Chapter # 34

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A/N: In this chapter depression, trauma and past incidence are mention.

Author p.o.v

Everything was going smoothly. Jungkook finally found his happy place. He started living with older and left the university just like his best friend Yugyeom. Both latter were now studying online and every now and then they go to missions with their own groups. December just started and all the boys were excited for christmas and Taehyung's birthday. 

They took a long break of 3 months to enjoy their little vacation as Jin and Namjoon had decided to finally tie knots after 3 years of their engagement in january. The house was filled with joy and ardour. Everybody was in great mood and everybody was suggesting places where they should go for their hyungs marriage. Their parents were waiting for their arrival too.

It was the start of december when Jungkook started being restless. Hyungs noticed that he look more and more exhausted every passing day. Taehyung was worried about younger's condition too and everybody fear about just one thing, Jungkook being hospitalize. They remember what Yugyeom told them. By the end of december, Jungkook is always hospitalized because of his mental condition.

But it started before the time they all predicted. Yugyeom said Jungkook condition worsen by the 20 or 21 of december. That's the pattern his doctor had noticed and he stayed till 15 or 16 january in hospital but this time it started from the beginning of the month and every passing day, Jungkook got more and more quite. Taehyung tried to pamper him and is always around younger but they all noticed that whenever they call out his name, he flinched.

It was 12th of december midnight, taehyung and jungkook was sleeping soundly. When younger started shaking his head lightly. Perspiration ran down his forehead as he knuckled the bedding into his fist. The black and white images surrounded his mind and everything started playing like a movie again. Jungkook was moving restlessly on bed when taehyung woke up because of the shuffling.

He saw the younger shaking his head as his body was covered in sweat. His body temperature was dropping rapidly. The older notice that he was cold sweating. He shook younger trying to wake him up but to no avail. Taehyung shouted his hyungs names out and soon the hyungs were in his room. They sprayed a little water on younger's face but he wasn't responding instead he was chanting 'No no no... Please Tae don't leave... S-stay please... I need you.... No no no.... Don't lemme go'. 

Saying Taehyung was in pain was an understatement. He was suffering too and the incident they tried moving on from, came back to life. Seeing younger getting this tormented and enduring this much pain, part of him really wanted to go back in the past and beat some senses to his past self. They called out the doctor who was taking care of jungkook all these years. 

After doing some test and injecting a dosage to relax younger's body, the doctor went out with RM and Jin. Taehyung was sitting on a chair besides jungkook. His both hands were securely wrapped around his sweaty hand. His facial expression had relaxed now as he could hear his soft snoring. He was kissing his fingers and palm softly, all the while mumbling sorry.

Jimin and his hyungs came back after they escorted the doctor.

"What did he said?", Taehyung asked Jimin and his hyungs.

"He said that part of his brain still couldn't believe and process that you're really together. That's why the symptoms of his trauma appear early then expected", Jin said.

"But what can we do? There must be some kind of way", Taehyung said.

"It's up to him Tae. Doctor said only you can help him to get over it as you're the major part of his memory", Jimin said and his hyung nodded.

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