••• 54. Drowning •••

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Mike's PoV

"This is it! I think we got the warehouse!" I heard Detective Wolfe yell through the phone.

I went over to the police station as soon as possible and we went to the warehouse.

Armed policemen entered the building, I was holding my breath .. what if Chester's gone already? I ran inside but I wish I didn't, the middle of the warehouse had a chair with restraints, blood was on the chair and around it, I saw a metal table which also had splatters of blood on it along with a variety of torture tools... oh god.. I walked into another room to see all of our pictures, wedding, high school... all the picture albums that were stolen.. but where are Chester and Cora?

"Nobody's here!" I heard a policeman yell "But we found this! They might be at Sapphire Lake!"

We saw what he was holding, it was a map with a red circle around the lake... so Cora is even dumber then I thought.

We started driving to the lake. It was dark outside already.

Chester's PoV

Cora was rowing to a part of the lake, eventually she said "Chester , this is the end of you. I hope you had a good time for as long as it lasted, actually never mind, rot in hell. Got anything left to say?" "If I'm going to hell, I'll meet you there." I said. She shook her head and rolled her eyes "seriously?" "No, because the only person here that's going to hell is you." I said. She sighed And she threw the piece of concrete into the water followed by my exhausted body. I gasped which wasn't smart because my mouth was now halfway filled with water.

Water started flooding into my face. I felt like dying, but then I remembered Everyone, Mike, Dave, Joe, Rob, Brad, Draven, Jaime, Lila, Otis.... there I was 6 feet underwater, I had to try and hold on.. luckily the water wasn't too deep, so I tried my best to get as high to the surface as I could, Ignoring the pain of some bones Cora Broke, and eventually, My face made it to the surface for a few seconds and I gasped for air. Then My face got back into the water and I swallowed a big gulp of water. I wasn't going to survive this... I tried my hardest to get my head above water.

I can't...

I was going to drown..

Wounds were burning, making me scream out.

Just as I thought this was really the end, someone started jerking me upwards and someone else jumped into the water next to me, and tried to pick up or loosen the block of concrete at my feet.

I got taken to shore and someone laid me down somewhere.

My eyes widened, but soon my vision started to fade again.. someone tilted my head to the side making some of the water pour out of my mouth and nose. Someone pinched my nose and brought their mouth to mine as they strongly breathed out 4 times.

"Chester?! Chester?!" I heard someone speak, but it all sounded so blurry, why? "Chester?! Can you hear me?!" I heard someone say, the voice was echoing and just a blur, I wanted to respond but I couldn't. Then another voice came in "Chester?! Ches please! Hold On!" It was Mike.

Mike's PoV

I fell to my knees as the detective called an ambulance, an officer was giving Chester mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It didn't seem to be going well...

After another try the officer brought his ear to Chester's mouth and he looked at Chester's chest, but no movement.

I was panicking and crying. He wasn't gonna make it.. just as I though that, Chester couched and water splattered out of his mouth he inhaled once but it sounded like a choked inhale.

I heard sirens repeating, the paramedics must be here. I looked at the Ambulance that was arriving but as I looked back to Chester, he was laying on the floor, it looked like he passed out.

The paramedics got him into the ambulance and just as I was about to follow. An officer yelled "We found her!"

Cora. The cause of all of this. I turned around to see her, I looked at her full of rage, disgust and hate. I hope she rots in prison. "Mikey!" She yelled. I shook my head and the detective told me "Don't let her get to you Mike, go, go with Chester."

I nodded and shot Cora another hateful glare before getting into the ambulance.

Chester's PoV

I woke up to a bright light. The hospital? Did I really just nearly die? Everything hurt... I couldn't even move...

"Chester.." I heard someone, I flinched and started breathing rapidly because I thought it was Cora again... she's the only person I've seen for 3 months so I just assumed it was her. "Calm down, I'm Zoe, the nurse."

My breathing eased and I started calming down a bit again. "So you can hear me? Like understand too?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay, can you see properly?" She asked. Again, I nodded in response. "Okay... Good, that's good. You're save now, no one can hurt you anymore." She spoke softly. "I-it's really over?" I asked with a weak voice and a faint Grogginess.

She nodded "yeah. Cora's-" I flinched as I heard her name, Zoe also flinched because of my flinch "oh! I'm sorry.. uhm, she's gone okay. Locked up for the rest of her life."

That was kind of relieving, but what if she manages to get out? Wait, where's Mike?! "M-Mike..." I spoke. She spoke up "oh, yeah, he's been waiting to visit you. Would you like him to come over?" I nodded.

She left the room for a bit and Mike came back in, he nearly ran to my bed. "Chester! Oh thank god.." he said as he moved his hand to my cheek, so careful like I was made of glass. I looked into his eyes and smiled faintly. Mike sat down next to my bed and ran his hand through his hair "I'm so sorry.."

"For what?" I asked. Mike started speaking fast "I kept calling you paranoid and I had no right to do it, a-a-and you were right! And i-if I never got mad, this all wouldn't've happened and I should've just believed you, I should've kept you save instead of getting mad, I've been terrible to you.. I-I'm so sorry Chester."

"Sshh.." I started. I smiled a little and spoke softly since I couldn't speak loudly "It's okay Mike. I'm just so happy to have you here.. I was so scared, Cora made you think I was dead.." "shit!" Mike suddenly yelled.

"What is it?"

"I haven't told the guys that we found you yet.." Mike said.

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