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Mike's PoV

Two days and Chester still hasn't woken up yet. The doctors are getting worried, But not one of them is more worried then I am. I need Chester. What would I do without him? What if he'd pass away here?

I visited him in the hospital again, just like every other day. There he was again, lifeless on a hospital bed.
I started talking to him, people didn't know I did it, but I talked to him a lot.

"Hey Chaz. Today Malia visited us, it went well. But, We all missed you and Malia got into a fight with her sister again. Brad and Rob have been hanging out more then usual, Joe and Dave thing they finally got together so they started something they call 'the Bourdelson case' with the hope they're together. I hope so too. You'd love that, Rob and Brad finally together. I also hope that you'll wake up soon. I miss you, we all miss you. The house is so quiet without you." I said as tears decorated my cheeks. I wiped away my tears "sorry, I just uh.." I cleared my throat "I just miss you so much.."

It's only been two days so far and I miss him so much already. Can't imagine what it would be like if he was gone for longer. I don't know how my life would be without Chester. It'd never be the same, It would be dark.

The doctor walked into the room and he smiled "Mr. Shinoda! Good to see you! Chester is recovering and we're pretty sure that he'll wake up soon! We can remove his oxygen mask."

I gasped and smiled "really?! That's amazing!"

The doctor removed Chester's Oxygen mask and before I knew it, he was breathing on his own again.

A nurse walked in "Doctor, we have news about Chester Charles Bennington. He'll wake up soon. We just have to keep him here for another day or two to take care of his wounds."

My face lit up and I turned to Chester and held his hand "hear that, baby? You'll be okay. You're gonna be okay.." I had tears, but this time not of sadness, this time of happiness. I kissed his cheek.

The nurse smiled as I turned back around "oh! Sorry.... I just uh.. I really ship Bennoda." She said as her face turned red. I smiled at her "I think Chester will be glad to hear that, he's always been insecure about our relationship."

"Aww.. God I hope he'll wake up soon."

"Yeah, me too."

"So, May I ask you something?" The nurse asked. I nodded "yeah.". She smiled "Are your kids, also Chester's? Like are you married? Are the bennoda rings like, wedding rings?"

"Yes, yes and yes." I said.  The nurse's face lit up. But the doctor walked in and said "leave them alone please." And she left the room.

I got to sleep next to Chester tonight, which was amazing.

The Next morning.

I woke up, hearing a voice I was dying to hear "Mike, Mikey, baby, wake up." I heard Chester's still weak voice say. I shot up and faced Chester "Chester! Oh my god, you're okay.. you're gonna be okay." I cried tears of relief and happiness as I hugged him carefully. Chester crashed his lips against mine "I actually got something to tell you Mike." He said. "What is it?" I raised an eyebrow. Chester smiled and Kissed me quickly "I heard nearly everything you said Mikey. I love you so much. Oh and don't worry, I'm not going away. I will be here for you."

I kissed him as we both heard some people run into the room. We were greeted by Dave "Chester! Mike!"

I smiled at them "he's gonna be okay."

The doctor walked in and told us that Chester would be ready to come back home in two days. I couldn't wait.

Two days later.

I had picked Chester up from the hospital and he was back home now. He was really happy about it, just like everyone else.

Once we got home, he got greeted by the kids hugging him tightly but eventually they had to let go because it was hurting Chester.

The guys were going to come over today too. Eventually Dave arrived, then Joe. But Brad and Rob, who were usually the first, weren't there.

"Should we go to Rob's house? What if something's wrong?" Chester said. Dave nodded "yeah, I think we should. Let's go." And so we all went to Mike's car, which was bigger then my car, and Dave's and Joe's.

At Rob's house.

Chester's PoV

We all had the keys to each other's houses, so Dave opened the door. We all made our way to the living room, but I stayed behind in the hallway to look in the mirror. Then we all heard it.... Brad moaning loudly, followed by Mike saying "oh Jesus guys! This is the last time I'm sitting on that couch.."

I pulled Mike's arm and said "cmon, let them finish." Mike looked at me, weirded out, but he listened. Dave and Joe also left the room with us, we ended up going outside. Eventually Rob peeked his head out the front door "uhm... You guys can uh... come in now..."

Chester didn't seem to be awkward in any way and he made his way into the house. Dave hesitated but followed, so did Joe and I went in last. Brad was on the couch, putting his shirt on.

"So... I guess we cleared out the bourdelson case..." Joe said. Dave looked traumatized "yep, in possibly the worst way possible.". Chester started cracking up and laughing uncontrollably "D-Dave!!..... y-you should've... s-seen your f-face!" He laughed. We all laughed with him a little, I mean, Chester's laugh can make anyone laugh.

"So you guys are finally together?" Chester said, wiping away tears of laughter. Brad happily nodded and he stood next to Rob, attempting to lean on his shoulder, But Rob was too tall. Brad didn't stop trying until Rob picked him up bridal style and brad could lean on his shoulder from that.

Joe chimed into the room with cans of soda "so, when's the wedding?"

"Soon." Chester said as some historical person "we must wait for the day to arrive." He literally looked like a historical fantasy villain.

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