••• 25. Cry ourselves to sleep•••

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Dave's PoV

I didn't know what to think. Some bitch made Mike do this. She must've known that Chester would walk in because she said that "when he comes back" she knew that Chester was also staying in the room, and it wouldn't surprise me if she knew that they were married. Mike showed me her article.

But still Mike fucking agreed!

He did this for Chester. But then again, he could've done something else. Like anything. Just anything else. Because the way Chester is doing right now, is far from okay. I don't know if I want Chester to forgive Mike honestly, Mike kept hurting him over and over and over again past months. It might be best for Chester to stay away from Mike for a while. Then there's their kids. What'll happen to them? When they find out that their parents might get a divorce. Chester will probably want to keep the kids. I don't know about Mike. Mike probably still wants to see them, and Chester being Chester would be nice enough to let him. That's just the way Chester is, that's why Chester will probably forgive Mike. But I feel like Mike's using the fact that Chester forgives easily.

Mike's like, my best friend tho, and he too deserves the best. Chester is also a great friend even tough he hasn't been around as long as Mike's been.

I remember the first time I saw him, skinny guy, blonde Spikes, Glasses, Labret in his lip, always long sleeved shirts and skinny jeans, shy...


Mike came towards our table in the cafeteria, with that Bennington kid.. everyone seems to hate him. I wonder what Mike's doing with him.

"Hey guys, this is Chester." Mike smiled at Chester, who looked down and whispered a barely audible "hi"

"Chester, this is Dave, that's Joe, that's Brad and that's Rob." Mike said as he pointed at us.

"Hey Chester." I smiled. He seemed like a nice guy. Why did everyone hate him?

Then Luke walked into the cafeteria, Chester's eyes widened and his skin grew paler then it already was.

Luke aggressively rubbed Chester's head "How are you today, Bennington?"

Chester didn't dare to respond.

"Hey! I asked you something you fucking fag."

"Leave him the fuck alone!" Rob growled. Everyone seemed to be afraid of rob since he was tall and shit. Luke looked at Rob "oh, so Bennington finally managed to make one single friend huh."

"Two." Mike said.

"Three." Joe smiled.

"Four." Brad smirked.

"Five." I said.

No one would mess with out friend group, no one really wanted to, but I expected that to change when Chester joined the group.

Luke backed off and aggressively pushed Chester to the ground "fine. I'll leave you alone this time, fucking fuck up!"

Flashback end.

We all loved Chester a lot. Then one night... god.. that night.


The next day, Chester got beaten up by Luke and his group, and the next, and the next and the next. We couldn't do anything about it anymore. That was until Rob once beat up Luke after he mentally and physically hurt Chester worse then before... but then that night, probably one of the worst nights of our lives. We were having a band practice but Chester didn't show up, which was unusual for him. We decided to go to his house, his dad wasn't home, no lights were on, but we could all tell that something was off.

When we entered his home after knocking and yelling his name many times, we looked around for a bit. Until we heard Mike scream "OH GOD NO! CHESTER!" We all rushed downstairs to find Chester's unconscious form on the floor, and an empty bottle of pills in his one hand, a note in the other.

An ambulance had arrived and Mike unfolded the note Chester had left.

He read it to all of us.

"All I wanna do is trade this life for something new, holding on to what I haven't got.

Sitting in an empty room, trying to forget the past. This was never meant to last, I wish it wasn't so...

Dear Mike, Dave, Rob, Brad and Joe...." Mike tried to read it but he barely could. Mike handed Brad the note and Brad attempted to read it.

"Dear Mike, Dave, Rob, Brad and Joe. I hope this won't be too hard on you. And If it is, I am sorry about that. This was the only way. But don't worry guys. In time you'll be glad I'm gone. Thank you guys for everything you've done for me. Thank you so much for making my last days better. Thank you for being my friend.

- Chaz."

Flashback end.

God, I hope he never goes back to that darkness again.

"Dave? Dave?" I snapped from my thoughts as I heard Mike speaking again. "Huh?! Yeah! What?! Who's on fire?!" I said. "You totally zoned out there.." Mike said.

"I just, needed some time, to think." I said. Mike nodded. "Look.. I'm really tired Mike and I just need to think for a while okay. Goodnight." I said as I left the room.

Mike's PoV

I laid down in bed, alone. Tears started pouring down my face again. Maybe... hearing his voice...

I grabbed my phone and clicked some random videos I had of Chester.

"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air never thought I could feel so freeheeheee!"

"Mikey! Draven and I went to the zoo and got you a lion keychain!"

I still had that... on the key to our house and our car...

"Look I'm a dog!! Hehehehe!"

"...Ohh how times have changed..."

"Mikey! I seriously love you more then fucking life itself! Like! Wow!"

Tears were pouring down but a small smile was on my face. But it faded once I realised, Chester might not want me back. Maybe he finally had enough.

Then I ended up crying myself to sleep.

Chester's PoV

I was laying in bed, not moving a muscle, but tears were running down my face and my head was pounding from all the crying. I was facing the wall so Dave might not notice. I still love Mike so so much but... he doesn't love me. I don't understand how he ever did.. Like how can others love you when you can't even love yourself? I just needed a break, from everything. The guy that gave me drugs, he only gave me weed. I didn't want to go back to the heavy shit. I don't want it to go back to that point.

I closed my eyes, hoping I'd get some rest.


Sorry about the chapter being mainly flashbacks.

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