••• 18. Birthday •••

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The next morning

Mike's PoV

"Okay so then all five of us go in on three, and sing happy birthday okay?" I whispered as we all stood at the door of Jaime's room.

"One.. two... three." We all entered his room and started singing. Jaime threw a pillow at us and whined "guys, it's too early for this." Chester and I started laughing.

Let the birthday begin.

Everything was going perfectly until about 2 pm... Chester was going to the store to get more drinks, but he didn't come back for like, 3 hours, that was very strange.. Chester would usually take about an hour.

After a while I heard someone enter the house, thank god it was Chester, But something was off.. he seemed so, scared...

"Chester?" He jumped once he heard my voice, He really seems scared.. "What's wrong?" I asked. "M-Mike! I uhm..I'm okay." He didn't even look at me, he just looked at the wall. "No you're obviously not.. what is it?" "I can't tell you." "Why not?" I asked, confused. Chester turned to me and grabbed my shoulders "cause they will hurt you.". Who wanted to hurt My Chester? Or maybe... it was nothing and he's just being..... Paranoid again.

I sighed in annoyance, Probably the second option "Chester are you sure you're not bei-" Chester cut me off "no! Mike. We're not going to fight about this on Jaime's birthday. Let's just.... Leave it behind I guess." I nodded and Kissed him "Hey, I love you. You know that right? I always will." Chester smiled "Yeah, I know. I love you too."

Chester's PoV

I guess I'll have to leave this time behind. Now I just have to put on a smile and a happy act... It's sad that I got used to doing that. Pretending to be happy when you're not.... it's scary what a smile can hide.

I went into the living room and talked with some family members and friends. It was great to see them all again, But I just did not feel good, I kept smiling and having that happy act. I don't want anyone to know how I can really feel.

"Hey dad?" Jaime walked over to me, I was in the kitchen. "Yeah?" I turned around to face Jaime. "I just wanted to thank you. For this great day." He smiled. This is exactly what I want for their birthdays, for them to be great and happy. I smiled back at him and hugged him "no problem Jaime. You deserve it." "I seriously don't know what I'd do without you." He said and he left the room. I smiled. How much a compliment can do for someone.

The guest had left and Mike and I were cleaning up some things. I got into the bad neighbourhood of my mind. The dark one that's trying to put me down. It was doing a good job.. I was standing at the kitchen counter, trying not to break down, holding in tears and a lot of anger towards myself.

"Chester?" Mike asked. I turned around and Made it look like I was doing good. I smiled "Yes Mike?" "Could you hand me a towel?" "Yeah, of course."

Thank god he didn't notice. I still felt terrible.. but at least no one knows.

3:00 am

Mike and I went to bed around 12 am. But god woken up by Draven, He was knocking on our door and sobbing. I ran to the door and opened it. As soon as I did, He fell into my arms and cried.

"Draven.. shh.. what's wrong?"

"T-There was... There was someone at my window." He cried louder. My heart started beating faster. Who was at his window?!

"W-What did they look like?" I asked hesitantly. "I-I don't know.. I'm so s-scared." "Ssh, it's okay, you can stay with us tonight, okay?" Draven nodded.

Mike, who was already sitting as soon as he heard Draven cry, Tugged him in. Draven asked if we could sing for him.

"Of course." I said. "Hand held high?" Mike asked me "but like only your part probably.". I nodded.

We sang together, at the same time.

"With hands held high into a sky so blue the ocean opens up to swallow you. With hands held high into a sky so blue, the ocean opens up to swallow you...."

The lyrics weren't really a kids type of lyrics, but it was more about the vocals and the tone. Draven fell asleep.

"He saw someone at his window Mike." I said maybe a little angry, I just really want to move. Mike sighed "He's a kid, for all we know he could've been imagining it." "That isn't something you just Imagine." I said. Mike sighed and rubbed his eyes "It's too early for this Chester. Go to sleep." I sighed too "fine."

"Goodnight Chester, I love you."


Mike's PoV

"Night." Chester said.

Yep, he was mad or upset. I sighed and decided to ignore it. But seriously, Draven's a kid, he could he imagining all sorts of scary monsters and intruders. Maybe I just don't want to believe it. Maybe they are right. But I don't care, I like it better to not believe it.

God, acting like this towards Chester makes me feel like a fucking ass. Chester just wants to be save. He had a hard past full of dangerous places and fear. He just had a life that wasn't save whatsoever.

Chester had already fallen asleep, He looked so happy and peaceful, Unless he had a nightmare.. God, I wish I could just take away his pain and bad memories.

Eventually I started getting tired and I fell asleep, I had a weird dream.. not a dream actually, a Nightmare.


I got home after staying at my parents house for a while. As I entered the house a strong, metallic smell hit me. Blood.

Fear was sinking in. What happened? I walked into the kitchen, nothing. Living room, nothing. Garage, nothing. I was about to walk up the stairs, then I heard Chester scream out in pain. I ran to where the sound was coming from.

I entered out bedroom and saw Chester on the floor, blood pouring out of his stomach and mouth. He wouldn't stop bleeding. I ran over to him "Chester! Oh god.. oh god..."

"M-Mike.." he choked out.


"I trusted you." He said as he died in my arms. I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably.

I heard Draven yell "Dad! Dad!"

Nightmare end.

I shot up in my bed, "Dad! Dad!" Draven was pulling at my shirt. It was morning. "Draven?" "Yes!" I hugged him tightly "your okay... w-where's Daddy?" I asked him, Chester wasn't in the bed! I freaked out. He can't be gone. He just can't be. He was supposed to be with me forever! He said it was forever!

"Morning Mikey." He said as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. I climbed out of bed and nearly fell, I ran over to him and hugged him really tightly. He nearly dropped his towel.

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