked my cheek "awww gross!" I said, pretending to be super disgusted. Brad commented "Chester has licked other parts of you!"

Chester laughed loudly "Oh he knows alright!"

Flashback end.

I smiled through tears, but started sobbing again. I'd do anything to go back to that day. To the day where I held him in my arms, alive and happy, where I danced with him, where we laughed together.

I looked over at Chester, is lifeless body. I kissed his forehead "Please wake up soon baby.. I miss you."

I carefully laid down next to him, and fell asleep.

Brad's PoV

I had broken into Rob's house once again, and he let me stay so that's cool. We got a text from Mike a while ago, he told us what had happened to Chester. Why always him?

Rob and I were sitting on his couch.

"So... Chester.." I sighed.

Rob sighed too "yeah.. why always him? He always gets hurt."

I had to tell him, I just had to "Hey, uh, Rob? Can I talk to you about something?"

Rob nodded "yeah, sure."

"So uh... I-It's been bothering me... well! No! N-not bothering not like that. I mean, If it'd be bothering me, I would've done this before! No, wait, I no! I wouldn't! Uhm... What uh. What I'm trying to say... is uh.. well.."

"What is it?"

I sighed "Don't hate me.. and if you don't feel the same way, please don't Let it affect our friendship." I said.

Rob smiled "Cmon, you're my best friend. Whatever it is, you can say it."

"Well, I... I love you. Like, not as friend, I mean! Of course I love you as friends, But also in that not friend way you know, like I love you as-"

I was interrupted by Rob's lips pressing against mine.

I'm pretty sure I'm dead. This isn't real.. who killed me? How did I die? Rob Fucking Bourdon is kissing me right now, the love of my fucking life. 

Rob parted away from me after a long but amazing while "I love you too." He whispered.

I screeched. I legitimately Screeched like a fangirl.

Fucking Idiot.

Rob chuckled and hugged me tightly.

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