••• 19. Minutes to midnight •••

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Chester's PoV

"Mike... I need to breathe." I said, I could barely breathe. "Oh uh.. sorry." Mike said as he loosened the hug. "I'm just so glad you're okay."

What did he mean? "What?" I asked. "I just.. uhm.. had a weird dream." Mike looked embarrassed. "What was it about?" I asked. "Draven could you go downstairs please?" Mike asked and Draven went downstairs. I put on some clothes.

We sat on the bed. "I dreamed that.... you... d-died.." Mike started tearing up again. I hugged him "hey, I'm still here Mikey, I always will be." "Y-you said something... t-that you trusted me... I-I got you killed." Mike sobbed out. My eyes turned glossy and I hugged Mike tighter, I didn't know what to say. Mike spoke up again "what if I do get you killed one day, what if you die because I said you could trust me.". "Mike..." I started but Mike interrupted me "I want to move. It'll be saver. A house with better security." "Are yous sure? You were so against it." "Yes I'm sure. I just want you to be save. I want everyone to be save." Mike sat up to look at me. "Okay then."

We sat on the bed for a while until I got a call from Dave.

"Hey Dave."

"Hey Chester, Can you guys come to the studio today? Get some songs recorded."

"Yeah sure"

"The tours in about a month, we should have the album ready before the tour." Dave laughed.

"Okay, we'll be there." I said.

As soon as I hung up Mike asked "what did Dave need?" He must've heard it was Dave. "He wanted us to come over to finish some of the last songs in the studio." Mike nodded "okay."

Mike got out of his pyjamas and I already went downstairs.

Jaime was playing with Draven, Lila and Otis. Jaime was very good with kids. "He's almost as good as you with kids." Mike's arms snaked around my waist and I blushed "he's very good." "So are you." Mike kissed my Cheek.

Jaime noticed us standing in the doorway and I yelled "Jaime! I want grandchildren!" Jaime's cheeks turned a red colour "dad! I'm 17." "Hi 17 my name is Chester." "That is seriously the most dad like joke I've ever heard from you." He face palmed. "But look at all my kids... I am a dad so I have the right to make dad jokes. But seriously, I want grandchildren one day."

"One day, dad." Jaime laughed. Lila and Otis ran over to Mike and Draven followed, They now tackled Mike to the floor and were fake fighting him.

I sat in the kitchen with Jaime and we talked for a bit, I was grabbing coffee "Jaime you want some?" "Sure." I walked to the doorway from the kitchen to living room "Mikey! Want coffee?"

Mike was still on the floor, probably pretending to be some monster "sure."

Jaime got a call from Malia. "Hey Baby. Yeah. Okay, sure. I don't know If my dads are home then. Okay. Yes. Love you too beautiful."

I was smiling at Jaime, It was so cute. "What?" He asked as he put his phone back down. "That was so cute." I said as I sipped my drink. "You talk to dad like that all the time.. only the nicknames are... different." "Noda-bear!" I yelled as my arms flew up. "Chazzy-Chaz!" Mike ran into the kitchen and hugged me.

"You guys are so...." Jaime started but then he got pulled away again by Draven.

At the studio.

We had finished all songs for minutes to midnight, well, there were like 2 left and the only thing We needed for that was vocals. Then there was shadow of the day, that took longer.

The album was out now and we were overly excited!

I spoke up "I actually had an idea for a song again, but I figured it wouldn't fit minutes to midnight."

Everyone looked interested "let's hear it!" Dave smiled.

I started singing.

"A fire needs a space to burn, a breath to build a glow. I've heard it said a thousand times, but now I know.

That you don't know what you've got oh you don't know what you've got. No you don't know what you've got, Until it's gone. Until it's gone. Until it's gone.

I thought I kept you save and sound. I thought I made you strong. But something made me realise that I was wrong."

"How was that?" I asked. Everyone Liked it. Thank god.

After goofing around with the guys we left, but as I was standing in the parking lot and Mike was already in the car, I was trying to get in, someone aggressively grabbed my shoulders and someone else started kicking and hitting me, Mike rushed out of the car.

"Let him go!" He yelled as he tried to make the person let go of me. "Stop!" He yelled. He tried to make the person hitting me stop. Then a car came at us with a high speed and the people ran away, but the car didn't hit us. It stopped right in front of us. Someone must've tried to scare them off.

Someone stepped out of the car, I couldn't see it was his since it was dark "oh my god guys! Are you okay?!" It was Dave. Mike ran to Dave and hugged him tightly "oh thank god! Thank you!" "No problem." He said as he let go of Mike and helped me up.

"You okay, Chaz?" He asked as he helped me into the car, "yeah.. it's not that bad." I said. Nothing was bleeding.

Mike kept apologising over and over again. He wished he'd done more. But he did all he could.

"Chester I'm so so sorry.. god.."

"Mike it's fine, It's not your fault and you did all you could."

The drive home was just mike apologising and me telling him it was fine and that It wasn't his fault and that he did all he could.

We went into the house and I went to the bathroom to shower, i pulled off my sweater and a piece of Paper fell out, The people must've put it there without me noticing.

I read it.

"Chester, Chester, Chester fucking Bennington. When will you learn? When you don't listen, you get things like this. Why won't you just obey? I'm running out of patience. Leave Mike. Or leave the world."

It sent chills down my spine. Fuck. This person wants me dead. But I will not leave Mike! I want us to be forever! I promised him it'd be forever! It will be.

I shoved the note into the small trashcan.

Mike's PoV

Why Chester? Why does he always get hurt? I couldn't help him! God damn it! I didn't do enough! He kept telling me how I did all I could but I just felt like I could've done more.

(Sorry for big time skip...)

One month Later.

The tour was starting and I was excited as hell. Lot's of people liked Minutes to midnight and nearly all shows were sold out. We were starting in Germany.

Chester and I were waiting at the airport for the rest of the band. I was so sad that I couldn't wrap my arm around Chester, who was very tired, but we couldn't be seen together. I want the word to know about us tho.

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