••• 16. Breakdown •••

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Chester's PoV

I love Mike, I really do, Like so much. But I don't know how long I can keep forgiving him for... well, everything. I'm just so so grateful for all the things he has done for me. Oh and I love him a lot.

I put on clothes and we went downstairs, to the kids.

The doorbell rang, Mike answered it, I was putting on shoes in the hallway, It was Cora.

"Hey Mikey, you forgot this." She handed him his belt. I sighed and looked down.

"Oh hey Chester! What are you doing here?" She gritted her teeth.

"Watching the kids." I said.

Then Draven ran over to... me. "Daddy? Who's this?"

"Daddy, huh..." Cora looked at me, Fucking psychotically.

"Heh... yeah I'm like a second father to them.." I awkwardly laughed it off.

Mike decided to save this situation "well, you better get going, we have a lot to do." Before Mike could close the door, Cora fucking forcefully kissed him, Jaime saw it, Draven saw it, and I too saw it.

I clenched my teeth and fist. Jaime looked shocked, really shocked. Draven was too young to fully understand what happened.

"Draven, Let's get you dressed for today." I said As I went upstairs with Draven.

I heard Jaime get mad at Mike "How the fuck could you do that to dad?!" He yelled.

Mike's PoV

Jaime was so angry, of course he was, I practically Cheated on Chester.

"How the fuck could you do that to dad?!" He yelled "to us! All of us! Do You have any idea how much things like this fuck up families?!"

"I know." I said "but please, Jaime, this is not my fault... she forced herself on me."

"Oh fuck off." He said as he went upstairs, Please don't hate me Jaime.

"Mike, I'm going to the tattoo shop with Jaime." Chester said, I totally forgot. I just nodded. Chester hugged me "hey, I love you." He kissed my cheek. It made me feel better, Chester still loves me.

Chester's PoV

At the tattoo shop.

"So they do piercings and tattoos, You can also get ear gauges." I said.

Jaime nodded.

We walked into the shop and got greeted by my great friend, Jessica. She was a great tattoo artist. Her hair was dyed grey, she had green eyes with eyeliner wings, A black septum, A rose tattoo sleeve, a pale skin, a skull with some roses on her other arm, and black snakebites.

"Chester! Hey!" She hugged me. "Hey Jess."

"So what brings you here?" She asked. "Well, my son here, Jaime. Wanted something for his birthday."

She smiled "nice! What can I do for you?" She asked Jaime.

He ended up getting a piercing, it looked great!

"Thanks Jess." I said. She smiled at me "anytime Chaz."

We left the shop and went back home.

"Did it hurt?" I asked. Jaime shook his head "not really, I expected it worse."

I smiled at him "maybe you can get a tattoo when you're older.". "Yeah... but probably never as much as you... you have a shit ton of tattoos, I don't know if I'm even creative enough to get all the ideas for them.".

We started laughing. "Didn't it hurt to get so much tattoos?" Jaime asked. "Nah, I got used to it eventually." "Cool."

We got back in the house and Mike walked to the hallway, Mike looked at Jaime with a... I don't know what look.

"Oh.. wow.. it's really nice actually." Mike smiled, thank god he liked it. Jaime didn't smile at Mike like he usually does he just said "thanks dad."

I was sitting upstairs, at the desk in my bedroom, working on lyrics and writing down the things that happened the past few days and how I felt about them.

"Mike did end up Cheating, it's not his fault, but it still happened. Why did I forgive him so fast? I don't know. I always forgive people too fast, because I can't stand losing people. I'm pathetic when I'm alone. God, why did I have to turn out like this? Why can't I just be a normal human being? I literally fuck up 90% of the things I do. Maybe Mike is better off with Cora. Maybe everyone is better off without me."

I closed the note book and put it into a drawer. Who am I kidding, Mike deserves my forgiveness. God damn it. You're being pathetic Chester. You're a pathetic waste of space! Of course he'd want someone else!

I went into the bathroom and saw my own reflection, it was rather against my will. One part of me wanted me to see how disgusting I am. There I was, staring at my own reflection, who have I become? I just hate myself so much. I started crying and screaming at myself "stop crying! You fucking bitch! Ugh!" I screamed as I slammed my fist into the mirror. I stopped and froze. I looked down at my fist, blood was pouring out of it. What the fuck just happened? What the fuck did I do? Blood was dripping down from the mirror, into the sink, from my hand too.

Mike rushed into the bathroom "Chester?! What happened?!" He grabbed my arm to look at my hand "we gotta go to the hospital.. come on.." he lead me out of the house, "Jaime! Watch your siblings for a bit okay?!" Mike yelled as we got into the car, Mike had put a towel around my hand.

"What happened Chester?" Mike asked, on our way to the hospital. "I-I don't know.. I just... lost control over myself I guess." I answered, ashamed.

Once we got to the hospital we rushed in.. turns out I need stitches, the docter said I was lucky that I didn't destroy my hand or fractured my arm, because if I fractured my arm It would never be the same he said. God why was I so stupid?

We left the hospital and got back in the car, Mike didn't start driving tho... oh here we go.. a car talk.

"What exactly happened?" Mike asked. "I got angry and hit the mirror." I didn't feel like having this conversation at all. "Well, what made you angry?"

"A guy named Chester Bennington." I said sarcastically.

"What did Chester do?" Mike talked to me Like I was a 5 year old.. fucking Mike.

"Mike please just shut up." I groaned. Mike sighed in annoyance "oh I'm sorry not everything is going your way. I'm Just trying to help."

"Mike fuck you! I'm not the one who fucking cheated! I'm not the one who hit the other! I'm not the one who called the other paranoid! And I'm also not the one who was also flirting with an interviewer!" I yelled, trying to get  out of the car, but Mike had locked the doors.

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