••• 17. Forgive me •••

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Mike's PoV

"Chester.. please, you know for a fact that yesterday wasn't my fault." I said, as Chester sat back in the car seat.

"How can I be sure, huh? Maybe you weren't drugged whatsoever. Maybe you did really like her." Chester said, he was angry, but also very very hurt. Of course he was. But it wasn't my fault.

"Chester. Stop. You know damn right that I didn't know what was happening!" I hissed.

Chester scoffed "yeah right. No wonder I'm paranoid. Right Mike? Just a paranoid guy."

"Oh Chester stop it. I seriously Love you more the...."

"Loved. Mike. You Loved me." Chester interrupted me. That hurt like hell, he thought I didn't love him anymore.

"Ches... I seriously love you more then a person can love someone. I'd die without you. Like.. I can't live without you. I'd go out of my mind. You are everything to me. Like with everything I do, you come into my mind. Please, I'm so sorry." My voice was cracking.

"Mike, I can't keep giving people new chances over and over again... I just don't know yet Mike. This is like.. too much.. I keep giving you new chances. Because I do really love you, a lot. And I don't wanna give this up." Chester didn't look at me.

"I understand." I whispered. So this is it? This might've fucked up our relationship? I shakily sighed as I started driving back home.

I don't know how much longer Chester will stay with me.

Chester's PoV

As soon as I entered our house, I just needed to escape, singing will do. Yeah.. singing. I started singing.

"I'm swimming in the smoke of bridges I have burned so don't apologise, I'm losing what I don't deserve.

The blame is mine alone. For bridges I have burned. So don't apologise. I'm losing what I don't deserve.

What I don't deserve."

Tears were pouring down my face, I flopped down on the bed. I really want to forgive Mike, but then I keep thinking of.. well, Him and Cora.

My mind keeps being twisted enough to think that he's still seeing her. What happened to us? Why can't it just go back to normal? Back when Mike and I were closer then ever.

I wonder how much longer singing will be good enough for escaping reality.

The tour would start in a few days, I should get packing soon. I wonder if Mike and I will be okay then.

Jaime's birthday is tomorrow. I'll ask him if he's inviting friends.

His birthday when he turned 6 was amazing, I smiled at the memory.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jaime, Happy birthday to you."

We cheered as Jaime blew out the candles of his cake.

Mike's parents were here, Dave, Rob, Joe and Brad too. Mike's brother Jason too and a few of Jaime's friends.

Jaime walked up to Mike and I after opening birthday gifts.

"This is the best birthday ever! I wish this day would never end!"

Flashback end.

Thinking back, I wish that day would've never ended. I wanted the kid's birthdays to always be perfect, mainly because Mine always were terrible, well, after I turned 9.


I was 10 years old, my first birthday without my mom. I came back from school and entered the house.

"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled.

My dad didn't respond, so I went to the living room, he was laying down on the couch.

"It's my birthday!" I cheered.

"I don't care. Chester. Now leave." He said.

"But dad.."

"No. You don't get to celebrate. You're useless. I wish you were never born in the first place." He sat up.

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because it's the truth you fuck!"

"D-Dad.." tears filled my eyes.

"It's your fault that mom left! It's all your fault!" He hit me multiple times.

I was crying. "Dad please stop! It hurts! Please!"

"Shut the fuck up!" He kicked me and I hit my head on the edge of a table.

I screamed in pain.



Flashback end.

"Chester!" I saw Mike in front of me, he had a worried look in his face. I shot back to reality. "Oh uhm.. h-hey Mike." I wiped tears from my Cheeks.

Mike sighed and sat down next to me on our bed. "What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Unicorns and lollipops." I said. Mike Sighed "Chester, please, I know you are mad at me but let me help you."

Then I realised, it's nearly Jaime's birthday and we're fighting.

I shot back into a memory of when my parents were fighting at my 8th birthday party..

"Chester? Baby, please talk to me."

"Just.... my parents." I choked out "Mike, I don't want us to be mad at each other on Jaime's birthday. It's unfair towards him. I don't want him to have his 17th birthday ruined."

"Yeah.. I understand." Mike whispered, also getting emotional. "I'm still so sorry and I wish I could turn back time so I would've never went to that bar. God.. if I just could..." I interrupted Mike by pressing my lips against his. It just always felt so right. You know? That feeling when something is just meant to be. I couldn't throw this all away. Mike and I are just meant to be. Mike put his arms around me.

We parted away and I wiped the tears of Mike's cheeks with my thumbs "I love you Mike. Nothing in the world can Change that." Mike gave me a sad smile but then it faded again "are you sure about this Chester? You were so mad back in the car." "I'm sorry about that. I just let everything out on you. It wasn't the right thing to do. I'm sorry."

We laid down on the bed in each other's arms, until the kids jumped right on us "Group hug!" Draven yelled.

We happily let the kids join the hug, Jaime walked into the room and I smiled at him "come on, join us."

Jaime hesitated but joined the hug.

This was one of those happy moments. The ones that are most important to remember, even though many of us tend to forget them and let sad memories wash over.

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