••• 10. Sing •••

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Mike grabbed his guitar and I could tell what he wanted to do. "Come on Jaime, Let's show her how good you can sing."

"No.. it's not that good.. it's embarrassing." "Come on I'll sing with you." I said. "What song?" Jaime sighed. Mike started 'the messenger'

"When you feel you're alone
Cut off from this cruel world
Your instinct's telling you to run
Listen to your heart
Those angel voices
They'll sing to you
They'll be your guide
Back home
When life leaves us blind
Love keeps us kind
It keeps us kind...."

I stopped singing to let Jaime finish it alone, he didn't even notice. It was beautiful.

He finished the song and we all cheered.

"Great job Jaime!" I cheered and patted his shoulder. Jaime shot me an insecure smile.

Then Malia got called, she smiled politely "excuse me."

She went to the hallway. We all heard some of the conversation.

"No I'm not going back until you've calmed down. What the hell?! Are you insane? ...... not telling you where I am.. Just... leave me alone!"

She's in a fight with someone, Maybe we can help.

She came back into the room and pretended like nothing happened. Mike spoke up "what was that about? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just... got in a fight with my sister." Her lips smiled but her eyes looked so sad and hurt. Maybe even scared. "Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked. She shook her head "no.. I'll be okay, you don't have to worry."

Jaime was still going trough the photo album. Smiling at some pictures "I didn't even know you still had this." He pointed at a card he made in kindergarten. It was for my birthday. I smiled "of course I kept it. It was the first card you made for me."

Malia smiled, but her smile faded after she looked at her phone again "uh. I really have to go. Thank you so much for having me." She said as she nearly ran out of the house. That was weird. Maybe a family emergency.

We looked trough some more pictures.

"Jaime, look, This was that time that Mike and I were on tour with the guys and you insisted on coming on stage with us. Mike got you like... really strong headphones.". Then I looked at the picture next to it, that wasn't supposed to be in here. It was a picture of Me in high school, but, in a terrible state... I was in the hospital. Mike was next to me. I quickly pulled out the picture, but I think Jaime already saw it. Who put that there?

"Dad... wh-what happened?" He grabbed the picture from me and studied it. "Wow..."

In the picture I looked very very sick, skinny, tired and just really broken. It was after the night I tried to kill myself. Mike fell asleep next to me. I don't know who took the picture, and I don't remember letting it get developed.

"Jaime. It's nothing. Okay. Now leave it alone." I said and I took the picture from him again. I said it in a cold tone, I never did that. I never sounded angry towards the kids. I looked at him full of regret "I'm sorry Jaime. I didn't have any right to go off at you like that.". Jaime nodded "it's fine."

My phone vibrated and I checked to see what it was, I had multiple texts actually.

BrAdFOrD: I got into Rob's house :D

Skyscraper Rob: Chesteeerr tell Brad to stop breaking iiiinnn.

I got hit by fear when I saw the unknown number had texted me again.

Unknown: I told you to break up and you didn't follow my order. How was it to finally see your big brother again Chazzy?

Unknown: look who's finally here.

Unknown: come on Chester, stop playing games. You read it.

Unknown: So are you going to do what I asked? The consequences will be worse if you don't.

Unknown: goodnight Chester. Sleep tight.

Why? Why is this happening? I can't go to Mike because he'll think I'm paranoid again. I don't want to bother the guys... I sighed. Moving will be the best option.

"What's wrong Chester?" Mike asked, I jumped, he scared me. I also dropped my phone, Mike picked it up he saw the texts.

He frowned at it. "What the fuck.". "M-Mike.." I tried to speak. Mike looked at me "why don't you just block them?". I looked down "they know a lot about me Mike. They got my brother out of prison. The...." "I don't care Chester! God! Just... block them okay." "I don't think it's that easy." I mumbled. Mike sighed at me "that's because you're always being paranoid."

I decided to finally bring it up "Mike, I really want to move.". Mike looked angry "We already talked about this Chester! I don't want it.". I backed off, Mike was getting scary "Well, I do.". Then he said something that just broke me "Why don't you move out on your own then? If you're so desperate to move.". I snapped "Why do you seem so desperate to get rid of me?! Did you find some other person?!" "Are you Seriously accusing me of cheating?!" Mike came really close and he looked super angry. "Well it's not like you wouldn't!" I hissed. I felt a sharp pain against my cheek.

"What the fuck..." I whispered, trying not to break. Mike had hit me. Mike looked angry, then he seemed to have realised what he'd done. Regret washed over his face. "Ches.." he Whispered, I could barely hear it. I held up my hand, meaning for him to stop talking and I walked away.

Mike's PoV

Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck have I done?! Then it got even worse, Jaime. He was looking at me Like I just killed someone. Of course he did. I fucking hit Chester! The man that has been hit and beaten all his life and now one of the only people he knew would never do it, ended up hitting him!

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