••• 31. Nothing can break us •••

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1 week later

I woke up in a hotel room in England, I turned around and saw Mike next to me. I smiled at him as he opened his eyes.

"Hey Ches.." He said, yawning.

I smiled remembering what was gonna happen today, but Mike seemed to have forgotten it.

"Hey Mike, remember what's happening today?" I asked, smiling. Mike shook his head, he didn't remember.

"The kids are going to be here at 2 pm!" I said. Mike's face lit up and he smiled.

"Come on! Let's get ready." I said and we hopped out of bed.

Mike's PoV

I totally forgot that the kids would come over now. Because of all the things that happened the past few days, Cora ruining me and Chester Being the worst one by far.

"Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, Earth to Mike.." I snapped out of my thoughts, seeing Chester smiling at me, that beautiful smile that I missed so much. I smiled back at him as my hands reached to his cheeks and I kissed him lovingly. We parted from each other as Brad barged into the room.

"Dave! They're just having sex!" Brad yelled for the entire hotel to hear..

Chester's cheeks turned a bright red as he awkwardly moved away from me.

"Brad! Leave them alone! They're not some live porn scene!" Dave yelled,laughing , also for the entire hotel to hear.

"We weren't even doing anything!" I yelled.

Rob laughed loudly from the other room "yeah right! You guys are always up to something dirty!"

Joe walked to our room and sarcastically yelled "why are we yelling?! Do we want everyone to know we're here?!"

"I dunno!" I yelled.

Then Joe yelled "why are you yelling?! Why are you yelling?!"

Chester stood up and said "I can yell better then all of you!"

Oh god, sorry to everyone who's still asleep.

"Go for it Chaz!" Brad yelled.

Joe cheered like the audience of a show would "Chester! Woohoo!"

Rob chanted "Chaz! Chaz! Chaz!"

Chester cleared his throat and screamed the part of given up.. just in case some people on this floor were still sleeping...

"Put me out of my misery! Put me out of my misery! Put me out of my fucking miseryyyy!"

A woman stepped out of the elevator.

"Guys, We got 10 noise complaints in just 10 minutes so would you please keep it down or I'll have to kick you out." The woman said, she apparently worked here.

Brad nodded, yelling "Sure!"

He laughed "no, seriously, Sorry."

The woman shook her head and laughed a little before heading back to the ground floor.

Chester's PoV

We were waiting at the airport for the kids and Donna to arrive, in the meantime I was writing lyrics.

"The reminders pulled the floor from your feet. In the kitchen, one more chair then you need. And your angry, and you should be. It's not fair. Just cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there."

Okay, that seems... okay. I never was proud of the music I wrote. I mean, I wrote out what I felt, or things that I've been through.

Fuck. I want to make a song where I can just scream my fucking lungs out some more.

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