••• 43. cause you don't know what you've got•••

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Mike's PoV

I was probably too harsh on Chester. He can't help being afraid. It's not his fault that he is, It's because of his past. He had a past that fear was a constant emotion.

Anyways we were going to move soon, to a place with better security. Chester and I were going to look at a few houses today.

We drove to the first house, which was a modern 2 story house with big windows.

The estate agent introduced herself "Good afternoon, My name is Amy."

Mike and I introduced ourselves too. "Let's take a look inside the house." She said after she explained the outside to us. The hallway was bigger then the one at the old house, which I really liked.. to be honest, every room in this house was bigger then in our  current house. We got our current house back when meteora was released.

We got into the master bedroom which had two walk in closets, but one wasn't really for clothes.

"This walk in closet has been made for shoes..." Amy explained. Chester looked up with wide eyes. I chuckled a little at his excitement.

After we saw the entire house, we thanked Amy and were on our way to the next house.

"So what'd you think?" I asked Chester, I noticed that he cursed under his breath "You got a fucking turn signal for a reason..."

Chester could get pretty frustrated whilst driving and it was pretty cute to watch him curse under his breath... which was weird, but cute.

"Fucking turn signal!" He said as I chuckled, he glanced over at me and smiled himself "what?"

"You are actually really cute when you get mad at someone for not using their turn signal.." I said, I just realized how weird that sounded. Chester's cheeks turned a red shade as he gave me a small smile.

The radio news was odd..

"A woman got attacked at her own tattoo shop by a unidentifiable person. She now suffers severe injuries and is holding on to life. Her name is Jessica Reed, she's 29 years old and has owned the shop ever since she was 24, nothing like this has every happened to her before. The police is trying to find the person who did it and why they did."

"Do you think that's our Jessica?" I asked,, knowing it was a stupid question.

Chester snapped, but not in an angry way "of course it is! What other person is named Jessica Reed, that owns a tattoo shop since she was 24 and is now 29 years old. It must be her."

"Wow.. who would've done such a thing to her."

Chester seemed to think about it for a second before he gasped "Mike, could there be any chance that It was Cora?"

"What? Why would Cora attack Jessica?"

"Because Jessica knew about Cora being dangerous. What if Jessica knew more about Cora then she told me and Cora wanted to get rid of her so Jessica wouldn't have the chance to tell anyone." Chester said. And it made sense, and Cora was actually sick enough to do something like that... "wait, Chester, that night that there was that intruder in our house.. could that possibly be.."

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