••• 39. Jaime and Malia •••

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Mike's PoV

Chester has been extremely excited for Christmas. It's been his favorite holiday even since he celebrated it with my family instead of his own. I'm pretty sure his own family didn't even celebrate it. Christmas was in two days so Chester was preparing loads of things already.

I heard the front door open "Mikey! I'm back." I heard Chester say. I walked to the front door to see Chester with loads of grocery bags, I quickly kissed his cheek before helping him get it all to the kitchen.

I hugged him and said "you're freezing.". Chester giggled "mhm, Because it's freezing outside." He pushed his cold face onto my neck. I yelled out "ah! Cold!" But Chester didn't back away. "Chaaaz!" I whined as a kid "let go." But he still didn't back away, he came even closer. "Okay that's it!" I said as I started tickling him he tried to get away, but now I didn't let him go. "M-Mike!... s-stop-p! Pl-please.." he laughed loudly "M-Mikey-y!" He laughed. "I-I can't b-breath!" He laughed. "N-no!" He couldn't stop laughing. I kept going until I heard a female giggle coming from the kitchen door. I looked over to see Malia and Jaime in the doorframe. I stopped and Chester leaned on the counter, catching his breath.

"Hey guys. How are you?" I casually asked, like nothing happened. Chester turned away from the counter to face the two of them, he waved "hi."

"That was adorable." I heard Malia say to Jaime.

Chester and I were cooking dinner and we were listening to music whilst cooking. Chester sang along to the songs that came on. I'd rap, not sing. Chester's a better singer then me.

"You said Time to tear down the walls you know not everything's your fault, but in a way, out mistakes have brought us here today. You say just look how far you've come, despite all those things you've done."

Chester tripped and I quickly caught him.

Chester smiled and sang "you'll always be the one to catch me when I fall" I chuckled as I got back to cutting tomatoes. I missed him so much.

We finished cooking and Chester called everyone to the table. Malia seemed upset, and Jaime looked angry... oh no. Please Chester keep out of this.

Chester's PoV

Somethings off with Malia and Jaime. I wanna help... I'm gonna try and help.

After dinner, everyone left the room and I went upstairs towards Jaime's room. Mike followed me probably to stop me. But before I could knock, I heard them.

"What the fuck is the reason?!" Jaime said. Malia sounded like she was crying "You don't understand! My sister.. she's fucking insane okay! Something's terribly wrong with her and I don't even know what! But she doesn't want me around you for some reason."

"Why do you care about her opinion so much?" Jaime sounded both sad and angry "is it who I used to be? That's not who I am anymore and you know It!.". What? Jaime's always been... Jaime. What's wrong? "No, no, that's not it. Just don't worry about it.." Malia said. Jaime sighed "how can I not worry when we don't know who we'll be tomorrow! What if tomorrow you show up to my house to tell me that you're breaking up with me!"

What? I gotta stop this. I knocked on Jaime's door and I let myself in. Mike followed.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Malia's mascara was running down her face. Jaime's eyes were puffy.

"Ches, maybe leave them alone.." Mike whispered, tugging at my arm, but I didn't let him take me out of the room. Jaime inhaled and spoke up "Uh.. Malia's sister is apparently getting worse. Causing her to want to break up with me.." "I didn't say that." Malia cut in "I'm not breaking up with you and I don't want to. Just because my sister's being a bitch doesn't mean I'm breaking up with you. You're worth it. She can fuck off if she thinks she can break us."

Jaime just hugged Malia tightly and said "I'm sorry for getting so mad.. I love you." "I love you too."

Mike and I left the room. So they're okay, but what's wrong with Malia's sister?

"Don't worry Chazzy, I'm sure she'll be fine. Otherwise she can come to us herself." Mike said as he rubbed his hand over my back comfortingly. I nodded "yeah, I just feel bad for her. I wish I could do something for her you know? Like maybe talk to her or her sister.."

"Just, try not to think about it too much, baby. I love you." Mike said as he kissed my cheek "I love you too." I said.

Draven ran over to me "daddy! Will grandma and grandpa come over for Christmas?"

"Yeah! Of course!" I smiled at him. Draven smiled at me in excitement. He loved Christmas as much as I do. But for him it was even more special since he still believed in Santa. Thinking about Santa... I have to get them gifts.

I asked Mike to go to the mall with me and he agreed so we went together.

Once we got there, Mike held my hand. "People already know now Chaz. So we can finally do this now." Mike smiled. I smiled back at him and kissed him... in public this time. I felt more free somehow.

We walked through the mall, holding each other's hands. Some girl stared at us, gasped, screamed like a fangirl and fell into a fountain because she wasn't looking where she went. We ran towards her and helped her out "are you okay?" I asked. She nodded but she froze "y-you.. wow! You guys are really together!" Her mother walked towards us "sweetie." We said our goodbyes and took a picture together.

We went to a coffee shop together and whilst Mike was getting our coffee. I saw a face that I knew, I didn't want to know it, but sadly I did. Cora.

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