••• Epilogue •••

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8 months later

"Mikey come on! We're gonna be late!" I yelled at Mike, who was standing in the bathroom fixing his hair. When he came out of the bathroom I grinned and straightened out a crinkled part in his suit, I kissed his cheek and said "you look amazing."

Mike grinned and said "same for you." He ran his hand over the black fabric of my suit jacket.

"I can't believe it's finally happening." I smiled. Mike smiled back "yeah.. I never expected that Brad and Rob would end up getting married."

"Okay everyone's ready and we have to get there early so let's go." I spoke. Mike nodded.

We walked downstairs to see that Jaime was also ready, we got the kids dressed before ourselves, so now we were ready to go.

Once we got there, Mike went to Rob with Jaime and I went to Brad with the rest of the kids.

"Uncle Brad!" Cheered the kids as they ran to Brad. Brad was adjusting the sleeves of his suit nervously, he smiled at the kids, it was a nervous smile tho.

"Hey, how are you guys?" He asked the kids. They were all pretty excited. I felt like Brad needed someone to talk to so I asked "kids, Can you guys help Uncle Dave outside?"

They nodded and went towards Dave to help him with flowers and that sort of thing.

Brad sighed nervously. I placed a hand on his shoulder "What's bothering you?"

"I-I'm nervous.. and kinda... scared? I guess." Brad spoke, his hands were fidgety and he didn't make any eye contact. "Nervous I get but, why scared?" I asked. Brad sighed "what if.. what if Rob changes his mind?" "He'll get kicked in his balls that's what." Said Brad's friend as he walked into the room. I sighed and shook my head "he won't Brad. Rob loves you just as much as you love him. You got nothing to worry about, okay? You're going out there, and you'll have the best day of your life."

Brad smiled at me "thanks Chaz." "Anyways, almost time, man." I smiled. Brad nervously nodded before cracking a smile.

"We are here today to witness the joining of Bradford Delson and Robert Bourdon in marriage." The man started the ceremony. I got Emotional and Mike seemed to notice as he put an arm around me and kissed my cheek.

Yeah I had tears during the entire ceremony..

"You may now kiss your grooms." Rob slightly lifted Brad of the ground since he was much taller, making some people giggle or chuckle a little including Brad and Rob themselves, before they kissed each other sweetly. I smiled as more emotional tears ran down my cheeks.

Eventually they got to the cake and Mike and I grinned at each other, having the same thing in mind, we glanced at Joe, Joe nodded in agreement, Dave facepalmed.

Joe yelled "Cake!" Before running towards the newly wedded couple. Dave sighed before chasing Joe "Joe! No stop it!"

Brad fed Rob a piece of Cake and Mike yelled "Aww! Look They're feeding each other!"

"We can do the same thing Mikey!" I said, throwing my arms in the air. Mike laughed "Never Chazzy-Chaz!"

"I want Cake!" Joe yelled.

"This looks awfully familiar." Brad chuckled. Rob smiled "yeah, Man I was missing out a few years ago. We could've been together for years already." He said before kissing Brad's cheek.

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