Chapter # 29

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Warning ⚠
Mention of sexual harassment, rape and torture will be mentioned in this chapter. If any of these topics trigger you then please don't read.

Author p.o.v

A month passed quickly like it was just a day. Jungkook woke up in his love's arm whining.

"I wanna stay more", Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung kissed his pout away. "Babe,  we will enjoy there too. You are going to stay with us now".

"But I want to stay here in peace".

"You have classes love, you can't miss it for long. Now get up we gotta ready".

"Are you going to join me?", Jungkook purred slyly. Both were naked and were just in covers from their last night activities. There was not a single night where they didn't made love. Taehyung smirked and joined his little sexy baby and in shower they made love again. There bathroom was echoing with moans, groans and skin slapping. Then they finally took the bath which was the actual thing they needed to do.

They had breakfast and got ready to leave the mansion, informing their Hyungs that they're on their way. Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung's lap all the while stealing kisses. Their lips were swollen from their make out sessions which who knows for how long they went. After the long tiring flight, they arrived at the airport. Taehyung slightly shaked his baby to wake him up.

"We are here love. Wake up", he pecked his lips and soon their servants came to pick the bags. After 20min of driving they finally came to their home.

"Awww my babies are here", Jin dramatically cried.

"Stop your little drama and let them in", Yoongi said with a bore face.

They sat in the couch chatting bout random stuff and all. Jimin came smirking.

"How was the vacation hoes?"

Jin smack the back of Jimin's head,  "language young man". Jimin groaned and said "He ain't a innocent bean anymore. He called me mothafucka on phone". Everybody choked including Taehyung and Jungkook immediately became the innocent Angel saying, "Hyung what does that mean?" Jimin's eyes went wide and his head met another smack from Jin.

"Stop ruining my baby", Jin said and Jimin glared at Jungkook mouthing "I'll see you". Jungkook mouthed back "Sure bitch" and smirked. Taehyung notice their little eye war and squeeze Jungkook's side a little cooing at his little baby. They talk about their next mission.

"Bang PD was here. He said we will have go to London soon for our next mission. Plus your Mom called out and told us to use the villa in London to stay", Yoongi said.

"Wait.. Hyung your parents knew about this all?" Jungkook asked shocked. RM laughed and said "Of course kookie. What if we die in a mission? At least they should know that where we would be. So at least we get a proper burial". RM words pierced through Jungkook. "C'mon don't scare kookie now", Hoseok said. "It's a little complicated then you think it is because we are not what we show we are", Hoseok continued.

"What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asked confused. "Well when our parents came to know about all this, they got really shocked and worried. They overreacted too much but RM's mom talk to PD uncle and since his friend was in agency, they told us they'll hired us. So basically we are agents. We work for the country. We are bad guys in Mafia world. Nobody knows that we have dual personalities. They know us as Gang. You know some "GOOD BOYS GONE BAD"  for money and all", Jimin said.

Only a "Ohh" came from younger's mouth. A part of him felt relieved that they're not actually the bad guys but other half felt worried what if something went wrong? It's like his Hyungs read his thoughts and Jin said "Don't worry Kookie, we always are on our guards. Nothing bad can happen". Jungkook gave a small smile and felt relief. Hour or two pass in their chit chat and Jungkook told his Hyung that he will be back in evening. He needed to pick some stuff from his dorm.

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