Chapter # 2

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Author p.o.v

Jimin and Jungkook entered in the class and soon the class started. Only 20 minute passed away then the Principal entered in the class. The teacher asked the students to sit attentive as the Principal just came in class and has some important news for them.

"Good morning everyone. How are you all doing"?, The Principal asked. All the students answered in unison "Good". "Well that's good to hear and today I'm here because I have some excited news for you all. Well from today till the coming month you will attend classes with Block "B" students. Means you will attend combine classes as we need the Block B empty for your upcoming function. So from today AB High School will join us for the skits. They will join us daily for 1 hour and all the participants will gather on Block B. Is that clear to all"? Said the Principal and student answered in unison yet again. "Yes Sir". "Thanks for your understanding students, have a good day ahead", he said and left the class.

"OMG Taehyung~ah will be here that means, I must text him", said Jimin.

And than Jungkook realized that *Oh ya, he will be joining us*

To those who are curious about Block "B" well the school is huge and it has 2 blocks. Block A (in which Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok are included) and Block B (in which Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon are included) even though they are in same school but they didn't get classes together. That's why in these past two years Jungkook never got any interaction with Kim Taehyung. But today OMG it feels like the nature is benign on him.

He could feel the butterflies in his stomach just thinking about that from today he will feel the godly presence in the class. That both will be breathing the same air.. gddhjhfdggf

"Dude I am talking to you", Jimin snapped him again from his reverie.

"Huhh? What did you said"? Jungkook asked.

"Dude what got into you? Since morning you are behaving weird. Are you alright? Or are you sick or something???".

"I'm not feeling well actually I had a little headache and my stomach is disturbed so I'm not in a good condition today", Jungkook lied.

"Should I take you to infirmary? We can take some medicine from there for you", Jimin said in concern tone.

"Don't worry I'll be fine".

"Are you sure"? Jimin said and Jungkook replied with his bunny smile just to assure him because the elder got worried because of his stupidity.

"Well then I was saying that we will attend classes with all of them", Jimin said. "Who?", Jungkook asked pretending that he don't know what is Jimin talking about..

"Ughhh you are too dumb you know", Jimin said and continued "I'm trying to say that if they're emptying Block B that means Jin, Namjoon, Suga hyung and Tae will be here taking classes in our Block with us. Isn't it great? For the first time we will take classes together. That means we will sit in the same class and have fun".

"Oh yeah that's sounds like fun", Jungkook said hiding all his inner joy and Jimin said "To me you don't sounds like you are saying this wholeheartedly".

"C'mon Jimin~ssi I told you it's because of my headache and stomachache remember".

"Oh yeah. And don't call me Jimin~ssi in front of them", Jimin said. Hearing that from his mouth Jungkook give Jimin an evil smirk and Jimin said with his wide eyes "No, you don't" and Jungkook said with the smirk "Yes, I will"

*In reality Jungkook wanted to show Taehyung that he too is close with Jimin. So that he can become his close friend too. But who knows if his strategy will work or not*

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