••• 51. To be alone •••

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The song used in this chapter belongs to Alter Bridge.


It was a day after my birthday... I feel bad because I kinda had fun. God look at me! Being mad at myself for having fun without Chester... I'm a mess.

I went to the store because, well, We gotta eat. In the car and the radio played, I couldn't help but cry at the song.

"The static of this cruel world
Cause some birds to fly long before they've seen their day
Long before they've seen their day
Let the wind carry you home
Blackbird fly away
May you never be broken again
Beyond the suffering you've known
I hope you find your way
May you never be broken again
Ascend may you find no resistance
Know that you made such a difference
All you leave behind will live to the end
The cycle of suffering goes on
But memories of you stay strong
Someday I too will fly and find you again..."

Some day Chaz... we'll meet again. In a better place. We'll be together again.

I wiped my tears as I parked the car.

In the store, I was going to get wine for Chester, but I didn't know which one to get so I called him.

The phone went off, Huh, he's not picking u-.... Oh.. right. I sighed shakily and hung up. I just called without an answer... knowing he won't come back, I felt that now familiar burning sensation, that familiar lump in my throat. I nearly started crying in the middle of the grocery store.

I quickly got all the things I needed, paid and rushed out of the store, once I was back in the car I started crying.

When I got home, I took care of the kids, cooked dinner, ate, showered, read a book, wrote some lyrics and went to bed... the most productive I've been in the past days, usually I just took care of the kids made dinner and went to bed.

Chester's PoV

I couldn't believe it... Mike and the guys must think I'm dead. I just felt empty now, I was ready to really be dead. I didn't want this.. I didn't want to live like this..

Cora came back into the room with a grin on her face, she spoke up "We're getting closer to the day where you can finally die."

I was relieved but at the same time sad... I don't think I want to die, I wanna see Mike again, I wanna see Dave again, I wanna be there when Rob and Brad finally get married, I wanna see Joe too and the kids.. I want to get back on stage and connect with all the fans again.. I don't think I want to go.

"Aren't you excited? This would've been your dream back in high school!" Cora grinned "To finally fucking die! But no, you had to fuck that up along with ten thousand other things."

I couldn't speak, I just weakly looked at her... My body felt like it was on fire. What also didn't help is all the things she said to me, horrible things...

Out of nowhere, she hit my leg with something so hard that I could hear it snap, I screamed out in agony. She smirked, she has fucking issues, but we all know that by now.

I just sit here everyday, powerless.. she can do whatever she wants and I can't do anything about it.. I fucking hate it, I am so done. I'm giving up the last glimpses of hope I got... slowly but surely.

Mike's PoV

The next morning I got a call from the detective that helped us..

"Good morning, Mr Shinoda. We've got news on Chester's case."

I gasped "what is it?!"

"We have a few suspects."


"A few people from his past, like his father's  friend, who just got released from prison. Also, Lenny Sanders, who has been stalking multiple celebrities.. and then the last one, Cora Washington, she used to be in a mental asylum for psychopathy, delusional jealousy and... Obsessive Love Disorder."

"When did Cora get released from that mental hospital? Who let her out?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows... why would she get released like that? When she clearly still had fucking issues!

The detective sighed "no one let her out, Mr Shinoda... she escaped, she was never released.."

"So you're telling me there's a fucking obsessive jealous psychopath walking around that killed my husband?!" My eyes widened.

The detective went silent for a moment "wait? Killed him?"

"Yeah..There were pictures send.." I whispered, on the verge of tears again.

" Please stop by again soon.." the detective said. I agreed and we didn't have anything left to talk about for now, we said our goodbyes and I hung up. I sighed shakily and got up to get some water. I need Chester... I miss him so so so much. Fans have been wondering where he went, We have to tell them eventually but I'm definitely not ready yet.

I suddenly got a text from Dave..

Dave: Mike, Have you seen this?

He also send a link to an article... written by no other then Cora fucking Washington!

Linkin park vocalist Chester Bennington has disappeared!

The lead vocalist of linkin park hasn't been seen anywhere and hasn't been heard from for a few weeks now and people are starting to worry!

What has happened to Bennington? Did he step out of the spotlight? Did he runaway for a new life? Did he leave his beloved husband Mike? Did he pass away? Who knows? But I am sure we will find out soon!

Mike Shinoda, the rapper of linkin park and Bennington's husband must be heartbroken if Chester has disappeared or pass away. Let's just cross our fingers and hope that Shinoda will be okay and maybe find someone else. After all, Valentine's day is getting closer and closer. Would be a shame if Shinoda would have to celebrate it all alone.

Tell us what you think about the situation in the comment section, leave a Like for Chester and I'll see you next time!

Author: Cora Washington

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened... what the fuck is wrong with her?! She must have Chester! There's no one else that could! She has him! I'm 99% sure that she does! She's gonna pay for what she's done!

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