••• 6. Unknown •••

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Mike's PoV

After Chester left, I couldn't do anything but regret everything I said to him. Wtf Mike!

Then I heard Chester talk to... himself? The things he said...

"just look at yourself! Are you happy now? Huh? This is what you do, Chester. Piss everyone off. You fucking fuck up! Mike never wanted to deal with you feeling bad for yourself! All the things that happened was because you deserved it. And the drugs and alcohol? You did that yourself. Stop blaming others. You fucked up bitch"

My eyes started watering. God Chester...

He didn't come back in the bedroom.. he probably feels like he has to sleep on the couch or something.. I wanted to go over to him, but that wouldn't be a good idea, we're both probably hurt or angry.

We got in a fight about something this stupid? Just because Chester thought I was scared?

Jaime's PoV

I heard them fight. All of it. What happened to them in high school? Then I heard dad talk to himself. Drugs and Alcohol? What happened to him in his life?

Someone softly knocked on my door and opened the door ajar. It was Lila. "Hey Lila, what's wrong?" I asked as I sat up in my bed. Let's hope she didn't hear them fight. "Why were daddy and dad being mean to each other?" She asked, crying quietly.

I motioned for her to sit next to me. "Sometimes people just... get into little arguments.. but Dad and... Daddy... Really do love each other, so don't worry about it okay? They will be fine." I hugged Lila. "I heard daddy talk to someone d-downstairs..W-what did He say?". No way in hell that I'm telling her that "I don't know... I couldn't hear." I lied. I heard every bit of it.

"Jaime. Can I sleep here tonight?" Lila asked. Lila prefers to sleep next to others when she's sad or scared. "Yeah. Of course."

Chester's PoV

I woke up on the couch, alone. I let out a sigh as I got up. I hope Mike can forgive me..

I grabbed my phone and I had a few texts.

Phoenix: morning Chaz, you and Mike got an interview with the same girl from last time today.

BrAdForD: Chester!!!


BrAdForD: wait nvm... i forgot ._.

Skyscraper Rob: Chester, tell Brad to stop coming over to my house randomly.

Mr.Hahhhnn: You got an interview to attend with Mikey.... just incase Dave forgot.

We got another interview! Okay..

My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a text from an unknown number. That had also send me something yesterday apparently..
Unknown: night Chester. Sleep tight.
Unknown: Good morning Chazzy. How is Mikey?

I left them on read but not even a minute after my phone vibrated again.

Unknown: Now now, it's rude to ignore people Chaz. You would know, everyone did it to you in high school.

Again, I ignored them. Only to get another text.

Unknown: Answer me Bennington! I know you read it!

Unknown: You'll regret this. Answer me! Now!

Unknown: Chester! Fucking bitch! Answer me!

Unknown: I will fucking make you regret ignoring me.

What should I do? I decided to respond.

Me: What do you want?

Unknown: hi Chazzy :D. I just need a few things. 1. Leave Mike 2. Leave the band 3. Leave Mike's life in general.

Me: why?

Unknown: because... Mikey is mine. He always will be mine. You just don't know it.

Unknown: don't test my patience Bennington. Or I might have something for you. Like maybe a family member. Your brother perhaps.

Unknown: we don't have to make this harder then it has to be. Just leave Mike and nothing will happen.

No way in hell am I leaving Mike. I blocked the contact, should've done that before.

Mike came downstairs and we looked at each other and an awkward silence formed. Mike and I broke the silence at the same time "I'm sorry." We said. "I'm sorry, Chaz. I-I didn't mean what I said. I was not mad at you. I didn't mean to tear you down. I was also scared but, I didn't want to seem scared." Mike sighed "I... just please forgive me Chester. I love you baby. I'm so sorry.". I hugged Mike tightly. "No Mikey, I'm sorry. I should've acted the way I did. I love you too. And I'm not mad... at you.". Mike whispered "Don't ever be mad at yourself okay, Chester? Nothing that happened to you was your fault. And I always loved taking care of you because it meant I got to see you smile and make you happy.". I looked down "oh... you heard that.".

What if Jaime heard? I talked about drugs and alcohol! Shit! He won't look at me the same ever again! He must think I'm some weak junkie. Oh god. I started panicking. But what if he didn't hear? Please god! Please, one thing for me. Jaime can't know. He'll be embarrassed of me! Fuck!

"Chester? Chester, calm down. What's wrong?" Mike asked, worried. "J-Jaime... wh-what if he... what if he H-heard... a-all i said... y-yesterday.." I sobbed "h-he'll hate me! He will b-be embarrassed of m-me! Because his dad was a fucked up Jun..." Mike interrupted me by kissing me. Once he parted away he spoke up "Jaime will never hate you. He also won't be embarrassed. If you see what you've survived. You kept yourself alive. I'm proud of you. I'm sure Jaime is too.". I cried on his shoulder "thank you Mike.."

Mike was making breakfast and I was sitting in the kitchen with him. Jaime came downstairs, my heart started beating faster. I nervously sipped my coffee and was kinda staring at Jaime.

Mike greeted him "good morning Jaime. Did you manage to get some sleep?" Jaime sat down next to me and I focused on the news I was reading on my phone. . "Yeah I did... after the uh.. argument." I spat out my coffee and choked on it. I coughed heavily. He heard! Shit he heard! Why! Just fucking why!

"Dad, can we talk about it. Please. Help me understand." Jaime looked at me.

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