••• 53. Figured out •••

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The next day.

I got a call from the detective, he told me that I could come over so I did. I took the pictures with me and all other proof I found... it must be Cora.

Once I got there I was waiting for the detective to be available.

Chester's PoV

"So Chazzy, it's nearly time to go. In two days this world will be freed from Chester fucking Bennington." Cora said, gritting her teeth when she spoke out my name.

This is it.. I never thought it'd end like this, not so soon... Tears made their way down my face. Luckily Cora didn't notice.

I'm going to die in a two days..

Mike's PoV

"Micheal Shinoda?" I heard a man say, I stood up to see Detective Wolfe. I stood up and exhaled "yeah.."

"Follow me please." Detective Wolfe said, I nodded and followed his way, we sat in a room together and he spoke up "so, what things have you collected so far? And you said uhm, something about Mr. Bennington being murdered?"

I nodded and sighed shakily before handing him the pictures, he studied them for a while. He furrowed his eyebrows, "hmm.."

'Hmm'?! What does that mean?! "I don't think he's dead.." The man in front of me spoke. "What?!" I practically yelled out. He turned the picture around making me see it again.. he pointed his finger at the cut on Chester's throat "this, would've been darker, This isn't a lethal cut. And there would've been way more blood literally gushing out of the wound."

He moved his finger upwards and made circles at Chester's nose and mouth area "And it seems like this might be blood from a nosebleed since it's lighter and the blood around the nose and mouth area seems poorly cleaned."

I looked at it.. wait? Is he right? Chester isn't dead?! Oh my god! I sighed in relief and tears started welling in my eyes "thank god.."

"Also, The area he is in, it looks like a warehouse and if the kidnapper took Chester from anywhere near the city, it'd make sense that he or she would take him somewhere out the city. So now we'll just have to look out for abandoned warehouses.."

"Y-you really think he's still alive?" I asked. Detective Wolfe nodded "yeah, I'm pretty sure actually.." he said, looking at the other pictures "wait." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows, "'February the 16th..' what day is it today?"

"February the 15th..." I said as my skin grew pale again. What was up with this date? "W-what could this mean?" I asked. The detective in front of me shook his head "two things, one's bad, the other's good... It could be the date that they plan on killing him or it could mean that they'll let him go which sadly is.... less likely."

"We have to find him." I said, nearly jumping up from my chair. The detective nodded in agreement "we should get to it at once.."

I got home that night, it was late but as I entered the house I could hear Malia calling with her sister again "what the hell is wrong with you?! You're a fucking psychopath and you know it! How could you possibly live with yourself?! Not everything's about you okay?! People have their own lives and you can't just take that away out of jealousy. No, you know what? Fuck you. I am done with you." She hung up and tears started welling in her eyes.

"Oh! Hi Mr. Shinoda.. uhm.. c-can we talk?" She asked. I nodded and we sat down at the kitchen table. She sighed and spoke up "uhm... You know my sister?" I nodded "yeah.." "well, she's uhm.. she ran away from a mental asylum where she was supposed to stay.. and.. I think uhm... you know her.. I'm so sorry she did horrible things a-and just please forgive me for Cora.." my eyes widened "wait? Cora's your sister?" She nodded, like she was embarrassed. "You are absolutely nothing like her." I said.

Malia looked up "thanks. I.. I have the key to her house, so I stopped by there yesterday but she wasn't there.. I did uhm.. find this." Malia spoke as she revealed a picture on her phone. It was a collage of pictures of me surrounded by all sorts of things, roses and some other flowers, candles, notes and even a paper coffee cup that I must've drank from... Cora had a fucking shrine of me.. "she also had loads of other crazy stuff but yeah... this might've been the weirdest by far.. but I did find this which might be useful." She said as she handed me a journal..

I flipped through the pages and my eyes widened "Oh my god Malia! I think... I think you just found out where Chester is!" There was a name of a warehouse in it!

That same night I got it to the detective and he said he'd look up the exact location.

Chester's PoV

I winced as Cora cut another tali mark onto my skin "only one more left Chester." She said "you know what that means." She grinned. She was truly excited to kill me...

"So, whatcha wanna do on your last day? You know what, ask anything you want." She said, but mumbled after it "unless it's stupid."

"W-wha..." I tried to speak, but I could barely speak anymore from all the screaming. "M-Mike.."

"Thinks you're dead." She said coldly "and tomorrow you will be. But the thing is, people still seemed to care about your pathetic ass, so they got people looking for me. I heard that Mike and Wolfe were getting pretty close to finding me, which means I'll have to hurry with killing you tomorrow. I should just get myself enough time to get you to the lake.."

My eyes widened as she said 'lake' she is really going to drown me then? "Oh Are you afraid of water or something? Aw, boohoo poor you.." she mocked.

I don't wanna go like this... But at least I can say that, That I died, married to the man of my dreams... I never divorced him for Cora, which made me a little prouder of myself. Now Mike at least knows that I love him more then anything. And he knows that I always will.

I sighed shakily as I thought about it more, I can't believe my life would've really come to an end this early.. I never even got to see the kids graduate, or Rob and Brad's wedding which I'm sure they will have.

Cora had left the room again, must be nighttime then, I'm getting closer and closer to death... I wonder what'll happen when I'm gone, or what'll happen to me.. I used to think about what'd happen when I die a lot.. I hope that Mike would find happiness and a perfect husband or wife, I hope the kids would grow up healthy and happy and I hope the best for the guys, my family and fans.

I am really going then? This is really it.

Tears poured down my face again. I don't want to go...

Cora came back into the room with some chains that she started wrapping around my arms and legs, she brutally knocked me out.

When I woke back up I could smell fresh air, I looked around to see that I was in the woods... at a lake.. I looked at my surrounding a bit more to see that I was in a wooden boat. I heard the clinging of chains and looked down at my feet where Cora was.. she was chaining something to my leg and it looked like it had a piece of a stone on the other end, concrete perhaps or maybe another type of heavy stone...

This is really it.

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