••• 11. Let me apologise •••

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Oh god I have to say sorry. I have to apologise! Fuck! I ran upstairs and went to our bedroom. Chester didn't seem to be there, but then I noticed him on the balcony that was attached to our room. I walked onto the balcony and Chester didn't even move a bit.

"Chester?" No response. "Chester I'm so sorry, like, no words can describe how sorry I am. I would literally write a book of 100.000 sorry's if you'd want me to. Please Ches, I love you. Please forgive me. I was so stupid and let anger get the best of me. But you mean the world to me... no not just the world, like the entire universe. I don't want to lose you. I can't. Just please, baby, Forgive me."

No response.

Fuck. Why did I have to get so angry?! Why did I just have to fuck up?! I looked at Chester's cheek, It had a red mark on it. God... I did that. "I'm so sorry Chester... please.." I whispered.

A tear fell from Chester's cheek to the balcony railing. "I love you too.." he whispered, very silently. "And... I can forgive you Mikey. I kinda asked for it.. I accused you of something you'd never do.". My arm snaked around Chester's waist and I pulled him closer to me, he rested his head on my shoulder and we watched the night sky. The stars were out, there were so many of them, probably a million.

Chester started singing. "Who Cares if one more light goes out? In the sky of a million stars, it flickers, flickers. Who cares when someone's time runs out? When a moment is all we are, or quicker, quicker. Who cares if one more light goes out?"

I sang along the last three words "well, I do."

I've never heard that song before... I wonder where he got it. Chester looked up at me with glossy eyes.

"What was that about?" I spoke up. "It's just... something I've been working on.". I Kissed Chester's cheek and said "it was beautiful... but so.. dark."

"Yeah... i-it wasn't supposed to be a happy song tho... is any linkin park song really happy?" Chester smirked slightly. I giggled "no.. I guess not... but what about... 'mmm... cookies'"

Chester laughed "that was an amazing album, we should play that on the tour."

We laughed "I can already see it happening, At 'given up' we just change it into like 'no laundry' or something."

Chester's laugh is seriously the cutest thing ever. Just everything about it.
This is what I loved the most. Just being with Chester, enjoying a talk and being happy. Not that fighting. Fuck you fighting.

We went to bed after standing on the balcony, hugging.

Chester's PoV

1 pm.

I was going to the grocery store to get... well, groceries. I don't know why... but I don't know how to feel about Mike lately... I mean, I love him so so much but... First saying I'm paranoid, then thinking I relapsed, then he hit me..

I Was trying to distract myself with the car radio.

"Mass shooting at the mall in..."

I switched to another radio station. I hated sad news.

"Two Children and a single mother have passed away in a fire yesterday th-..."

God... more sad news.

"Suicide count is risi...."

Tears filled my eyes. Why? Why all those innocent people. God.. I'm not gonna lie. I haven't been as happy as always for a while now. All the shit that's going on.

The next radio station was playing our song... of course it had to be a sad one.

"Next up. Linkin park's not alone.

I break down, fear is sinking in
The cold comes, racing through my skin
Searching for a way to get to you
Through the storm you...

Go, giving up your home
Go, leaving all you've known
You are not alone

With arms up stretched into the sky
With eyes like echoes in the night
Hiding from the hell that you've been through
Silent one, you...

Go, giving up your home
Go, leaving all you've known
You go, giving up your home
Go, leaving all you've known
You are not alone

You go, giving up your home
Go, leaving all you've known

You go, giving up your home
Go, you are not unknown
You are not alone
You are not unknown
You are not alone

That was linkin park with not alone.

Now let's have a moment of silence for the people that passed away in A..."

Chester had arrived at store. He got out of his car and went inside. Why can't the world just be peaceful?

A woman bumped into him, she dropped all her groceries and she dropped a bottle of red wine that spilled over Chester's shoes.

"Oh god.. I'm so sorry." The woman apologised, then she looked at Chester and seemed Like she realised something?

"It's okay. Things happen." Chester smiled. It was just a little accident. Why get all mad?

Her teenaged daughter pulled her arm "mom... mom! Th-that's him!" The girl must like Linkin park. Chester smiled at her. "Oh my god! Hi Chester! I'm sorry about your shoes! I'm a massive fan of linkin park!" The girl smiled. "Hi there. Thank you for listening."

"Can I hug you? Can I also have an autograph?" She asked. Chester nodded and the girl hugged him. Chester happily hugged back, I always loved getting to meet and hug fans. Without them, I'd be nothing.

She then parted away and searched through her purse, probably for paper. She got the paper then asked her mom "mom, you got a pen?" Her mother nodded and handed me a pen. I signed the paper for her and she was just, over the moon happy.

"I'm still so sorry about your shoes." The mother apologised. "It's fine." I smiled at her "Don't worry about it."

The daughter whispered "Chester has a lot of shoes."

"How'd you know that." I laughed. "Well, you wear like a different pair nearly every tour day. And Mike had your shoe closet in his instagram story." I laughed.

"Are you coming to the tour?" I asked. She nodded excitedly "yes! Nearly every location!". I smiled at her "that's great! I hope I'll see you there."

God, I love the fans. Like, people would travel over a shit ton of locations just to see them preform.

After talking for a few more minutes, they parted ways. Apparently the girl shipped Bennoda... I nearly told her about Mike and I by accident.

I got out of the store with my groceries and I was bringing them to my car.. then someone kicked me, really hard. I fell to the floor, the kicked and hit me a few more times.

A unrecognisable voice said "stay away from Mike." I couldn't even say if it was a feminine or male voice... it didn't have a tone...

I laid on the parking lot. They had kicked me really hard.

I managed to get up and I got into the drivers seat, I went home.

Why is this happening? Who wants me to leave Mike so desperately?

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