••• 55. Back at last •••

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I heard Mike speak in the hallway, He was calling Dave "Yeah man! He's okay! But he's in the hospital right now, yeah I'm sure he'd be happy to see you guys. Right. Yep. I'll see you in an hour then."

He walked back into the room with a grin "the guys are coming over."

I smiled brightly. I was so excited to see them again. But I flinched as I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my knee, Mike moved his hand to my cheek "shh, Try not to move your leg too much Chazzy." Mike spoke softly, kissing my forehead. I didn't show anyone but I was still scared to death.. What if Cora managed to find her way back? What if she'd actually kill me?

"Chazzy!" "Chester!" "Oh my god!" "Chaz!" "Thank god!" I heard multiple voices and I looked over to see Dave, Rob, Brad and Joe all with glossy eyes. Joe practically ran to me and he carefully hugged me.

In the end all the guys were crying around the bed until visiting hours were over..

10 days later

"Mikey!" I smiled as Mike entered the room again, This was the last day I'd stay in the hospital. They did think it'd be better if I'd go see a therapist because I woke up screaming most nights and I flinched when I heard someone that sounded Like Cora or if someone would mention her name.. I also had a few panic attacks and I'm constantly afraid.. so yeah.

Mike kissed me before sitting down on the chair next to my bed. "Excited to go back home?" Mike asked. I nodded excitedly "I can't wait to see the kids again!" I smiled. Mike chuckled softly "and they can't wait to see you again."

I had decided that I didn't want them visiting me in the hospital since I was in a terrible state.. but now I was doing better, scars began to fade, wounds were healing and bones were healing. I was going to be okay, physically. Mentally, never. I'm not okay, of course I'm more then happy to be back home. But all the things Cora did or said.. they haunt me.. they keep repeating in my head.

"Chaz? Are you okay?" Mike asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I shook my head "I-I.." I started crying. Mike hugged me carefully and placed my head in his neck "let it out Chaz. And know that whatever it is, you can tell me."

I cried on Mike's shoulder until I got up and sighed shakily "I'm just.. so scared and just... mentally scarred.. I don't know what It'll take to fix me.. I'll never be alright.."

Mike sat next to me and held my hands "I'll do whatever it takes to help you Chaz. I made mistakes in the past, but I wanna do this right.". I smiled at Mike "I love you." "I love you too Chaz, more then anything." Mike whispered.

I finally got to go home, some parts of my body were still hurting, but I had meds and had to walk with crutches. as I entered the house, I saw a sign that hung above the door "WELCOME HOME CHESTER!" It said. I smiled, everyone must be here then? I smiled and I moved to the living room, everyone was there! Dave, Joe, Brad, Rob, Lila, Malia, Draven, Jaime, Otis, Donna, Muto and Mike was right behind me.

I smiled at the sight of my kids. Lila, Draven and Otis sprinted towards me hugging me the best that they could. Tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks. I thought I'd never see anyone in this room again.

Jaime walked towards me and smiled at me, I smiled back. His eyes were glossy and he fell into my arms, letting his tears fall onto my shoulder. I patted his back comfortingly and said "I'm here now Jaime, and I'm not leaving any time soon, I promise." "I love you dad. So much. Please keep that promise." Jaime said, his voice muffled by my shirt.  "Don't worry, I will." I said.

Jaime broke the hug and walked back to Malia.

I looked at the rest of the guys, Dave had tears of happiness and a slight smile on his face, Joe has a massive smile on his face, Brad seemed to be nearly sobbing of happiness and Rob was smiling at me.. suddenly they all walked towards me at the same time and we got into a group hug, I also felt Mike join in.

"I missed you guys.." I said. Then the sentences"you have no idea how much we missed you." "We missed you too." "So glad you're back." And "Thank god you're here"

At the end of the night, people left after we talked about everything that happened whilst I was gone.

Mike and I were now getting ready for bed, we were now just brushing our teeth in the bathroom.

Mike spat out the water he had in his mouth into the sink, I did the same. Mike grinned at me before hugging me tightly "I can't believe you're back!"

I smiled into his neck "I love you Mikey, so so much." "I love you too Chaz." Said Mike as he picked me up, making sure to be careful with my leg and other parts that were still hurting.

He carefully laid me down on the bed and pulled the coverts over me after putting a pillow under my ankle.

"Mikey.." I started. Mike looked over "yeah?" "Everything hurts." "I know Ches, but it'll get better. And I'll be by your side." Mike spoke, laying down next to me carefully. I was on my back and Mike was looking at me, laying on his side.

He carefully traced the tattoos on my upper arm with his fingers, making sure not to hurt anything.

"Goodnight Ches."

"Night Mikey."

I woke up.. back at the warehouse?! What the fuck! No no no no please no.

Cora walked over. Please don't be real, please don't be real.

"Really think you'd get rid of me that easily Chaz?" She chuckled. Cora smiled "I also got something for you." She opened a curtain to reveal Mike... bleeding, terribly beaten up and.. dead.

"Mike! No! MIKE!" I screamed out in between sobs, and suddenly, I was back in bed next to Mike, sitting up with sweat over my body. Was it all a nightmare?

Mike was sitting up next to me "sshh, here Chaz." He said, handing me a glass of water. I sipped the water and gave the glass back to him.

I didn't know what was happening... I mean, I knew it was a dream.. but it felt so real.

Mike comforted me until I was calm enough to try and sleep again, But I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to see that again.

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