••• 7. The darkness of my past •••

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"Dad, can we talk about it. Please. Help me understand." Jaime looked at me.

"A-are you sure?" I asked. Jaime nodded. "Please know Jaime. This is all behind me. This all.. just a memory. Yeah. Only a memory. A-and please don't think differently of me. Don't hate me." "I'll never hate you dad. You are a hero to me. But please, tell me everything that happened."

He won't see me as his hero after this... i sighed and started.

"It started when I was about 7. I had an older friend.... h-he was my best friend at the time.. i trusted him. He.. He took advantage of that... and of m-me.. until I was 14.. he took the purity of a kid!" I stopped for a while to take in all the things I was going to tell him. I sipped my coffee. "When I was 9, my mother left with my younger sister. Leaving me with my dad and Brother. She didn't know... she didn't know the way my dad was. He was mentally and physically abusive. When she left he got worse." I planned on stopping here but Jaime expected me to continue "dad?" 

I sighed "Around the time me she left, my brother started blaming for my mom me and also abusing me. School was horrible too."

"Why?" Jaime asked.

" Everyone hated me, accept for Mike. I got beat up daily. Back then It wasn't okay to people to be gay, so people also bullied for that. And about 10 other things. Being skinny, or to them, anorexic.Self harming, Drugs, alcohol, being weird, never wearing short clothes and they called me an emo. I just didn't fit in. I started using drugs."

"Wow... why the drugs tho?"

"as an escape from all the things at the time. I fully relied on drugs, I relied on drugs and alcohol eventually. Mike helped me so much.I had anxiety, depression and..." I didn't want to tell him the next part. That time I tried to end it all. If it wasn't for Mike, I wouldn't have been here. 

"A-and what dad?" Jaime asked. "Dad, did you.... did you attempt...." "y-yes. But that's not me today Jaime. Please. Understand.". Jaime looked at me, I couldn't tell his emotion. Here comes the part where he tells me what a fuck up I am. Jaime hugged me tightly "you are so amazing." What? Amazing?! "I literally don't know anyone who's stronger then you dad! Wow. I'm sorry about everything that happened! How did you get through all that?"

"With Mike. Without Mike, I wouldn't be here today. Without him I wouldn't be in linkin park, Hell, linkin park wouldn't have existed. He let me express myself by singing lyrics that also described me. Mike is the reason why I have an amazing life. That's why I will always be grateful to him and why I will always love him."

Jaime had tears running down his cheeks. He wasn't mad! Wow! "I'm so happy you're still here dad. I don't know what I'd do without the both of you!"

Lila came downstairs, she looked at the three of us.... 2 fully grown men and 1 Teen, crying in the kitchen. Her look was... so confused.

"Mike! Your eggs are burning!" I said as smoke came from the pan. Mike instantly turned around and started focusing on cooking again.

Lila pulled my hand, meaning for me to listen to her. "Daddy... are you and dad angry at each other?" "No, sweetheart. We're not. Don't worry." I smiled at her and Lila gave me a smile back.

2:00 pm.

We were in the car, arguing again! "Mike! You just don't understand okay. I got texts of a unknown number telling me to leave you!" "It was probably just a prank Chester. Stop being crazy. Ugh! You're impossible sometimes!" We both sighed in annoyance. It was not just a prank! Or maybe he's right. I am being crazy. "Look Chester. I don't know what your problem is. But it's nothing okay.". Then Mike mumbled something that made me so so mad "Did you relapse or something?" I shot him an angry look "Mike, fuck off! You'll never know why I did Drugs in the first place! You just had an easy life with great parents!" I snarled.

I got out of the car, not caring If Mike followed. I started walking towards the interview room.

Again, at the same girl, another interview. But this time with Mike only.

Cora greeted us "hey guys! Good to have you back!"

"Hey Cora." Mike said. I didn't feel like talking but It would be rude "hi.". I sat down next to Mike on the couch.

"Let's talk about a very popular Subject! Bennoda!" She smiled. I didn't care at this point. Mike's being a dick... well so am I.

"Do you guys know what Bennoda is?" She asked. We both nodded. "Is it real?" She asked. Mike answered Really fast "No. Chester is a friend. Nothing more." He didn't seem uneasy saying that. I just nodded again.

"Okay, so, You said last time that You were seeing someone. Still seeing them?" She asked. "No." Mike said. I somehow felt betrayed. He was acting like I was freaking invisible. "Chester, are you seeing someone?" "N-no..." I on the other hand, did find it hard to say.

"Hm.. so no Bennoda?" "No." Mike said Glancing at me. He doesn't regret saying those things. This is your life Chester. People like you for a while. Then you get an annoying burden.

Mike's PoV

I'm just gonna show Chester just how much he needs me. And how much he loves me. Let's see if this'll make him sad or angry.

Then Cora mentioned the cut on his Cheek and the stitches. "What happened to your cheek and head, Chester?". Chester sighed "it's nothing, I just fell." Cora nodded, but she smirked too.

She focused on me again, "Mike, someone send in a picture of you.". God. What's it now. "I personally thought it looked pretty hot." She put her hand beside her mouth, like Chester couldn't lip read what she said.

She showed us a picture where My shirt was halfway up on stage. It was because It was really hot in the building. Chester's jaw dropped.. But I'm mad at him so I don't care.

Would he get jealous if I was just gonna.... talk to Cora.

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